Saturday, May 2, 2020

Injured NBA Players I'm Just Fuckin' Pumped to see Play Again, Vol. 1

The regular season was fun and all but it felt somewhat incomplete without some of the best in the game. 

As expected, KD ended up not playing a single game and Curry missed essentially the whole season. Arguably two of the NBA's best 5 players and most entertaining players to watch at that. There's almost no doubt in my mind that Curry will be fine considering it was mainly his hand causing him troubles and the time he missed was amplified by the Warriors being a complete and utter shit show all season. Still, I simply can not wait to see some 40 foot threes and the cocky ass shimmy when he knows he just shit down the oppositions throat and there's just not a thing they can do about it but wallow in their misery as the ball barely touches the net on the way down.
When it comes to KD, i'm hoping and praying that achilles surgeries have come a long way since Kobe had his. KD was nearly 31 when he tore his and will be 32 when he next plays, for someone who's already overcome a Jones fracture in his foot and played over 31,000 minutes in his career it sure as hell scares the shit out of me that this might warp his play. However I like to live in a world where Durant comes back and lights shit up because he's still a 7-footer with one of the cleanest jumpers these eyes have ever seen and handles like a point guard. Him having Kyrie beside him will hopefully allow him to ease back into the flow of things offensively. If and that's a biiiiig if, he can return to 90% of what he was then that's extremely promising for future Achilles injuries around the league. And I'LL say it if no one else will, I for one would like to see it. 
Now, to the good stuff. 

This blog was maiiinly just an excuse to talk about John mothafuckin' Wall. Now, take everything I just said about KD's achilles and amplify it by about 1.5x. For a player who's game was so reliant on his speed and athleticism on both sides of the court, i've been skeptical about Wall ever returning to All-Star form. *inner stephen a. smith* HOWEVA! Wall at the prime of his powers was a fuckin' freight train comin' at you and there was really not a shot in hell that you were slowing him down. He was CP3 with insane athleticism and an actual enjoyable personality. The swag and confidence he played with was second to none and exuded a feeling that his team couldn't lose (although they often did). When he was healthy Washington bombed on surrounding him and Beal with a competent supporting cast, and the bench was maybe the worst collection of talent these eyes have ever seen. There's a new regime in the front office though and some young, cost-controllable assets around. 
Let us pray these Achilles doctors have found some magic sap from a tree in Yugoslavia that keeps these stars in their primes for as long as they deserve. 

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