Monday, May 25, 2020

Fire Names Ruined By Shitty People

Just step off the moral high ground here...resonate with me for a second, these names are fuckin' incredible, no two ways around it. It's appalling that these people were able to do such heinous things that no one can use them anymore. 


What a dumb dumb. He would of been the best at whatever the hell he did, didn't matter if he was a Baker, psychopathic dictator or a Soccer player...when you have a name that strong, you literally can not fail in life. Someone with the name of Benito Mussolini is not out on the streets begging for change I promise. Imagine how much different the world would be if Mussolini just created the light bulb instead? Elon Musk would be naming all types of shit after him.


What fucking dicks the people who name hurricanes are. How do you get that job title?

 "Here's a natural disaster that'll ruin an entire state and economy, do we wanna ruin anything else while we're at it...yep a girl named Katrina bullied me in 2nd grade, that'll do it."


Ruin is strong because it's a last name and all, but he should just be a far cooler person if he's gonna be allowed to have the name Anthony Scaramucci. Who in their right mind with that good of a name proclaims themselves "The Mooch". That's awful, just terrible marketing and shows you how little self awareness he truly has. If my name was Anthony Scaramucci, i'd walk around with a nametag and make everyone address me by my full name at all times.


If the hurricane didn't wipe this one off the table, then the guy sure as hell did. Yeah, that guy...last name not even necessary...YIIIKES. However, the first openly gay mayor was named Harvey, Harvey Dent was a pretty alright guy for a little bit, Harvey Weingard wasn't too bad in Entourage? Ok. Maybe there's been one good Harvey in the history of Harvey's. Ab-so-lutely no more Harvey's bein' born these days siree bob. 

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