Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The No Kid Hungry Foundation Is Run By Fucking Morons

Some charity. I mean, a statement as simple as

"Here at the No Kid Hungry Foundation we strongly stand against and disavow all of the actions and representations of Daniel Hernandez. With that being said, the donation will work towards the worthy cause of feeding children during these hard times."  

Do you know how many kids 200K could feed??? Me neither, but i'm betting it's juuuuuuust a few more than ZERO?? 

In the middle of a pandemic, no one is thinking about feeding children.....I doubt the donations are just flowin' in right now...and they just took thousands of meals away, to portray a public image of morality that EEEEAAASSILY could've been done while keeping the money. 

No Kid Hungry obviously didn't think through what they were doing and the severity of their actions. Here's to hoping they can fix their mistakes behind the scenes and get these kids some meals. No one deserves to grow up with their tummy rumblin' at night. 

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