Wednesday, May 13, 2020

People Complaining About Sports Trying To Come Back Are Tiring

In the past week, more and more leagues have been making progress on a return to action and live games.

This is all good news!!! Reason for celebration, even....For the past 60 days all we've have done is complain about boredom and talk about how much we miss sports....aaaannndd, now that they may come back, it's turned into a social commentary about the safety and morality of coming back?

Here's the thing,,,we, as in the general public, have ab-so-lutely no control at all. The leagues are going to do what they do and whether you fall on the side of "don't come back, wait until there's a vaccine" or "I just want entertainment" sincerely, doesn't matter what you think... 

This isn't to say that players, coaches and teams should feel pressure or an objectivity to come back either. But, if both players unions, owners, leagues annnd state officials are going to agree to let sports come back....complaining on Twitter is tiring and nonsensical. 

Instead of being skeptical, down and using it as a time for social commentary... why not just exhale, realize it's out of your control and rejoice that something we all love may be returning soon and bringing just a bit of normalcy with it. 

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