Friday, May 1, 2020

Well Shit, The NBA has Postponed the Draft Lottery

This stinks, it stinks out loud in fact. It was more of a foregone conclusion that this is what was going to happen all along being that there was never a conclusion to the regular season thus no way to set lottery odds.

Still though, there's something uniquely resemblant to twisting the knife when you've already been stabbed to this being reported. 

The most newsworthy and intriguing part of this report though is the fact that the NBA discussed starting the 2020-2021 season in December on the same call. Now what this means for the 2020 season? No fuckin' clue. The COVID-19 pandemic is the dictator on that shit. 

Before the world was set on flames by someone deciding to eat a fucking bat, the Atlanta Hawks owner proposed starting the NBA season in December and ending in August as a way to conflict less with the NFL for viewers and thus boost ratings. It'd give them almost 2 months essentially able to run shit in the sports world, until Baseball started and took some regional viewers. Even then it'd suffice to say they'd make more money as a result. 

This has probably been what they actually wanted to do behind the scenes for a while because at the end of the day these are all corporations who's biggest goal is making money. Just took the world turning upside down for them to have the guts to do it.

When will the draft lottery be scheduled for? Yeah..about that. No one actually knows when anything will be scheduled for! Hopefully in the calendar year if we're lucky.

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