Friday, July 17, 2020

I Will Never Forgive JJ Redick For This

I've long resented Patrick Beverley and the brash nature in which he plays the precious game of orange round ball. As a Lakers fan who's favorite player is Kawhi Leonard, this completely unnecessary hatred only escalated over the summer (fuck RDAmbition). 
u like what u see??

Patrick Beverley soon became my antichrist and I made it my personal agenda to discredit anything the Clippers did, as is my duty as a psychotic sports fan. Let's be honest, he's quite easy to hate with his Draymond Green-esque flexing after a made free throw and general unkempt crackhead energy. However that unpigmented milky tattoo'd motherfucker had to change this all when he interviewed Chicago's very own on his podcast. 

To my shock, Beverley came across far more likable than any other player has in this format and was very much so able to uphold his reasoning for how he plays. At this point I'm perturbed, I was fully expecting to be able to watch these NBA Bubble-offs and root with all the hate in my heart against the Clippers. Well, as it happens I have now taken adoration to not only Bev, but also Kawhi and Lou Will so on the whole my plans have been thoroughly fucked over. 

Some may say, "Hey! This is a good thing, you can finally enjoy watching the sport!". Do you think that's what I want? Do you think I legitimately want to have a good time while watching something rather than lather in my own sweat every time the Lakers play the Clippers? I have a reputation to withhold here, I need to be seen as a deranged out of touch human being, detesting everything the opposition does or else I may be seen as a fraud of a fan.   

Patrick Beverley talks about how he was able to find happiness in the most uncomfortable of situations such as playing for spare change in Ukraine, to me this is just abhorrent because personally I can't find happiness in even the best of circumstances.  Despite his braggadocios nature, he genuinely seemed to be a palpable human being with a pulse which given his postgame pressers or demeanor on court was undeniably up in the air. 

Without a doubt the moment I turned into a *gulp* Patrick Beverley fan for good though was his effusive Kobe praise. Many of you Chuck-E-Cheese motherfuckers have slandered the name of the Caramel Cat for far too long, and Bev agrees that you're all ignoramus chumps. He puts Kobe in the GOAT conversation and brings up a very shrewd take that Kobe taught most current NBA players what hard work is. 

So there it is, JJ Redick is ruining basketball. Rivalries are going to shit and we as fans are actually realizing that these are real people and not robots for our enjoyment. I preferred when I was able to live in cognitive dissonance, being self aware stinks. 

Luckily, "Playoff P" is still there and I can resent him for his infidelity and wrecking of homes, be it of his own or others. 

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