Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Story Of Heartbreak Featuring Paige VanZant

Now let me set the scene for you. It's the evening of July 11th 2020 and I have just finished a delectable meal of braised short-ribs and cabbage, I buy the UFC 251 PPV as to turn my mind off from the crippling anxiety and hopelessness enjoy my night.  The first fight I happen upon is Paige VanZant vs Amanda Ribas, and I have instantly fallen for a white girl with braids. Do I have fetish for cultural appropriation or is she perhaps just gorgeous despite getting her face bashed in for a living? I'm not sure.

What I do know however is that love has never once ended in happiness. So why did I think it would suddenly change now? However after a quick scroll through Google Images my mind was made up to marry this woman. Sure, she's 6 years older than me and after further investigation already married (to a UFC fighter no less) but dammit i'd die for her. I immediately headed to *no free ads* sportsbook and placed $200 on her to win $1200. Now, perhaps this should of set off some alarms that I was making a mistake but young love, you know? 

You can say what you will, but a woman who can beat the shit out of you AND bring home the bacon? Now that's the American dream right there. Put me in a chokehold and tell me why I ain't shit. Yes please. 

These tweets were sent less than 45 seconds apart, i've had my heartbroken before but this quickly? That's new pain. 

Perhaps this is a lesson to be learned that you should know a sport before betting hard earned money on it, based purely off someone's appearance? Am I a fucking nerd? Absolutely not. You'd have a better chance seeing me pluck a coconut from a tree than for me to use my brain.

Paige, when you decide that you're tired of a man who can lift more than 35 pounds and provide for you. I'll be here waiting, possibly wasting more money.

A post shared by Paige VanZant (@paigevanzant) on

Our relationship is already taking leaps and bounds, would you look at that. 

A post shared by Paige VanZant (@paigevanzant) on

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