Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I DEMAND Punishment For These Kindergarten Children Being More Talented Than Me As 5 Year Olds

Cool trick kids but have you ever paid 12% interest on a 2006 Ford Pinto? If China were as progressive as we're led to believe, they should open their gates so us disgruntled, insecurity enraged Americans could fly in there and give one of these smug chocolate munching dwarfs a swift boot into the Mekong River. First Steph Curry with tennis balls and now those a fourth of my age, will they stop at nothing to demoralize the soul of the masses? Is this the future the libs want? The internet should be my safespace, what the hell. 

How are there even that many children in China anyways? I mean you have to be the most elite of all to be permitted a child in mother country. And children actually at a school instead of labor camps? What's happening here? Did Nike reformat the creation of merchandise?

Damn, when you give children the ability to grow up unimpeded by the stresses of adult responsibilities they seem to actually be happy and showcase talent in other ways. China should look further into that. Basketballs and textbooks instead of sewing needles and fabrics, whoda thunk.  

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