Tuesday, September 8, 2020

This Dude Is The Biggest Beta Alive For Allowing His Child To Throw A Ball At His Head Unimpeded

I'm no hardo, I can appreciate a good father-son bonding moment, despite my own fatherly issues in which I STILL can't get Chone Figgins to accept me as his own-- I'm a warm, fuzzy hearted individual in the right moments. But this shit? Allowing your son to spike a ball against your cranium and rebounding the ball for him after? Is this the youngest occurrence of a father being cucked by his son....ever...? I'd venture to guess yes. It's not lost upon me that the son is adorning a LeBron jersey, who just so happens to be the most passive aggressive human alive. So answer me this, does the son think this is a bonding moment or did he just lose all respect for this mouse of a man? Hmmm. Things to pontificate as you masturbate tonight. 
If I were this guy I would have easily turned around and roundhoused kicked that little prick into oncoming traffic, think you're gonna show ME up on the internet? Boom, shattered femur. I'm a MAN and no other male is ever gonna show me up, my masculinity is way too fragile for that shit. I'll kill myself before Jacob from marketing ever sees me getting punked by some spunky little 4 year old. 


What's the big deal about this video anyways? The kid is traveling harder than Westbrook against the Warriors, none of those baskets mean shit. His cut is trash, looks like he got lined up with a cereal bowl, no fade whatsoever. Next question, why is the ball so damn big for a mini hoop? Can't make a smaller ball pussy? The kid is not in the wrong though, the athletic feat means nothing but he's the man of the house now so that's just how the cookie crumbles. If he wants a new father, well his mother has no choice but to get fucked by someone stronger, more alpha than this clown. 
Seriously what the fuck is up with the kids hair though, I know it's corona and most barbers are closed but holy fuck is that an atrocity. Stevie Wonder could give a better lineup than this, it's just the worst hair on a youngin' that I've ever seen and I'm currently rocking a braid and bleached blonde hair. 

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