Tuesday, May 5, 2020

All the Smoke about the MLB Coming Back is Exhilarating

So, call me fuckin' gullible. Say i'm so desperate for good news that i'm grasping for anything to keep me afloat. You might be right about that. But also, the guys at Jomboy Media have never been those to say something just for brief exposure. They'd be putting their credibility on the line for a shit ton of clicks on one podcast, while CPM is down because advertisers are scared to spend right now, doesn't seem worth it to me, Bob! Now I don't listen to every episode of their podcast, so if this is all an inside joke, you've got me!!! You've got me good you bastards!!!
However...The wording in this tweet, as well as the balls on the table confidence from Trevor in the video, i'm in. This would likely mean that the MLB is going to play between 82-100 games and extend the season to end in late November. The reasoning behind this is simple, if he's that confident that the MLBPA would accept then...

1. No More Than One Doubleheader a Week

Previously, a lot of proposals were thrown out there by reporters like Passan or Rosenthal about the MLB trying to get to 162 games no matter what by playing 2-3 doubleheaders a week. Obviously, that would lead to a shit ton of injuries inevitably and the MLBPA would want either roster expansion or just say no. 

2. Divisions Could be Fun

I'm all my own hypothesis on this one here but, could this mean playing mainly teams in surrounding areas and states until everything is reopened? It could make flight unnecessary and would lead to matchups we honestly don't get to see nearly enough. Phillies-Yankees, Mets-Red Sox etc..

3. Pay is Pro-Rated 

This one is the most obvious, but the MLBPA wouldn't accept shit without the pay being pro-rated. The biggest factor in all of this, as it always is, is money.

Again, this could all be bullshit and I could be falling for it like an Ab-so-lute FOOL but i'm willing to have my spirits crushed for the excitement of what could be....one more time can't hurt any worse than before!

I'll have a blog tomorrow after the full podcast is released, recapping the entire report and diving into any interesting detail. 

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