Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Episode 5 and 6 of The Last Dance was Plain Awesome Vol. 2

You know it. I had to. Just had to. One part, well that surely wasn't enough for the hours of art we all watched on Sunday night. In the first blog, I ranted and raved about MJ being a psychopath, the finesse king himself John Sniff, MJ's politics & more. Check it out if you haven't yet.

How stupid do you think Adidas execs felt throughout the country watching this? "God mike we love ya and all but, a shoe? We can't make those for you! A lowly rookie, kick rocks pal." By this time Adidas had been established with Run DMC money, they were bigger than Nike for crying out loud. Converse was the preeminent hooping shoe, but it wasn't like Adidas was a start up out of the garage. MJ wanted to go with Adidas, just pleaded and begged to poor Mrs. Deloris to go to Adidas. Lucky for MJ, mom knows best and when they sat down in that room with Nike, there wasn't no lettin' up....250k a year, bam...own signature shoe, off the rip. In the days where the best players were getting 100k a year that seemed risky for Nike, yeah no. First year, 126 MILLION in sales from Air Jordan. Seems like a good investment, no?
Concord 11 release line- NYC

The legend of Jordans just never stopped growing from there, they've only gotten more and more popular. Decades after his airness was the dominant scorer rockin' 2-3 in the Windy City, there are still lines around the corners for releases and online orders that sell out in seconds. Jordan carried Nike farther on his back than he did the Bulls, let's keep it real.
Much like the actual documentary, we're going to randomly jump to another topic now! The Olympics, and just how fuckin' petty and unforgiving MJ was and still is. Between covering up the Reebok logo with an American flag, because fuck Harvey Schiller...or perhaps the fact that he just willed his power and kept Isiah off the dream team because he fucking hates 'em... and well he's MJ, what he says, goes.

Can we also just talk about how absurdly fuckin' good that team was? THEY DIDN'T TAKE A SINGLE TIMEOUT ALL OLYMPICS. Do you realize how bananas that is, not once did coach Chuck Daly feel it was necessary to say a single word to the team about how they were playing or maybe just give 'em some pointers, a little bit of a breather? Noope........NOT ONCE!! Those Olympics did so much for the sport of basketball, taking it to an international level and growing the game that we sometimes forget....CHRISTIAN LAETTNER was on the team over SHAQUILLE O'NEAL. I guess they overcame that adversity and were able to scrape by. What a display of fortitude and triumph.  

Sunday it seems like they're going to get into MJ's dad's tragic passing and his first retirement. Hopefully we get some unseen dingers

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