Friday, May 22, 2020

Could Adam Silver Learn A Little Something From Rob Manfred? Who's to say.

Ah the notorious socially blind NBA, they never do anything for their players damnit. Now they're finding a way to bring their sport back? While maintaining good PR??? No no, that simply can't be the case. If Rob Manfred or "Fredo" as the fellas prefer to call him, taught me's that you want to leak insane "safety" protocols and paint your players as the villains for wanting to be paid. That's the route to bringing your sport back as quickly as possible, is Adam Silver a big dum dum?  
Has Adam Silver made any statements on spitting? Didn't think so. Frankly, i'm tired of the MLB getting a bad wrap when they're consistently the first to get out ahead of these pressing issues. How many pages was the NBA's health guidelines for a return? Was it 67? I don't think so, Adam Silver is simply all about money and doesn't care about the safety of his players what-so-ever. Disgusting. 
The NBA gets away with far too much gerrymandering and hoo hah and things of that nature. Stop messing around and tell us how you're going to control your employees like they're zoo animals, for once just get in touch with reality. These are the reasons Baseball is America's Pastime and blowing you guys out in ratings and popularity. 

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