Friday, May 22, 2020

Introducing the "Suburban Flex"

We've all seen those on Instagram who pose with stacks of hundreds and quote on quote "nice cars" such as Lamborghinis or McLarens...that is nothing compared to this girl, she is STUNTING on those haters with $1200 in a sensible mid-size family sedan. 

"Some" will say that trying to act rich in a Kia is laughable, I say to you, how many JD Power & Automotive awards has your Mercedes G Wagon won? True wealth is safety and she is KILLING the game. Some others may say why flex 20's when you "have 100's in your bank", is that what the kids call "cap"? Obviously not dum dum, as we've established she's a sensible business woman and as soon as you break a 100 it just turns into smaller bills so why even bother. 

"Others" may say, was it necessary to fire stray shots at her children by calling them ugly? I say you're a pea brained idiot! She has bought those children unthinkable amounts of toys between $30-$49 from Target throughout the years. Kids have to learn criticism somehow, going to a public school and being able to buy hot lunch will make you soft if you don't get out in front of it

Lastly, a minority of people, could simply say rent is coming up in about a week, by chance is she simply be fooling us all and using her rent money to flex? Listen pal, if i've learned anything, anything at all from Instagram it's that no one...absolutely no one...would ever "pull the wool over your eyes" and lie, especially when it comes to money.  

We could all learn a lesson from this video that being a humble hardworking family woman is true wealth at the end of the day. While we're all begging for change in tin cups outside of Burger King, she comes home from work to a 3 Bed/2 Bath. 

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