Monday, May 4, 2020

Episode 5 and 6 of The Last Dance was Plain Awesome Vol. 1

In a time of no sports and very little in terms of entertainment on TV right now, America is desperate for sports in the WORST ways. Going back and watching old games, watching highlights, shiiitt even playing a video game feels more and more realistic right now. The Last Dance really does satisfy that sports nut inside of you more than anything though, whether a lot of this is new to you or you're reliving incredible memories. I can't remember something having this much of a universal approval rating especially in today's climate of wanting to have a contrarian take for attention or whatever it may be. 

The timeline of events and jumping back and forth is pretty strange, but it does make it so you have to be watching at all times and can't be mindlessly scrolling your phone at any given time. These two episodes might have been my favorite two thus far just for the amount of sheer comedic value that came out of them. MJ was such a maniacally psychotic competitor that, no matter what, something was going to put a chip on his shoulder. He was able to get compared to a HALL OF FAMER in Clyde Drexler and see it as a slight, which quite frankly it was and that just goes to show what an absurdly unattainable level he was at. 

The gambling with the Sniff brothers, who just might be the coolest security guards to have ever walked this earth, Thomas Jefferson was just robbing MJ blind. Smoothest talker you could imagine, just a gem of a man. Rest in peace to Mr. Wozniak, our life is better for having met ya.

No one has ever gotten away with being a straight up dick as much as MJ did. For good reason too, 99% of the time the shit he said was just true. He knew just how fuckin' cool he was, how no one was even close to his level and that he could get away with saying just about anything. 
Anyone else says this? Their teammates report it to some media outlet the second they get back to their locker. But MJ really was the closest thing to God at this point in time and Randy Brown was stumped like you wouldn't BELIEVE. 

That's been my favorite part of seeing the behind the scenes footage from the '98 season, the small stuff. From seeing MJ lace his own damn shoes to choppin' it up with Scottie postgame about 4th quarter dreams of an ice cold beer. In the chaos and attention that came with being Michael Jordan, the small glimpses into him as a real human are enlightening. He didn't sign up to be a role model or a public figure but that's what came with the life of luxury, fame and oh yeah millions upon millions of dollars. He did it well for the most part and never blew up at a media member or choked someone out when lesser men might've, it's me, me I am the lesser man

Exceppppt, for when it came to the portion of the episode about politics. This might be Jordan's biggest media blunder of his career, but people were mad for the wrong reasons in my mind. Let me elaborate, the "Republicans wear sneakers too" comment has long been the quote you hear but many have said that it was said in jest while he was on a bus joking around. That wouldn't have made me mad with proper context, but man that election of Gantt vs Helms for the North Carolina seat on the Senate had almost nothing to do with politics. Jesse Helms was quite literally the definition of fucking racist, among other things, the man wanted to segregate schools again, get rid of MLK day and used the most uncoded slurs imaginable. 

All in all, the two episodes gave the internet as a collective a break from the crazy ass reality that we're living in and some memes that will live on for years. See ya next Sunday for 7&8 pals. 

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