Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturday Sillies x Ep 1

If you're here to say I am stealing this idea from Tyler, i'm here to say you're a fool and a disgrace to your family. This blog series is very clearly called Saturday Sillies, whilst his is called Friday Favorites...there's simply no correlation. Anyone saying otherwise is reaching like Mr. Fantastic.

Now that that's been explained for some of the low IQ folks, this will be the best tweets i've seen recently. When they're from, none of MY concern...they're new to me. 

Hopefully Friday was eventful and provided some laughs even. It's Saturday morning and as a responsible adult, I will partake in the civic duty of eating an entire box of Lucky Charms whilst watching some toons of the car. I enjoy a good Higglytown Hero or Little Bill rewatch every once in a while, as a treat.  

How often will this series be posted? Your guess is as good as mine, once a week...maybe, once a month...maybe. We'll just have to see where the ocean takes us. 

These will be from the first three weeks of May, they gave me a hardy chuckle at the time and i'm hoping from the bottom of my heart they're able to do the same for you. If they don't? You simply have no sense of humor and will die alone! No pressure though. 

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- As a Yankees fan, I don't see the point of this. This clearly isn't really Giancarlo Stanton. So are you just making light of a clearly struggling family to throw shade at an INJURED player? All for what? A few laughs? Jared is a bully, plain and simple. 

Death is not something to joke about. As someone who has a dead relative, I think I speak on behalf of the dead, and so when I say you should get some therapy I mean it "bro".

- Many were saying this simply wasn't funny and that these nerds should stay in their place. But not me, I would never. As a scholar and someone who believes in the values of education, I think Mr. Tyson is obviously just teaching us what jokes should look like in a civilized society. Not a single curse word or nasty language in sight, can your "Chappelle's" do THAT? Questions are being asked. 

- Jay is being a real dick here. How do you expect her to make more shitty reality television without a wannabe Kardashian mansion? And you want her to pay for it too? In this economy? Having your own TV show isn't what it used to be. Man up Jay, stop being lazy and "spending time with your kids". Making 120M is cute and all but resting on your laurels and "enjoying your life" is how you end up with health issues like Diabetes. It's time to fasten up the bootstraps and pour some cement like a real man. 

- I don't even have any way to spin this, our country is fucked and it's hilarious.

- I've always been scared to ask my pals what their favorite member of the chex mix band was. It's such an intimidating task and changes everything about our relationship. I'm glad this girl managed the confidence to bring this to the big bad wolf of the internet. Arguing about pieces of cereal over the internet is how we all thought the year would go. please let us outside we're going insane.

- Is this where we're heading as people? Oh. So because we've only heard the guy say few complete sentences with no interest in fun...we've completely written him off? I like to imagine Kawhi will have a very successful Bill Walton-eque post NBA announcing career. Maybe i'm just an optimistic good person unlike the rest of you hooligans. 

- Where do I send my donation?

- Look they love to make fun of the Jack man, here's what I say. You don't biohack so your opinions are irrelevant. How many times have you spent an hour in a 0º ice bath? 

- I remember the stories my pops would tell me about Kareems '89 season with Clyde down in the H. What a duo.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend pals, thanks for readin'. 

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