Sunday, May 31, 2020

Justice Must Come.

As someone who tries bringing joy and laughter to the world through comedy and sports, I've wanted to blog about things that could put a smile on someone's face all day. It's all inconsequential right now though.

I can't sit here and joke around like everything is fine and peachy keen, out in the world right now. As a white man who has the privilege of never having to be afraid of the reaction to my skin color, I can't just sit here and not speak up, because that's condoning the racism that's commonplace as we walk around today.

Racism never went away and there's never been much movement from Non-People Of Color, to condemn and take steps forward in helping black people feel safe and in ending racism. It's the job of white people to help and be on the fighting grounds with our brothers and sisters in defeating the vile acts that take place every single second of every single day...and because we don't have to deal with nasty looks on the street, just because of our skin tone...It is OUR job to speak up with the voice that we have, no matter the audience or who hears it. 

Be mad, be fucking furious. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and back to Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Michael Brown...the list goes on for days, which is a tragedy and we can't let all of these deaths just be a statistic...every African-American who has lost their lives to racism and unjust brutality, they all deserved to grow old and create legacies for themselves and their families. They were people too, with unique and interesting perspectives to offer the world....killed simply for their skin color.

If you're online "well actually'ing" blatant displays of racism, prejudice and abuse of power. You are racist. If you're bringing up black on black crime when they die by the hands of a police officer, who's job is to be protecting them. You're racist. These things aren't just statistics, these are real people who go their whole lives living scared of the people sworn to protect them. Is that equality to you? Do these people seem free to you?

Protest, come together, march and if that includes a riot or looting than so be it, because it gets people to notice what is happening. When these headlines come and go, people can shelter and pretend that nothing is happening, as wrong and unjust as that is. When every major city bands together to fight for something, that's powerful and sticks with people. The businesses burnt down will be fine, the African-American community needs help and some damn justice right now.

No Justice No Peace.

Donate if you're able and if you're not then use your voice in some other way to stand in solidarity with the people that need it most right now. Black lives matter. I stand with you.






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