Saturday, May 23, 2020

Shannon Sharpe Abused His Powers

When you're an NFL player a lot comes along with it...Money, fame, power, and connections to people you never think you'd be in contact with. As Christopher Colombus best said it, "With great power comes great responsibility." 

Some use their connections for good while other squander them away on useless requests and "laughs". Shannon Sharpe, i'm talking about Shannon Sharpe. 

I can't decipher if i'm more disgusted at the requests for unnecessary precious US resources for a silly "football game" or, the fact that a media outlet with journalistic integrity (see: Sal Palantonio) would post this with a laughing emoji. Is wasting valuable resources, tax dollars and troops funny to you? 

Whilst I appreciate Sharpe's desire to help the so called "Patriots", he has to understand that this is just a game of sport...and that none of these people will be seriously "killed" as he claims. However, the damage that may have been done displacing thousands of service members has to be irreparable. How do you think he would've felt that night had the National Guard arrived at the Denver Airport and were bamboozled with no one to protect? 

Not great, Bob.

How does the NFL Films allow this to resurface? It would seem to me with the recent Chinese American relationship suffering, that this could be a statement in support of the Chinese...encouraging and perhaps "egging on" the American public to prank call the White House. If you have any morals and patriotism, i'd encourage you not to do so, as President Trump is hard at work diligently fighting the Corona Virus and we need all available military hands on deck. 

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