Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trendy New Slang To Use Day-To-Day

Nowadays everything is so watered down and gets ruined so quickly by social media. Nothing is sacred anymore. We get one or two days with a meme before everyone tries capitalizing off it for some retweets and clout. I want some originality, I want people being funny and creative. So as a solution, i'm gonna let you in on some awesome new vernacular, that has yet to become hip in the streets but will make you seem like a total badass to all your friends.

"In Your Head"

This is used to describe when you're owning someone so bad in an argument that they're scrambling, searching for things to comeback at you with. For example, someone comes at you with "Pay this parking ticket or we're taking you to court" and you'd say "I'm so far in your head bro, rent free". It gets 'em every time and they'll have no clue what to do. 


White women ruin everything fairly quickly, nothing will get a block party or a barbecue shut down quite as fast as a middle aged white woman who works at Best Buy and has 2 children in middle school. So an awesome new word me and a few of my pals have been using to describe them are "Karen's". It's a fairly generic white lady name and perfectly describes this group of people who despise fun and want to ruin any shot you've got at having any of said "fun".


This one will really hit them where it hurts and it's so versatile. Whenever someone disagrees with you, whatever the case may be, it doesn't really matter...you just call them a snowflake. It's ingenious, as a snowflake is dainty and without much sustenance, insulting a man's strength and masculinity is the easiest way to trigger them.

"Ok Boomer"

We'll end it off with the harshest of them all...does it ever annoy you when your parents or grandparents try ranting towards you about something outdated? Like "Get a Job" or "You can't live on our couch for your whole life", it's really like they're ancient and don't understand our creative process. Simply replying "Ok Boomer" dissolves the whole situation and leaves them scrambling, searching for a response.

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