Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Deep Dive Into The Pizza Subreddit's Hate For Davey Pageviews

When you've tried over 800 different pizza spots, you'd think the main pizza subreddit with over 250K members would be abuzz with your reviews and opinions on your pizza scores...wrong. After snooping around the Pizza reddit i've discovered they are passionate about both the craft of making pizza as well as the consumption of different pizza parlors.

Which leads me to this conclusion, the Pizza subreddit...has blackballed Davey Pageviews aka Dave Portnoy aka El Presidente. 

Seems suspicious enough, no? For the guy with a combined 63 million views on his newest YouTube channel alone to not have a name mention? Just me? Alright sure. Lets take a look for his alias, shown during the intro to every video. 

One mention? Nothing sketchy there! 

What about the utmost authoritative pizza app out there, the One Bite app which has a community of ratings from pizza amateurs to the pizza king himself? Surely they must love that, a Yelp type app dedicated purely to the food that brings them passion and joy. 

A meager two mentions, and one wasn't even by the correct name...however i'll give them the benefit of the doubt...as to not be biased.

What about some comments? 

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And there's all the comments! Count 'em, one two aaand a three...Uber Deb is more beloved than Dave! Attacking his credibility just for his birthplace? What kind of patriotism is that? 

What's that old saying? Everyone hates the top dog? 

Yup, seems accurate. #FreePageviews

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