Wednesday, June 3, 2020

MICKSTAPE TRANSCRIPTION 2: Rest In Peace: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland And The Thousands Of Others Lost

[disclaimer: I do not own nor profit off of any of the content written about, this is purely a written form episode of Barstool Sports Podcast, Mickstape. Listen Below]

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Coley: Are you struggling to think of the perfect fathers day gift? Don't get your dad another tie! Don't do it! He deserves better than that, he deserves *pause* Hawthorne! That's right our good friends over at Hawthorne will have your dad smellin' right, like it's prom night all over again. He will be stylin' profilin' smilin' from ear to ear, it's not that know your dad, you know him inside and out! You can take the quiz FOR him and get him the perfect scents that match his tastes and sensibilities. It is the perfect gift for the dad or dads in your life! #DaddyGang. Husband, son, brother, your father, even your father in law...scent's that match his lifestyle. Take the quiz for him and Hawthorne will handle the scent personalization from there! It's a thoughtful gift, it's special for him just in time for fathers day. Take the quick 2 minute quiz and Hawthorne tells you the 2 colognes that are best for you or the dad in your life...One for work, one for play when pops is feelin' a little frisky if you know what I mean, totally risk free with free shipping and free returns Hawthorne has a great offer for Fathers Day, you won't find better offers out there! When you buy a personalized set of cologne they will give you a free 20 dollar gift card, to get the perfect scent for you or the dad in your life PLUS a 20 dollar gift card go to that's H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E dot C-O and make sure to let them know you heard about this great deal from Mickstape! That's right, this show right here.

Coley: Anyone who's listened to us for any extended period of time, knows where me and Tyler stand with everything going on in the country right now...and everything going on in the country right now is murder and the lack of justice for said murder, so that's all this episode's about. I understand everything's been real heavy everywhere you turn right now so if it's too much for you right now, to hear it...I understand, but it's important to not ignore what's been going on and to try and pretend like everything's okay and just I don't know, redraft the 2005 NBA Draft and dumb shit like that, um so yeah! Me and Tyler have a platform and we're gonna use it. We're lucky to work at a company that allows us to use it and the reason I did the ad read up front is because this is a important 2 hour conversation that I didn't wanna break up. Even with our good folks over at Hawthorne who are also allowing us to do this so love you guys, preciate you listenin', stay safe out there and yeah. Enjoy it the best you can.

Juice time, yuh yuh, Juice time, yuh yuh...for the year 2G the rap game change for one name...Jewelz aim to slain anything on this plane...remains are found when the best kept secret get went platinum with a ghost writer so in the game you won you cheated.

Coley: America did another racism.
Tyler: You'll have to catch me up, I took a nap on December 31st 2019-
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: I just woke up, *shrugs* what'd I miss?
Coley: Haven't missed much. Yeah pretty uneventful year *thinks*
Tyler: I know-
Coley: Sports canceled! 
Tyler: I was gonna say I know my Braves are lookin' good, i'm gettin' ready for the finals matchup, I think Lakers Bucks is gonna be a doozy *inhales* I can't believe LaMelo Ball went 1st and 2nd in the draft-
Coley: *nods* mhm
Tyler: Outside of that, no those are the only 3 alerts that I got! *checks phone* 
Coley: Yeah no *shrugs* we'll see ya guys Friday!
Tyler and Coley: *see ya hat tip in unison* 
Coley: This feels, speaking for me only obviously, this feels profoundly different than Ferguson and that era of people being fed the fuck up and marching in streets. 
Tyler: *thinks* *slight nod* Yeah again, as it should. You saw-
Coley: *nods profusely* yeah
Tyler: You saw what happened last time, nothin', so *skeptical head wave*
Coley: Whole lot of it. 
Tyler: It gets escalated, that's how this tends to work. 
Coley: Yeah and it feels like a good feels like-, there was some like there's obviously been backlash, heaps of backla-, or not backlash but people...people gettin' mouthy *yap yap hand signals* people pushing back at-
Tyler: mhm
Coley: At what seemed like very obvious sentiments to hold, things to say at a time like this...but it feels a fraction of what it was last time.
Tyler: Yeah and again as it should, because as this goes on, if that number stayed the same then somethin's wrong.
Coley: Right 
Tyler: Like if the same, if you had to see all the difference between-, I think Mike Brown was 20...15? 16? 
Coley: 15 or si-, it must of been 15.
Tyler: I can't keep these straight.
Coley: No. 
Tyler: Yeah, if over 3-4 years all the number of black men, black women, trans black people who've been killed, by police...and that number stayed the same? Yeah somethin' went horribly wrong so it, it should be escalatin'.
Coley: *clarifying date of Michael Brown's murder* August 9th, 2014.
Tyler: 14? Wow.
Coley: So nearly 6 years ago.
Tyler: Jesus christ.
Coley: Which means like a lot of those kids who were in high school watchin' that probably just got done with college. You know what I mean? They're becoming adults.
Tyler: Mhm
Coley: So that, this-, there's some reason to, to hold some hope but man oh man. First of all, hats off to you for goin' on Erika's podcast.
Tyler: Thank you. 
Coley: And burning all of the good material you would've used on here.
Tyler: I was gonna say, i've got shit for ya today buddy-
Coley: *hearty chucklin'*
Tyler: We might just wanna, just link it to the Token CEO. I mean I can go back and i'll say some of the stuff Willie said...cause Willie made some good points, i'll just say it in my voice.
Coley: Yeah
Tyler: Talk about uh, talk about my wife and young son-
Coley: *hearty chucklin'* Yeah your career with the Jets.
Tyler: Yes no my, *laughs*, my years as a Super Bowl winning interior offensive lineman.
Coley: I mean that wouldn't be really much different than a typical episode for you on here. 
Tyler: It was me, it was Max Starks and it was David DeCastro pluggin' up the gap!
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: For the steel curtain yes! 
Coley: What I would like to say is I was infuriated with you, for stealing one of my points! I don't have many points to add at a time like this so stealing my o-
Tyler: Yeah you see how if feels don't you white man! Yeah
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah, taste of your own medicine!
Coley: Look if this is what you've been goin' through, I don't care for it! It stinks i'll say it!
Tyler: Yeah, i'll-, that's what it would steal one of Trumps tweets, he's like this is how this shit feels? 
Coley: *sarcasm* Why didn't anyone tell me!? 
Tyler: Oh no, i've been going about this the-, nah fuck that guy. No, what was your point?
Coley: No *laughs* buddy more so now than maybe ever so...which is a hard, a hard bar to cross. No, cause it-, it's something I think every time this happens it's the fuckin'...the smartass who's like well actually white people get killed more often than black people by the police. Why oh why is that a good point to make? *hearty laughs* 
Tyler: Not to brag but uhh *laughs* *sassy shoulder roll*
Coley: You don't see us bellyachin'... Why? Why aren't you bellyachin'?
Tyler: Yeah stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Withers! They n-
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: They never point out, yeah it's more total but they never point out the ratio wise-
Coley: Right.
Tyler: If you're goin' to ratio, they don't want that...
Coley: *shakes head* no
Tyler: But yeah *scoff* *stutter* *mocking tone* What're you talkin' about, the police killed my whole family Withers! *Stutter*
Coley: Here I am, I married one! Like wh-
Tyler: Yeah wha- *laughing at the stupidity* 
Coley:*laughing at the stupidity*
Tyler: Just holding a gun to his own head *mimes gun to head*  this is how much I ride for the blue so *shakes head* Times like this people, I think it's more obvious people are not making the points they think they're making. 
Coley: No.*shakes head* No 
Tyler: They don't know that, but it's more obvious to people on the outside and the people that can't see it, i'm not focused on them anymore *shakes head* they're lost causes.
Coley: There are a lot of, lot of lost causes and then there are...there are a lot of people getting clowned who, who have good intentions but say the wrong thing. I think A, they should be clowned-
Tyler: Sure.
Coley: But, maybe like a half tick less like let's-
Tyler:*skeptical shake of head*
Coley: Clown them in tryi-, cause if they're can tell who's well intentioned. You know what I mean?
Tyler:*still skeptical* I don't know if you can. 
Coley:*shakes head* Not always. 
Tyler: That's a, so that's a-
Coley: I mean obvious, obvious well intentioned people.
Tyler: *skeptical still* But that's the, it's intent and it's impact. And you could mean a whole lotta good *shrug* like they meant good when they thought they were stoppin' someone for forging a $20 bill. That was their intent, *tilts head making point* their impact was puttin' their knee on a man's neck for 8 minutes and killing him. So yeah again, it's nice to mean well but every pilot leaves the ground with good intentions. *tilts head*
Coley: *laughs* 
Coley: I hope.
Tyler: Listen, that mountain jumped up on him but his intentions Mick!
Coley: Yeah he certainly meant to go over it. 
Tyler: He undershot it by some 1,200 feet.
Coley: That Chris Rock bit from Tamborine going semi-viral, i've seen viraler-
Tyler: Sure *nods*
Coley: Of him talking about some jobs can't have bad apples, I don't know why that's not more obvious either.
Tyler: You gotta think of the good ones Mick! 
Coley: *exhales* Lotta good ones standin' right next to the bad ones doin' a whole bunch of nothin' about it.
Tyler: Yeah so, i've seen people say catholic priest, lotta good catholic priest's...i'm certain that there are, I 100% believe it-
Coley: By the numbers there has to be a few.
Tyler: But those bad apples *stares* they spoil the whole bunch...And it's never it was a couple of bad apple protesters out there, no it's one protester bringing down the whole movement but it's never a couple bad apple cops bringing down all the good ones. It never works like that *shakes head* 
Coley: Right. And also, it's funny how people just want calm, peaceful, damn near silent protests right now...
Tyler: Mhm!
Coley: If only a single person had tried that 5-6 years ago! But no one thought of it sadly!
Tyler: No *shakes head*
Coley: No one comes to mind at least.
Tyler: A person tried it some 40 years ago and they blew his jaw off while he was standing on the balcony in Memphis...and then they still ask why there aren't more people like that man.
Coley: *in disbelief* Dick Vitale *shakes head*
Tyler: *cracks up laughing* 
Coley: That was not an example of the well intentioned people i'm talking about by the way *laughs*...NOT an example.
Tyler: What'd he say? Like "where's MLK?" and somebody replied "He got assassinated with a capitol A baby!"
Coley: *emphasis* A Baby! 
Tyler: *laughs* That shouldn't be funny.
Coley: No it shouldn't but you know what, i've already laughed more in the 10 minutes we've been on than I anticipated but it's more at the absurdity of some of the situation. Because this is very very serious, it's been very serious for you your whole life.
Tyler: *nods* 
Coley: Everyday. 
Tyler: Mhm *continues to nod* and even before that! Didn't just start the day I was-
Coley: For the other people who happen to look like you, yes.
Tyler: I was born at midnight, racism 12:01.
Coley: Yeah it was like, finally! Get 'em!
Tyler: *laughs* it was my old man, and racism sr. looking into the sea of babies like that's mine *pointing finger*
Coley: *laughing in jest* He's like me too!
Tyler: Yeah, he will be!
Coley: *guarded laughing* *exhale*
Tyler: I'm not having fun!
Coley: Noooo, nooo, and i've seen a lot of people express it too try and get off social media to take a break but you wanna stay informed, you wanna stay in the loop and it's a cycle you can't break.
Tyler:*nods* Yeah and again for some people, you can't stay out of that loop. I saw, yesterday if I have it correctly, they reported in Chicago that the curfew's like 3 PM but they also cut off the buses after people were already out and people found out like on Twitter versus finding out on their phones so it's like you literally have to stay connected.
Coley:*nods* Oh yeah. 
Tyler: Because it's like, well now I can't get home...well now they're mass arresting people because we can't get home! I wonder if this was set up, huh? *suspicious look*
Coley: Yeah in Boston, they did the whole cops take a kneel with everyone.
Tyler: sure
Coley: And then they-, cause in Boston right downtown we have the Boston Commons...which it's just a-, we've walked through it! 
Tyler: Yeah that's right i've been to beantown, yes. Another peaceful protest! *lifts finger*
Coley: But that's why like every rally, protest, anything happens in the city...cause it's literally the commons, it's common ground for everyone...that's what it's fucking for.
Tyler: Mmm
Coley: So that's where all the main action happened last night. All that happens, then the cops just surrounded it-
Tyler: Mhm
Coley: And it's just like well shoulda seen this one comin'.
Tyler: Yeah, I feel like everybody again got that same memo. It's like okay no we're gonna kneel with them for a second, let everybody get their pictures and then from every single city the people that posts they're like as soon as the camera left, they whooped our ass. 
Coley: Right *nods*
Tyler: They pushed us down, they tear gassed us, they shot rubber bullets at us...I'm sure people saw, a kid lost his eye man. *eyes in disbelief*
Coley: A reporter, got shot in the throat. 
Tyler: Yeah *shakes head* it's real. And again, these are reporters, people with credentials. 
Coley:*nodding* Very visible credentials! 
Tyler: Yeah! The kid that lost his eye, a white kid like on the front line tryna say what's right and lost his fuckin' eye like that is unreal *shakes head*
Coley: Yeah 
Tyler: But all too real at the same time.
Coley: Yeah, has a single image surprised you?
TylerMmm *thinking* no I can't say that it has. You?
Coley: I think the one thing, and it was early that really surprised me was when they arrested...I can't remember-, there's been too much information going into my brain recently, i'm blanking on his name. The CNN reporter, I wanna say Thursday or Friday that they arrested.
Tyler: *nodding* two years ago yeah I remember that.
Coley: *laughs* That they arrested while camera's-, like while he was live.
Tyler: Mhm *nodding*
Coley: And it was just like what?
Tyler: This man snuck in here with some phony credentials! C-N-N who the hell is that? A cameraman!? A truck!? 
Coley: *laughing* yeah, fool me once.
Tyler: Yeah i'm not goin' for this again! 
Coley: Yeah I saw this at the Rodney King riots, this old ploy!
Tyler: Yeah *squinting* Larry King okay *pffft* Book 'em Dano!
Coley:*laughing* yeah, pick 'em up by his suspenders. 
Tyler: Yeah by his glasses *mimes picking up motion* 
Coley:*laughs* That was like *thinking* 1984 shit like the type of stuff you see in Communist dictatorship countries, not, like people love the 2nd amendment... i'm not here to talk about the second amendment, there's a reason that one's second and a different one's first! You know what I mean, they were like we need to make sure people can speak, we need to make sure the press can do what they do. They're gettin' that one outta the way quick and early.
Tyler: Oh yeah, where are the constitution thumpers now? 
Coley: *exhales* 
Tyler: Like when people are out there protestin' to go back to the gym, it was they can't take away our right to protest! Now it's like-
Coley: Protest the right way! 
Tyler: Yeah I don't like that CNN. That mic? Could be a gun! That badge? Who's to say it's not explosives! 
Coley and Tyler: *shake head in unison*
Coley: And right before all this started too, there was heavy rumors if not threats that the president was gonna sign an executive order to shut down basically social media which I can't think of a more dangerous thing to have happen...Like imagine if there was not only no social media, we see what they're doing to the press but we couldn't even see what they're doing to the press because the press was so limited? What would there even be to believe?
Tyler: That's pretty much what people have been sayin' the whole time, like when the camera's aren't rolling imagine what they're doin'? Before there was any single news station, you know how bad shit had to be? Somebody's like "man I gotta tell somebody about this-
Coley: Right *nods*
Tyler: People will not believe me if I can not show this to them"...and i've seen, I don't know what documentary it's from but it's an old clip of president Eisenhower when he went to one of the concentration camps and he brought like all the media with him, and they were not showing the bodies and stuff and he's like "no show it. This is why i'm here, you're supposed to see this." And he was like "For the people back home I can't tell you what you're fighting for but I can show you what you're fighting against." Like that's why this shit needs to be documented.
Coley: A leader!
Tyler: Mhm
Coley: Huh.
Tyler: Once upon a time *shakes head*
Coley: I was gonna say, we should try that out again some time.
Tyler: No no. I'd much rather the man from The Apprentice! 
Coley: Which season? 
Tyler: *thinking* 3, 4 *shakes head* not 5 though, not 5.
Coley: *shakes head* nahh...they said all of the Louisville police who shot and killed David McAtee had all their camera's conveniently off which that can't be right! *shakes head*
Tyler: Hmm *confused face* batteries what?
Coley: Had to of been. 
Tyler: *shakes head*
Coley: You know what it was probably some static in the air that distorted them.
Tyler: Mmmm, *nods* 5G!
Coley: Yeah, yeah, yeah...classic 5G!
Tyler: That man was cookin' outside his restaurant outside a gas station, like wasn't-
Coley: Feeding police officers! 
TylerFor free! and it's like c'mon man, you think...they really want you to believe that they're out there in all this Militarized gear, it's not police gear anymore.
Coley: *nods* *terrified look in eye* Has to be!
Tyler: And you think somebody's firing a single shot? Come on man. Yeah he fires back, he gets killed and I keep seeing it so I imagine its true...apparently they left his body outside overnight.
Coley: 12 hours is what I keep seeing.
Tyler: Yeah, yeah. Which that's intent, that's on purpose. It's the same with Mike Brown, they left Mike Brown's body in the street before they covered it up for hours.
Coley: Right, yeah.
Tyler: Thats a sign. That's very much intentional and it's so much going on everywhere but specifically in Louisville like they fired the police chief and i'm hearing now...I don't know how true that is, he was retiring next month. So, if you're gonna strip him of his pension and benefits all that, okay. *shrugs* I'm fine with that but if he just gets an early 4 weeks off then nah fuck that.
Coley: Yeah it doesn't appear to be doing anything. 
Tyler: So *shakes head* havin' a lot of fun!
Coley: The only and it was very fleeting but the only fun i've had was when there were rumors people broke into the New England Aquarium and were stealing Penguins. 
Tyler: Were those confirmed?
Coley: No, very much not confirmed.
Tyler: I gotta say, I am disappointed. Nobody hit my line, I know somebody got into Icebox.
Coley: Had to.
Tyler: Nobody hit my line? *furiously tilts head*
Coley: It's disrespectful is what it is.
Tyler: *tilts head* I mean i'm just sayin' *shrugs* I got cash! You know what I mean! 
Coley: *laughs* yeah there's not gonna be a paper trail this isn't Jordan payin'-
Tyler: That's what i'm sayin' yeah!
Coley: Bouler! *laughing*
Tyler: *laughing* Yeah, Slim Bouler. I write a 57,000 dollar check, it was a business loan! *moving around defensively* I like supporting small businesses! 
Coley: Dude, I can somewhat understand people who see destruction in their own city and they cringe over it. I can some what see it.
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: But don't lie to me and pretend like you support all these fucking small businesses year round, you don't!
Tyler: Oh yeah listen, nobody cares about the black community until it's *air quotes* us tearing it down. Nobody cares. 
Coley: Right!
Tyler: Nobody cares when they tearin' housing down to build car dealerships. Nobody care when people gettin' denied jobs and housing or paying exorbitant housing rates for the color of their skin. Nobody cared when it was red lining. Nobody cared when people were denied business loans. But now, god forbid you throw a brick through a Target! And it's like "oh my, this is, what would Martin say!? Did you guys ever think about that!" Shut up, shut the hell up. 
Coley:*laughs* Yeah did you think about that? 
Tyler: No I didn't! *shakes head* Not once! So yeah and it goes with the small businesses, you don't care about these businesses and that's fine too but it's performative and it shows.
Coley: They're using it to stand now.
Tyler: Now if somebody could show me "I got receipts from 2014 when things were great, listen don't blow up the block!" It may be a little different, but desperate times, desperate measures. 
Coley: That's one of the infuriating parts is people who are so instantly combative to some of these things.
Tyler: Mhm
Coley: And that's All Lives Matter summed up perfectly to me, it was a combative phrase to Black Lives Matter.
Tyler: Mhm *nods* correct.
Coley: If it had come first I don't think many people would have a problem with didn't!
Tyler: No *shakes head* yeah it's another one of those things i've seen goin' around, nobody's goin' to a breast cancer rally and screaming all cancers matter.
Coley: *loud doggo bark* No! *doggo continues*
Tyler: It's like boy why are the fire fighters putting out that house!? All houses matter! Well listen that one's on fire right now so it might need a little different attention than the rest of them. It was never ONLY Black Lives Matter, it was never that.
Coley: Never! It was never.
Tyler: It's been taken as that, yeah. 
Coley: By assholes!
Tyler: Yeah, and even then, you don't think all lives matter...that's just a lie, I know you don't! So you standin' on somethin''s just a wild time to be advocating with the devil. 
Coley:*shakes head in astonishment*
Tyler: There's no "on the fence", I said it on the Token CEO...there's no "on the fence" here 
Coley: No *shakes head*
Tyler: There's no, it's not enough to just say "i'm not a racist" well are you anti-racist? Because if you're not anti-racist then you see how people could confuse you as a racist?
Coley: Right
Tyler: Or subscribing to racist philosophies or voting for people who subscribe to racist philosophies? There's no "well I don't have a horse in this race". No you do. You might not know you gotta horse in this race, but you do. 
Coley: I thought Arian Foster on Pardon My Take today said something that it's something i've thought but haven't been able to put into words and I think other people have thought and haven't been able to express, I thought he handled it very well. It's not about having white guilt, it's empathy, it's okay to have's what you should have. It's not about feeling bad, listen i've been white my whole life...I don't know if you knew this Tyler I hate to spring it on you in this forum! 
Tyler: Yeah okay *rolls eyes* tell me anything! *rolls eyes leans forward*
Coley: I remember, because I get called a race traitor all the time like it doesn't bother me at all.
Tyler: Sure! *nods head*
Coley: Like if that's the team? Then i'm okay with trading myself. 
Tyler: Yeah listen *pfft* you think races should be treated equal? You're an animal Mick! *laughs* *sarcastic* Okay!
Coley: Yeah i'm quite okay with that! That's the thing and maybe it's because I come from, luckily, a very diverse part of Boston where I grew up with everyone around me...But seeing this shit on a national level like how wildly different the treatment is, and even back home how the treatment is...I never did feel guilty *laughs* Mariah just walked in with maybe 100 packages.
Tyler: *nods* 
Coley: Go ahead.
Mariah: Thank you.
Coley: I never felt guilty but I always did feel bad and when you hear people keep saying, "white guilt, white guilt, white guilt, white guilt" you start to think, is this guilt? But to hear him call it what it was, just empathy...yeah that's exactly what it is. Why does someone on the other side want to make me even try and make me feel bad about feeling bad murder in the streets!?
Tyler: Right.
Coley: Like why is there another side? Why are there people who are like "you can't politicize this!"...This isn't political! *laughs* at all! If someone's running on, "yeah we should be able to kill black people in the streets"...don't vote for that guy! Feels simple! 
Tyler: And listen, they still turn out to be president man...this shit crazy. *stares blankly*
Coley: *exhales*
Tyler: But yeah, it is empathy and it's just like I think we see it just in general like with COVID, people just lack empathy, just in general. 
Tyler: Now it makes it much worse in situations like this, but again it's the biggest thing my therapist and I argue about and I got some heat for her ass this week!
Coley:*hearty chuckle*
Tyler: Hey! I'm walkin' in with the MAC! It's like I just have no faith in people, they've consistently given me no reason to have faith because empathy would change a lot of things, a lot of places. 
Coley: Right.
Tyler: Because when you don't look at things as a zero sum game like well if it's white guilt, "if they get something then they're taking what I have!"...No *shakes head* that's not what that means at all. And to say that, it's another deflection. I'm past the point, where i'm not responding to any type of deflection if you're not talking about the actual issue *shakes head*...I'm also not talking to anybody who created an account in 2020, because you was dumb as hell to create an account in 2020. You knew what Twitter was!
Coley: *waves finger* Sexual Jumanji's account got deleted and he had to reactivate a new account!
Tyler: Listen, you know I love Sex J...he had his chance to get out of the abyss *laughs*
Coley: Fair, fair.
Tyler: I would of loved to see, it'd of been the batman scene...i'm just overseas one day at a twitch conference-
Coley: *laughter like you wouldn't believe*
Tyler: And I see Sex J and catwoman!
Coley: Just a oversized fedora *adjusting imaginary hat* 
Tyler: *laughs* Yeah he's sippin' a fernet branca and I just *tips hat* tip my cap to him, he tips his cap to me.
Coley: *laughing* No words, yeah.  
Tyler: We go our separate ways *smirk*
Tyler: We go our separate ways, that's what I hope but yeah he came back *shakes head* god bless 'em.
Coley: I had multiple people today tweet me and you can always tell, just from the words in a tweet like oh this is a 7 follower definitely 2020 but account created June 2020!
Tyler: *shakes head*
Coley: It's June 1st! 
Tyler: Right come on man.
Coley: Today is THEE first day of June *raises finger* If you wanna be an asshole and a piece of shit, do it from your regular account. Own it. 
Tyler: Yeah *nods*
Coley: Because that's a level of cowardice that get's zero respect from me, zero. 
Tyler: Yeah and even then it's not even to play like oh you gotta have followers for me to respond but listen if you have literally no followers...if nobody else is talking to you why would I? *look of disbelief* Like why would I? *shrugs* That's just not smart on my part!
Coley: No! No. 
Tyler: Yeah it's all deflection, "go vote"...yeah we see how well that consistently works out
Coley:*laughs in depression*
Tyler: *shakes head*
Tyler: Yeah it's disingenuous, nobody believes the shit they're sayin' when they're creating these and Arian said it, they're strawmen. They're creating their own strawmen to argue against...And if you take the bait, they got you. They're taking you away from the issue at hand.
Coley: Definitely, that's the strawmen with-, cause I saw and i'm sure you saw it a lot on the timeline too...Friday and Saturday mostly was people donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: And other bail funds. So yesterday, when I saw it slowing down a little bit I was like I have a big platform so I donated to 4...I donated to Massachusetts, Atlanta, Brooklyn and Minnesota.
Tyler: Virgil Mickman! *laughs*
Coley:*laughs* I donated 4 times what that motherfucker donated and I have a fraction of that motherfucker! I don't wanna hear it!
Tyler: *cracking up* Man fuck Virgil dog *laughing heartily*
Coley: That was tough, Kanye's best man not in the right? I find that hard to believe!
Tyler: They pulled up like everything he's ever created, you can't buy anything he created for 50 dollars! *shakes head*
Coley: Not a thing! The cheapest stuff was like 51, even with 50 they'd still tell you to fuck off!
Tyler: Yeah, keychain ring that says keychain ring...58 dollars.
Tyler: And this man put a 50 ball on it, I been laughin' at that shit all day!
Coley: 50 ball is funny, 50 ball is really funny.
Tyler: Yeah no, they said we callin' it a Virgil now.
Coley: Yeah *laughs*
Tyler: So ou talkin' 50 we callin' it a Virgil
Coley: I saw that they photoshopped him on a 50 dollar bill, tough time.
Tyler: *laughs* Listen man, it's funny now 'till that T-Shirt's sellin' for 375 dollars with his face on the 50 dollar bill. 
Coley: *nods* *throws hand up* Yeah that's true...and sold out!
Tyler: Yeah *nods undoubtably* so fuck that guy.
Coley and Tyler: *laugh heavily*
Tyler: That man said "I matched a 50, will anyone amongst you match this 50 ball?" 
Coley: Well so I chose 50 for each because I saw a lot of people, listen not everyone comes from Virgil's tax bracket.
Tyler: Sure *nods*
Coley: So for the rest of us normal human beings, I was like I know I can give more than 50. I know I can give a fuckton more than 50, so I gave 4 50's and I saw everybody else being like "match me i'll do it here" and I was like listen I have my 70 some thousand followers...So I saw one that had every state like on a graphic, I quote tweeted it and I was just like yeah if you can give...give. And I just put the 4 cities, tweeted it and immediately people were like "don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back". Like, if you know me and you've listened to this particular show we've always used this platform to spotlight people in need.
Tyler: We've always patted ourselves on the back yes. *nods*
Coley: That too! *raises finger* But, that's not the point of why I did that. I don't really give a shit, i've been on the record many times i'm not a great person it is what it is.
Tyler: Sure.
Coley: And then you get the criticism "well that's just gonna bail out the people who are pretending to be protestors who are really opps on behalf of the other side" if you don't shut the fuck up.
Tyler: Yeah.. *shakes head*
Coley: If you haven't been paying attention, they're just arresting regular black people! Every day, not even just during this time! Every day, for not even breaking the law at all. In case you haven't been watching you don't have to be of doing something bad to get arrested and need to be bailed out. That's why I chose the bail out. I saw other people being a little suspicious of some of the bail out funds, that's fine you don't have to dive all the way in. 
Tyler: Yeah I get it *nods* 
Coley: But don't tell me "that's the wrong way to try and help right now."...I know it's not the wrong way. Is it the perfect way? Probably not. Is it one of the good ways to try and help? Yeah definitely *nods* That's how I feel
Tyler: That's the thing there is no perfect way and because things are so fucked up it's been a lot of people in my mentions sayin' they wanna help, they legit just don't know how. Which is perfectly understandable, it's not understandable to be paralyzed by that. Like "I don't know how to help, so I don't help in any way"...that's not okay.
Coley: *laughs* Yeah right, I shut off my television and I went to bed that's how I helped!
Tyler: *laughs* Yeah no *holds hand up as if there's applause* thank you, thank you! But yeah again, I know it's people thinking that they can't give that much and legit whatever organization it is, whatever you can give helps. People don't wanna give to the bail fund? 100%. There are so many others, like look up something in your community. Like Kev (KFC) and I on the beer pong, he gave to the Louisville fund...I was gonna give to the Minnesota but right after they were like "we've got enough send some to the other" so I sent to Reclaim The Block which is basically keeping up community food and stuff, shelter and stuff, you can donate to that. So if you think your 5 or 10 dollars won't help there? It absolutely will. And again, it's nice to do it federal or other cities but I really know that if we all help in our own city? It'll improve, I won't say it'll take care of itself but it'll improve. 
Coley: Right and if you don't know what to do and the destruction and rioting upsets you, get a fuckin' pack of trash bags and go clean! I've seen a lot of people doin' that, that helps!
Tyler: Yeah! Watching children while other people go protest, that's help. Makin' lunch for people to go protest, that's help. Rounding up supplies, gathering supplies, buying again it's like "I don't have the money to buy these supplies but if you set them in front of me i'll make 100 gift bags"...Help in the way you can!
Coley: Right.
Tyler: Everyone can help in some way. So yeah not knowing how to help? Fine. But not doing anything because of that? Not fine. 
Coley: Yeah I see a hundred or so different ways to help, and I have a different timeline than everyone else I get that too...but there are ways, even be 2% proactive, you'll stumble into a way to help I guarantee it.
Tyler: 100 percent *nods*
TylerAnd again, if you don't see it that way...if you've got a way to help that's not on them lists?  Do that shit too.
Coley: Talk about it! Speak up! That's another person I hate, "well i'm gonna criticize the way you try to help, i'm gonna offer no other way's to help"
Tyler: *laughs* right. 
Coley: I've got nothin'!
Tyler: No listen i've shit on you! I've helped by shitting on you. You're welcome!
Coley: *laughs* Cause I saw Ria and Fran were doin' a lot of good work-
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: All the chicks in our office were doin' a lot and they were gettin' torn apart. Like "well you didn't do this back then", that's not what this is about! What are they doing right now? By the way if you're doing good, for the sole purpose of getting that pat on the back? You still did good!
Tyler: Yeah!
Coley: It doesn't take away-, your soul might be empty and you might just be chasing likes and what not but if in the end you still did good? Fine with that. 
Tyler: Yeah it was Corolla or somebody a while ago "if somebody gave money and the only reason they gave money was to put their name on the community's still a community center!"
Coley: 1000 percent *nodding*
Tyler: Let them pat themselves on the back and also the kids got a way to do their homework and play basketball and get out from the everybody can win here.
Coley: Yeah do you think every hospital wing named after someone, if people didn't want that pat on the back? They wouldn't put their name on the fucking wing of the hospital. 
Tyler: No, no, no I couldn't...Grady, but no I stop! No I want the statue of me to be pointing to the future. *mimes statue*
Coley: The letter's gotta be this big at least *hold 10 inches roughly between hands* At least!
Tyler: Yeah put a nice suit on me, not too nice though i'm a man of the people!
Coley:*laughs* Yeah so the "let me tell you why your way sucked but i've got no good way" guy? That guy can suck my fuckin' dick. I responded to one person, cause they were quick I had barely posted mine.
Tyler: They were waitin' *slightly shakes head* A lot of these folks bots, I think it's showing itself now...A lot of regular people don't talk like this. Or interact like this. Or this quickly. 
Coley: I don't like to give people the cop out of they're bots. 
Tyler: Oh no 100 percent, its both yeah. *shakes head profusely*
Coley: There are too many assholes and a lot of these assholes can't say shit in public face to face with people but they feel so comfortable on their couch.
Tyler: Absolutely.
Coley: I've been dealing with that for over a decade so I know those people to be true. 
Tyler: Oh yeah...that's what i'm saying it's those people now creating bots! They can do the work of 10 times of me, I can only call one Mickman an idiot! *shakes finger* I create 100 StevenMan8556 accounts we can ALL call the Mickman an idiot!
Coley: Yeah that's the other thing if you've got any more than like 2 numbers in your @? You're outta here! *laughs* You're outta here.
Tyler: 2 numbers and an underscore? *shakes head* buddy
Coley: *throws himself back aghast* AH.
Tyler: You might as well be talkin' french to me cause i'll never read it. *shakes head* I also don't like, I feel like any time this year Jeff Bezos does anything people get mad and then other people get mad like "hey you can't tell people how to spend their money!" and now it's like *face aghast throws self back* "oh you're giving to a bail fund? What're you doing spending your money like that!?" *laughs*
Coley: Are you trying to tell me there's hypocrisy among us Tyler? Cause i'll end this right now.
Tyler: I told you, I just woke up so I too was shocked to see this! So yeah which side is it? You can get in people's pockets or you can't? Because I get both sides, but i'm seein' dancin' on both sides.
Coley: Also goin' back to the well intentioned people who are getting it wrong...there's also people who think they're dressing up as well intentioned and the people i'm talking about are the people who are like "I apologize to Colin Kaepernick, I was wrong 4-5 years ago when he took a knee...I see that now." Fuck you!
Tyler: Correct *nods* 
Coley: *laughs* Like what are you talking about? A Green Beret told him to kneel! He was with the right people the whole time!
Tyler: *skeptical* MM not MY Green Beret Mick!
Coley: Tyler he wore socks you understand!
Tyler: What about Pat Tillman? You think Pat Tillman woulda liked him kneeling? Yes?? Well I wasn't expecting you to say that!
Coley: I think for the times we were in right now, if I could revive anyone from history who's dead, it'd be Pat Tillman just so he could tell people to shut the fuck up. 
Tyler: Listen and you know he would too!
Coley: Oh so fast. He'd tell me to shut the fuck up and be furious I brought him back from the dead and then he'd tell everyone else to shut the fuck up.
Tyler: I can just see it now, the tweet where he tweets something and someone goes " well what did you ever do for this country"...And he just responds with like the purple star *holds up imaginary medal with middle finger* he's wearin' it on his middle finger....40 thousand retweets.
Coley: It's him and Bill Russell for some reason *laughs*
Tyler: He's got Bin Laden in a headlock, "this is what I did for my country"
Coley: Yeah *laughs*
Tyler: Boy oh Boy
Coley: So yeah, I don't know what was going on in these peoples brains while he was doing the most peaceful protest i've seen in my life...for them to apologize, the apology to me feels like "boy oh boy I wish everyone else would just go back to that as opposed to being so loud in my neighborhood" It's not a true, I can't remember who but someone was like now's a perfect time for the NFL to sign Colin Kaepernick...Why!? So they can cut him in a month when all this calms down? Like what the fuck are you talking about?
Tyler: Yeah, you know when the perfect time to sign him was? 4 years ago! 
Coley: Yeah!
Tyler: Again, like rewatching The Last Dance...they didn't talk to him but they showed him in there Craig Hodges who again was the best shooter in the league for 3 straight years...and then just didn't have a job the 3rd year and didn't have any more...And what happened after the fact, he's told people "you'll get your apology later but in sports we have a tight window so it's"..."Thanks Colin, we were wrong!" no he's been out of the league 4 years now so what the fuck is he gonna do with that? To his credit he knew that goin' in, he had to and he still took it on the chin...and now it's, "you know what maybe, maybe we should have listened to that guy!"...well he tried to tell you, it's like Martin Luther King was like "y'all can try my way but y'all don't want Malcolm to get on the mic cause he's with the shits! If I was you i'd listen to me."
Coley: Yeah you don't want me to go get big bro. 
Tyler: Yeah like just pacing in the back with the AK. He's like I, well okay alright, Malcolm! Come on out man! *shakes head*
Coley: That right there is part of, i'm surprised it took me 40 minutes to bring him up-
Tyler: Enes Kanter!
Coley: *laughs* No he wasn't out there I couldn't identify him at all!
Tyler: It's Kyrie Irving. That's cornbread Maxwell! *laughing*
Coley:*hearty chuckles* 
Tyler: I'd know K.C. Jones anywhere! 
Coley: I looked *mic starts cutting out* you talk about a guy who's trying *mic keeps cutting out*
Tyler: Your mic's goin' fuzzy. 
Coley: Sick. It's all the truth!
Tyler: It's the man, yeah. *laughs*
Coley: *laughs* yeah. Lemme it better now?
Tyler: Much better. 
Coley: Okay I did nothing so that's good.
Tyler: *nods*
Coley: Jaylen Brown
Tyler: Should stick to sports! I agree!
Coley: Yeah! Exactly. Shut up and dribble the ball and put it in the hole! No-
Tyler: Simple
Coley: Him being one of the faces, for athletes for this protest *mutes mic*
Tyler: Oh boy yeah mic went completely out now...they not tryna hear your shit Mick. *laughs*
Coley: *laughs* No, Danny Ainge is-
Tyler: *laughs* *neck cut gesture* Cut his line!
Coley: He's like "i've tried to trade him several times"...No, him being one of the faces for this is beautiful. That one GM who people were tweeting me the excerpt from predraft, "might be too smart for the league" I hope that guy eats shit and dies! But him announcing ahead of time, i'm driving to Atlanta to peacefully protest and then after *mic cuts out, yet again believe it or not*
Tyler: *shakes head* They getting the Mick Man outta here. Y'all can't see it right now but Danny Ainge is in his house right now behind him he's got some piano wire! He's choking the Mick Man out! 
Coley: *mic returns* After he gets so many accolades for peacefully protesting and *air quotes* doing it right he tweets out "I also support everyone NOT peacefully protesting, just cause i'm doing it one way doesn't mean it's the right way. This is just the way I wanted to do it"
Tyler: Mhmm *nods*
Coley: And he still had 3 people who were marching with him get arrested. 
Tyler: *shakes head* That's pretty much how it goes. It's one of the many thousand forgotten things about Martin Luther King, he was very much non violent, turn the other cheek, all that...and at the time Stokely Carmichael was younger, more radical he started the Black Power all that and they were more action. MLK at first he was opposed to it but he sat down with him, he's like "i'm old, I don't get it, explain it to me" and after that, he was out there marching with Stokely Carmichael and he was saying "you know I don't agree with how they're going about this, but we're fightin' for the same thing." Again, whichever way you do it they're gonna arrest you or they're gonna kill you and say you shoulda did it the other way.
Coley: *shakes head* right and Jaylen never was like "I disagree with how they're doing it" he was just like "this is how i'm doing it if you wanna come walk with me? Come walk with me." 
Tyler: Right! *nods head* help in the way you can.
Coley: Right and he's been just a leader in every sense.
Tyler: I can't wait till y'all trade him.
Coley: That just, for any other Boston if he were a Patriot? He'd already be cut. 
Tyler: Oh yeah *shakes head in sadness*
Coley: And football players, I know a lot of people criticize the quarterbacks right now and football players in general...what Kaepernick did, the reason it's so special is because that shit's not guaranteed...because they could take his livelihood away like that *snaps fingers* 
Tyler: And did! 
Coley: So fast! Immediately *laughs*...It's really hard to fuck around with a basketball player who just signed his extension which hasn't even kicked in yet.
Tyler: *nods*
Coley: Yeah you can trade him, he's still gonna get paid. 
Tyler: Yeah I was gonna say you can cut him, he's still gonna get paid. Arenas still spending that Orlando Magic bucks.
Tyler: He bought that lottery ticket 
Coley: *furious* He didn't even buy it! *laughs* 
Tyler: *laughs* He bought the Porsche he drove to the gas station to get the ticket! *laughing*
Coley: The Celtics, like Boston in general not the best history as i'm sure you may have heard..
Tyler: *nods* Once or twice.
Coley: When it comes to racial relations, the Celtics have always been for Boston sports and Boston in general...not giving a fuck what you look like. First black player drafted, first all black starting 5, first black head coach in sports not even basketball...and Bill Russell, i mean the reason i've always loved Bill Russell cause I didn't get to watch all of his basketball but just who he is as a person.
Tyler: You'd never love him if you got to watch all of his ba-*laughs* love you Billy.
Coley: How he stood up, he was at the million man march. They wanted him on stage and he, I don't know how, was like "no I didn't do enough leg work to deserve to be up there with everyone." Like what the fuck kind of humility is that? Get the fuck up there Bill!
Tyler: Man listen, imagine that now...i'm just gonna pick on him because he's a random think Kyle Kuzma would? *laughs*
Coley: I thought you were gonna say LeBron, there's no chance LeBron would *shakes hands profusely*
Tyler: No no oh no that guy's a father of 3 come on! 
Tyler: Somebody asked it, on a stream or somethin'...what was the best celebrity encounter that i've had on Mickstape? I was like it's boring but it has to be Russell because I had the chance to tell him I appreciated him for everything he did outside of basketball. Somebody doing that type of stuff now would be radical so for him doing it in the late 50's 60's when one it wasn't many people out there like him, two he was at the top of his game and three was not making shit compared to shit really.
Coley: Right.
Tyler: It's just never been about that, Jim Brown was up there, Kareem was up there...guys were just more willing to put their name on it and again watching The Last Dance when it went to the Harvey Gant Jesse Helms thing, like Jordan gave his money and that's fine...that's a way to help but if Michael Jordan gave his voice he wouldn't of had to give a dollar because his voice means more than any dollar could. It's times like this I am thankful for people that are using their your money is good but your voice goes a whoooole lot longer. Think of all the word of mouth shit, you've heard about in your life, you hear about a good restaurant or a good artist whatever.
Coley: There's nothing more powerful than word of mouth. 
Tyler: Yeah so people wanted to put their voice on it, but looking back if Jordan spoke I don't know if Jesse Helms loses cause I think he'd won like 3 straight at that point but boy oh boy the voting would've looked different.
Coley: Yeah, if Jordan took it personal...he would of beat him.
Tyler: I was gonna say that's what they shoulda came to him with, his mom was like Mike can you do it "Jesse Helms said he thinks Scott Burrell is better"...Oh yeah? You could say I took it personal.
Coley:*laughing* Jordan retires to become governor of North Carolina.
Tyler: Senator Michael Jeffrey Jordan, yeah. 
Coley: He's like "I don't know what i'm doing here! I've been here 25 years"*laugh*
Tyler: Yeah, he's like "i'm the best though!"
Tyler: "I just did it to play cards with Harvey Gant and now here we are! I owe him 700 thousand dollars!"
Coley: So shoutout Jaylen Brown.
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: Shoutout Malcolm Brogdon, shoutout-
Tyler: Trae did a walk today
Coley: He did. *thinking* Tobias Harris I saw was active, J.R Smith
Tyler: *shakes head* very active *nods*
Coley: *laughs* extremely active 
Tyler: *laughs* I imagine at the time you don't know you're busting out J.R Smith's window.
Coley: No you'd have to imagine.
Tyler: But boy imagine the feeling-
Coley: Of like a watching, a watching J.R Smith. Not even a J.R who hears about it at a later date.
Tyler: *laughs* yeah like you elbow and you turn around for a high five from the boys and just 6'6 230's just charging at you
Coley and Tyler: *laughing in unison*
Tyler: With bad intentions, so good times!
Coley: He took all that Woj article aggression out on him.
Tyler: *shakes head* *exhale* Anniversary of game 1 of the finals that day, he was havin' a bad day. *whistles*
Coley: I'm tryna think who else was out there with Jaylen, I know there's another player i'm just forgetting.
Tyler: Enes Kanter yes! 
Coley: No *laughs*
Tyler: Shoutout to him being out there but him wearing his jersey there is funny as fuck, hilarious dog.
Coley: *exhales*
Tyler: Hilarious! I mean my other stuffs in the wash!
Coley: Who's that 7 foot turkish fella who could it be!? 
Tyler: Say bruh who that is? 6'10 275 out there passin' out turkey's in the low block.
Coley and Tyler: *laughing*
Tyler: I don't know? J Cole? *looking intently* 
Coley: Oh he was out there, as he always is. 
Tyler: Mhm *nods head*
Coley: Had Wale furious about it.
Tyler: *shakes head* A day that ends in Y, yeah.
Coley: Close personal friend Justin Anderson was out there with them that's who it was.
Tyler: Okay *nods* 
Coley: Along with Lil Yachty.
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: Tryna think I feel like I saw more out in LA, I did see football players cleaning up in Louisville. So that's what I mean, that's a way for football players who do want to help are worried about getting cut...not that there are football players listening to this but if they do wanna help, a way no one's gonna get fucking mad at you for helping is cleaning up.
Tyler: Yeah and again you talk about football *tight look*. They gonna cut you regardless, that's just how football works...I would love to see the percentage of people who sign a contract and see the end of it.
Coley: Or all of it.
Tyler: That's what i'm saying, if you sign a 4 or 5 year deal I feel like you either get cut after year 2 or if you're good it gets restructured after year 3.
Coley: Right right.
Tyler: Then you get cut after year 2 of that restructure, so I would love to see...I can't imagine more than 20% people sign a contract and see the end. Non-rookie contract.
Coley: Less than that. Less than that.
Tyler: Yeah I feel like maybe 10! 
Coley: Kirk Cousins, always does *laughs* Julio signed that deal *throws hand up*
Tyler: Listen he-, *tilts head* I'd be holding out if I were him but that's just me...Michael Thomas not gonna get paid more than me buddy *disgust on face*
Coley: No, no * laughs* Not today, not ever.
Tyler: Nuh uhhh 
Coley: I'm tryna think who else athlete wise was out there..
Tyler: Uhh, not an athlete but i'm thinkin' you know y'all done fucked up cause you got Ice Cube back to Ice Cube...y'all really fucked up boy *laughs*
Coley: *exhales* Ooohh.
Tyler: Y'all know him as-
Coley: Yeah, are we home yet...are we there yet.
Tyler: From what the smiths or whatever, Barbershop with the classes cuttin' heads...Y'all don't know him as AmeriKKKas Most Wanted toe tag on a police officer as his album cover Ice Cube...and y'all done fucked up and brought him back! 
Coley: He's pissed, both Ice's are pissed! Ice T and Ice Cube.
Tyler: I think they doin' like an IG Live or somethin' today?
Coley: I think it was Ice T on LL Cool J's...
Tyler: Okay that's who it was.
Coley: Yeah, which apparently they had a long standing beef I was unaware of.
Tyler: I could see that.
Coley: I saw someone makin' a big deal like they squashed beef to do THIS? Times really have changed.
Tyler: I also know, LL said somethin' real stupid...I don't know what he said! Cause he blocked me but from the responses sounded like it was stupid!
Coley: He did. *laughs* It was like a love everyone type thing.
Tyler: *nods* Sure 
Coley: Like not the worst, not great...I can't remember what it was fully.
Tyler: Pointless! 
Coley: Right, yeah Odell Beckham type pointless.
Tyler: If you're putting up any of these things, any of these companies like somebody put up the "Brand" template like "we are so saddened by this thing we've known has been going on for years. we hope that in these trying times you'll continue to support us despite us doing nothing but posting this in black and white font! Thank you." "Brand"
Coley: I wanna read it, I wanna read it verbatum.
Tyler: It's a gem *laughs*
Coley: It really was perfect, i know it's on your story.
Tyler: Somewhere.
Coley: *reading graphic* "A statement from Brand" which is also very funny it's written in off white style.
Tyler: *cracking up* yeah, 50 ball! 
Coley: Yeah, "We at Brand are committed to fighting injustice by posting images to Twitter that express our commitment to fighting injustice" *laughs*
Tyler: Mhm 
Coley: "To that end we offer the solumn black on white dot jpeg that will express vague solidarity with the black community but will quietly elide the specifics of what is wrong, what needs to change, or in what ways we will do anything about it."
Tyler: *laughing*
Coley: "This is doubly true if "Brand" is particularly guilty of exacerbating these issues"
Tyler: MMM
Coley: "We hope this action encourages you to view "Brand" positively without, you know, expecting anything from us." *minor laughs* Did you see the viral photoshopped Spaghetti-O's?
Tyler: *laughs* Holdin' the flag yeah.
Coley: *Shows picture of Spaghetti-O holding Black Lives Matter flag* *laughs*
Tyler: That was from the Spaghetti-O's official account wasn't it? 
Coley: No, well the image they photoshopped was from the official account but no this is someone who is verified so when they changed their display name to Spaghetti-O's it looked extra official-
Tyler: Ahhh,*cracking up laughing" that's good.
Coley: But no what was the original one for? Like D-day or 9-11? 
Tyler: Yeah one of those.
Coley: It's one of 'em, cause that image is of the O holding a flag being like "never forget" so it was either D-Day or was something we're not supposed to forget.
Tyler: *mimes holding up flag, laughing*
Coley: Yeah, him in Hiroshima with all the- *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah him and the pit crew! 
Coley: Yeah Dale said nothing today! I find that interesting! 
Tyler: I'm just sayin'...
Coley: No, junior did say somethin' so I don't wanna even put his families name on that. One brand I wanted to shout out was The Hundreds, cause a lot of specifically streetware brands have made their mint off of either aping or submerging themselves in black culture.
Tyler: And then aping yeah *nods*
Coley: Correct! But a lot of 'em were silent and The Hundreds-
Tyler: *holds finger up* Not Virgil! Let's give Virgil his credit! 
Coley:*laughs* yeah correct, I would never.
Tyler: He put 50 1 dollar bills on the cause *slaps table* 
Coley and Tyler: *laugh hysterically* 
Tyler: He put 200 quarters down *slaps table* I think this man is a hero and some are saying. 
Tyler: *laughs* *old timey voice* oh man, is anyone going to match? Shut up! *laughs*
Coley: I did see, right before we got on someone from Toronto...I didn't know who they were but they sent a 400 dollar match this to Drake and he gave 100 thousand so good for him *sways head* not gonna say anything bad about that.
Tyler: That's it!? 
Coley: yeah *laughs*
Tyler: No..
Coley: He's worth 72 billion! 
Tyler: Yeah! No, again that's how you do it...and that's not to say Virgil should give 100 thousand, I don't know what kinda net worth or money he's workin' with but I know he's *nods head*
Coley: The internet will tell us!
Tyler: Yeah I know he's got more than 50 fuckin' dollars dog. 
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: And again, for somebody who made his living off of black culture even though I...I ain't head of this man until a couple years ago, no that i'm that in tune with the fashion scene. But they were like "No he put shoe on the side of a shoe! It's really dope."
Coley: 4 million. 
Tyler: Okay *nods* So, somebody gimme that Jeff Bezos math like anytime Jeff Bezos do something they're like "yeah it'd be like Jeff Bezos buying a cup of coffee"...It'd be like Virgil Abloh sending FIFTY DOLLARS *cracks up*
Coley:*laughing* Oh man...But The Hundreds, it's not owned by a black dude but their brick & mortar store is in LA and it got looted.
Tyler: Mm *nods*
Coley: And someone @'d him and he was just like "I don't care like if this is what the cause is about...this is what the cause is about."
Tyler: Marc Jacobs is that him?
Coley: Nah *shakes head* he doesn't own The Hundreds.
Tyler: Oh okay, I saw him say somethin' similar like "what if one of your stores got rioted!?" he's like "It did, I still stand with 'em"
Coley: *laughs* Lemme see what Jacobs said, yeah "Never let them convince you that broken glass or property is violence. Hunger is violence, homelessness is violence, war is violence, dropping bombs on people is violence, racism is violence, white supremacy is violence, no healthcare is violence, poverty is violence, contaminated water sources for profit is violence. Property can be replaced, human lives can not."...and then someone said "Are you crazy or what? What if they destroyed one of your stores!?"...*Marc Jacobs response* "My store was destroyed last night" *laughs*
Tyler: *laughs* right, next question. *laughing* Oh man oh man.
Coley: *laughing* but yeah this was early because I believe all the LA shit and Minnesota shit happened first in terms of like looting and riots and what not.
Tyler: Yeah that sounds about right.
Coley: And yeah he was just so impressive with the way he handled it, I went and bought somethin' from him and i've never owned anything from this company before but it's like *slaps hand* I appreciate the way that if you're going to tie yourself to this community for profit when this communities hurting and trying to be heard-
Tyler: They're reacting yeah. 
Coley: When they're voicing themselves in a traditional way and you're about that action, you'll get my support.
Tyler: *nods* mhm, yeah and again even if he was like "listen, I don't give a fuck...I don't care I know people'll buy my stuff" he still put his voice on it, that's important!
Coley: Right! 
Tyler: Yeah I didn't see that but salute to him and people that are sayin' similar...yeah "what if they looted your store!?"...."yeah they got me *shrugs* the post stays up"....Oh big sexy Kevin Nash was gettin' people the fuck out the other day *whistles*
Coley: He usually does! He usually does.
Tyler: I feel like he had a little more time. I feel like every once in a while you see the big sexy screenshot, 2 days ago now boy he had a little time! Had a little time! 
Coley: Always respect it. 
Tyler: Yeah! *under his breath* big sexy *laughs*
Coley: That's the thing, there's this gross term "White ally" like that's such a gross fuckin' term-
Tyler: Mm
Coley: But there are people like Kevin Nash who show how easy it is to just be like, *throws hands up* amen. Like this isn't that hard *shakes head* Just shut the fuck up!
Tyler: Yeah Randy Orton was like-
Coley: Oh yeah!
Tyler: Was like hey man listen I said some dumb shit in the past, I was dumb. I get it now. People are like "Are you sure Randy?" he's like "*looks around* Yes! What do you mean am I sure?? What?" *laughs*
Coley: *laughing* 
Tyler: Yes! I saw Joe Walsh was talkin' some sense...i'm like Joe Walsh???*in disbelief leaning back*
Coley: That I don't trust! *holding up 1 finger*
Tyler: Yeah that's another thing, and it's been pointed out but that's the jig...a lot of people tied themselves to either Trump or Trump adjacent, republican adjacent are gonna try to do the distancing thing away like "oh woah i'm hip i'm not him!" *shakes head* No it's still fuck you like *shakes head laughing* i'm not takin' that bait.
Coley: No and it's like thanks for sayin' the right thing now, using your platform to say the right thing now but 
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: Sometimes way too much damage is done.
Tyler: Yeah or also like if you're gonna say it now put some action behind it. Like okay, you saying it now you had this epiphany...okay it's not crime to come to somethin' late, we all came to realize something later than someone it's no crime in that but okay are you gonna tweet about it or are you gonna be about it? Are you gonna put in some work, are you gonna open up the purse, are you gonna keep using your voice? So that's what i'm interested to see over these next *thinks* *shrugs* 
Coley: Ever.
Tyler: I don't even wanna think about the rest of 2020 dog, we are not even *slaps table* half way done with this shit..
Coley: No..
Tyler: We're like 46% done...
Coley: *shakes head* *exhales*
Tyler: I'm not havin' fun. 
Coley: It ends with an election and then Bobby Shmurda comes home.
Tyler: Now if Shmurda gets elected! 
Coley: *bursts out in heavy laughter*
Tyler: You talk about nailing the season finale!
Coley: Now we got somethin' *laughs* 
Tyler: Write-In Candidate Bobby Schmurder got 42% of the votes! 
Coley: He steps to the podium, his hat lands on his head and we all cry *laughs*
Tyler: *crowd celebrating* *throws hands up* *chanting* Schmurda! Schmurda! Schmurda! Schm- *laughing*
Coley: *laughing* Uhh
Tyler: Just holding up a sign, "If you ain't no hoe, get up out my crackhouse" 
Coley and Tyler: *cracking up profusely*
Tyler: Wow my president! 
Coley: Yeah swag surfin' comes on for some reason
Tyler: He and Rowdy Rebel as his Vice President *nods*
Coley: Yeah I think Rowdy's got a little bit more time than Bobby if I recall correctly.
Tyler: *shakes head* Hey but if Bobby gets in guess who's gettin' the part! 
Coley and Tyler: *Nodding in unison*
Tyler: Schmurda/Rebel 2020 *nods*
Coley: I'm worried about, as a Celtics fan...Jaylen's future, I don't think he's gonna be doing this basketball shit, like I don't think he's gonna be playing till he's 35. He's like "yeah I made my point" and then go cure all disease. 
Tyler: *Shrugs* probably
Coley: Yeah *shakes head*
Tyler: Listen that's another thing I wonder, like we have the technology where guys can play at 35, 40 or whatever but guys now are running up so much money that I just wonder...and not that you turn 35 and are like "nah i've had enough of this" but if you do get Kawhi's another one, I don't see Kawhi Leonard playing till he's like 39 years old *shakes head* 
Coley: No *shakes head*
Tyler: Like I just, I feel like he'll just be like "No I averaged 20 a game, I felt like I couldn't do it at the level I wanted to anymore. I'm walkin' away at 34" and we never hear from him again...and it's like in those 13 years he ran up 250 million so I don't know, I really don't know because the technology is there but I don't know if the will is there like before you might've stayed to win a ring or whatever but now when you're legitimately signing a 5 year 250 million dollar contract *sways head skeptically*
Coley: Yeah well that's also not everyone
Tyler: Yeah I don't think everyone's gonna turn 32 and call it quits...there are some like Doncic, Doncic been playing pro since he was like 13. That guy's just a professional basketball player. He's gonna play till he can't play anymore
Coley: That's the other thing, a lot of these dudes especially on this side where you're playing AAU year round then high school then summer circuit and all that-
Tyler: Mhm *nods*
Coley: Like that doesn't give you a lot of time to develop other interests other than basketball.
Tyler: Right *nods*
Coley: So a lot of people it's like "I got this sport taken from me, now what the fuck am I supposed to do?" and they have to kick around for a year or two before they fall into something. That's why a lot of people giving money like "Oh yeah i'll run a recording studio with no idea how i'm gonna do that-
Tyler: *nods* right
Coley: -i'm gonna have a bunch of restaurants, this will work great!" Like a lot of these dudes don't lose their money because they're dumb it's because they just don't know what they're supposed to be doing. 
Tyler: See but that's another thing like that'l happen for sure but even then it's like "I don't know what to do but i'm 35 with 200 million in the bank like i'll figure it out...I don't really wanna go to broadcaster school" so i'd love to see Jaylen, not even start a trend but a trend where it's not a bad thing to be smart and outspoken about these things...and maybe it's sport dependent, Myron Rolle they had him pushin' the babies, he was like "is it okay if I go get a rare scholarship only offered to a few people?" No! No it is not *laughs*
Coley: Yeah *laughs* Listen friend, yeah it's okay if you don't wanna play football ever. Yeah!
Tyler: Yeah "what time will you have to study your playbook?" he's like "I can do brain surgery, you think I can't learn the fuckin' 4-3?" 
Coley: Yeah that's not even as like a receiver who needs to learn a zillion routes its like yeah listen I can figure this out!
Tyler: Yeah "no listen, i'm looking at the quarterback...where he throws the ball i'm gonna go!" *laughs* "Are we clear??" 
Coley: *laughs* the NFL's like "No, we're not!" 
Tyler: Yeah *shakes head* and i'm not sayin' he woulda been a superstar but shit they were like "ehhh, I don't know about that!"
Coley: He was really fucking good in college.
Tyler: *nods profusely* Yeah I agree like he wasn't elite speed but he was really big so it's like okay maybe he wouldn't of been a superstar but *skeptical head wave* I think he could've been an NFL player.
Coley: Those guys who are a half tick below elite speed always appear to be the best one's so I don't know why we keep holding people to that fucking standard *laughs*
Tyler: No no no, that's only if they're really smart so! This doesn't apply to Rhodes Scholar Dr. Myron Rolle 
Coley: I remember with him, they were like "he might challenge coaches on whether or not the defense is right" 
Tyler: *nods and laughs*
Coley: It's like...this is a bad thing!? 
Tyler: *nods profusely* Yes! Listen it was the same for Josh Rosen man.
Coley: Oh yeah *eyes widen* 
Tyler: "You want this guy pokin' holes in your gameplan?" If it stinks, yeah! *laughs* 
Coley: Sure big holes.
Tyler: If he walks into the number one offense and is like "yeah let's switch it up" *skeptical look* but if he walks in like "I don't know maybe we shouldn't hand it to the guy getting 3 yards a carry?" "Enough Rosen! Beat it nerd!" *shakes head*
Coley: Yeah! *laughs* it's not that hard.
Tyler: It would appear that it is.
Coley: *laughs* Race relations, just not fuckin' kneeling on someone's neck. Did you see that one video when they arrested a protestor and one cop was in the exact same position like knee on the guy's neck while the other cop was arrestin' him and the other cop had to like pull his knee because people were's like have we learned nothing?
Tyler: *shaking head in disgust* No that's exactly it. You see the one where they arrested the FBI agent? 
Coley: No see I did some homework on that, he wasn't an FBI agent.
Tyler: So was it phony? I just saw they pulled some kind of badge out of his pocket.
Coley: I think it was just his ID and he was very much not the person they were looking for. *laughs*
Tyler: It was one and he had some type of badge, I don't know what I don't know what an FBI badge looks like but people were sayin' FBI. But, he had some type of badge and his license.
Coley: The only thing I was able to verify was they pulled out his license, the other thing I saw people saying was that he was a Border Patrol officer. 
Tyler: Ahhh, maybe that's what it was *looking up thinking*
Coley: But yeah it was going viral that it was FBI.
Tyler: Right *nods*
Coley: That's the thing too which sucks is that even the good side can spread misinformation, like there was that video of the Boston cops like *air quotes* breaking their own car like 10 minutes before that there was video of kids jumping up and down on the was broken by people and they were I guess getting the glass out of there. Now 90% of these videos are what you see.
Tyler: Oh yeah.
Coley: But, I watched that FBI one and I was just like "why would an FBI agent...?" Like it just didn't add up that he was an FBI agent.
Tyler: Right.
Coley: So I went to the original Instagram post-
Tyler: He had on a backwards hat! 
Coley: Right!
Tyler: How could they have known!? 
Coley: He wasn't wearing an old jersey, of a player who doesn't play for that team anymore.
Tyler: Wayne Cherbet fan in the house! *laughs*
Coley: *laughing mightily* 
Tyler: Number one Amani Toomer fan this side of the-
Coley: When did you learn that?
Tyler: What?
Coley: That undercovers were wearing jersey's and shit? I was 11.
Tyler: Oh I mean it's just one of those things, if you've been in situations like you just know when somethings off *squints eyes*
Coley: Mhm. 
Tyler: It's not even so much of "that guy's wearing a jersey, he's a cop!" it's like a "okay, nobodies seen that guy before, he's not really with anybody...he's just standing, something's off about this" and then oh boy whaddya know he pulls out the cuffs! *rolls eyes*
Coley: Yeah 
Tyler: There was a video, it went viral a while ago...I can't find it, if anybody knows where it is please send it to me. It's a guy who's tryna pretend like he's high so he can buy some drugs from some guys.
Coley: *laughing maniacally*
Tyler: Have you seen this?
Coley: No *shakes head* *continues laughing*
Tyler: Oh man! He's-
Coley: It just sounds very funny!
Tyler: It's like a group of black guy right outside of one of the banks with the ATM but you go inside right to the ATM.
Coley:*nods* yeah.
Tyler: So they can see it and one of the guys is like "i'm telling you, he's a cop...he is an undercover cop, watch this" and as soon as he comes out, he comes out like staggerin' with the money...he's like "y'all got that loud fellas, *dancing with shoulders* y'al got that loud!? I got cash! Y'all tryna put somethin' on a dime!?" somethin' like that and they're like "man get the fuck outta here cop" and he's like "y'all not tryna sell me no loud *dancing with shoulders* ah it's cause i'm white? it's cause i'm white brothas?" and they're like "man get the fuck outta here"
Coley: *laughing* yeah. 
Tyler: So if anybody has that video please send it to me because it is very funny! Like, he was the best officer for that mission, he was the one they picked... they're like "No, Ted'll sell it...he can. He's one with the streets." 
Coley: *laughing profusely*
Tyler: *laughing* he's like "y'all got that loud fellas?" and they was like "man get the fuck outta here" "y'all don't wanna sell me that loud *dancing with shoulders* that Marijuana pack!" *laughing* good times.
Coley: Do cops always learn the lingo like 5 cycles too late? 
Coley and Tyler: *laughing*
Tyler: It's like overseas they just now get MC Hammer.
Coley: Yeah, Married with Children for the first time, yeah *laughs*
Tyler: guy shows up in the Al Bundy Polk High jersey, "i'm looking to buy some *scrolls phone* Reggie!? *looks around*"
Coley: "Gas? *Eyes look around room*"
Tyler: "Who's got that stank? *plugs nose* Huh Huh? It smells like a skunk from what i'm told!"
Coley: I'm just tryna think of old weed terms now.
Tyler: *laughing*
Coley:*laughs* "Does anybody have that hydro? *eyebrows raise*" 
Tyler: *laughs* "I got reefa feva!" 
Coley: *laughing immensly*
Tyler: "Who got the prescription!?" *shakes head* I gotta find the video, it's so funny
Coley: Somebody's gonna @ you with it and I can't wait to watch it.
Tyler: You just see him staggerin' out tryna like fake fumble the money *falling over in chair*
Coley: Yeah when that's not how how high people act at all, yeah. *laughs*
Tyler: *cracking up* Yup, everyone knows that's what Marijuana does! He's also dressed like a homeless person. *laughing*
Coley: *dying of laughter* dirt on his face.
Tyler: I guess not homeless, a homeless person, I just gotta go to Wells Fargo real quick *makes finger motion* get out a quick Virgil and I gotcha *cracks up* 
Coley:*laughing immensely* If someone tried to buy drugs from me and they said they were gonna go cop a Virgil i'd be like alright you're not a cop...there's no way.
Tyler: Yeah *laughing*
Coley: In 2024, yeah i'd be weary. *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah in 2028 "y'all got that Virgil?! Huh? I'm tryna smoke on that Zion *makes Jolly Green Giant walking motion* that big pack rrrr!" 
Coley and Tyler: *laughing the mightiest of chuckles*
Tyler: "I get 'em for the Kobe!" 
Coley and Tyler: *shake heads in unison*
Coley: Fuckin' assholes. Someone, and it's not the first time this points been made but i've seen people putting how long it takes to become a how many hours, how many years and how long it takes to become a cop, to be on the opposing sides of the law pretty much. 
Tyler: Opposing *air quotes*
Coley: Yeah, I get the need to have police officers and what not but it needs to be a little more stringent. Did you see those big hosses' that they were shippin' in? Like the big boys?
Tyler: *shakes head* No. *laughs*
Coley: *laughs* Oh boy! I saw this one tweet and they were like "Oh my god, they got big chungus!" and I was on the floor.
Coley and Tyler: *crack up laughing*
Tyler: Like big cops? 
Coley: *shakes head* *eyes widen* HUUUGE! 
Tyler: Those cops were huge! *laughs*
Coley: One of 'em they were like "this guy didn't go through all the tests *shakes head*" *laughs*
Tyler: *the heartiest of belly laughs* 
Coley: Was certified before he lost all the weight.
Tyler: Officer Jakey, there's no need for that! No, and somebody's posted it before, it's harder to become a fuckin' barber.
Coley: *laughs* Yeah!
Tyler: You need more hours of training to become a barber or like a hair stylist than you need to have to be a cop...One of 'em gets a curling iron, and the other one get's a 9 so *leans back in chair*
Coley: *holds up one finger* And a straight razor tell it fair!
Tyler: Now listen, I call it like I see it and the other guy gets a stick and a gun! So again-
Coley: Pft yeah that was the old days now you get fuckin' Army certified Stark industry shit.
Tyler: For real like i've seen it just ridin' around the city like "city's hiring police officers starting at whatever salary" i'm like boy oh boy I feel like I never see that for jobs with the potential to kill people..."we need some pilots guys! we starting at 15 an hour!" It's like boy, and again I see the need for them in theory and if so, why would these not be the most prepared?
Coley: Right *nods* yeah.
Tyler: Like overseas, everybody's like-
Coley: They're held to a higher standard!
Tyler: Held to any standard, a standard would be a start!
Coley: For sure but it's like hold them to the same standard you hold regular people to even!
Tyler: That's all people are asking, that's it. It's not like "go out and arrest all cops ahead of time", No! Just the *air quotes* just the bad ones, if it's only bad ones
Coley: Right, then there shouldn't be that many!
Tyler: Exactly! You would wanna get these bad apples out, right? Cause I think I said it on the podcast, if it was George Floyd and 3 of his friends and 1 cop turned up dead, how many people would be in jail? 4! Immediately!
Coley: At minimum!
Tyler: Immediately, if they got arrested.
Coley: People who happened to look like George Floyd would also get brought in.
Tyler: Yeah and also like that's best case scenario they get arrested and not killed while being apprehended. 
Coley: Right, yeah.
Tyler: So it's 1 dead George Floyd but 4 cops and it took days to get 1 arrested? Again all people want is fair.
Coley: With a lesser murder charge too.
Tyler: Yeah! You're not above the law, and yeah you can't charge them all the same but if it was 4 people they damn sure woulda been arrested on some accomplice charges.
Coley: Conspiracy, yeah.
Tyler: I saw, if you're in a police chase, and a police man gets hurt, you're liable for that!
Coley: *nodding* oh yeah.
Tyler: I saw a police man like tore his ACL and they added on like what? Cause he couldn't jump over the fence I could jump over! Who's fault is that?
Coley: *hearty chuckles*
Tyler: Who did the training? Who's fault is that?
Coley: *laughing* yeah I didn't train for this.
Tyler: Shoulda been faster!
Coley: Yeah, dum dum run better!*laughing*
Tyler: *shakes head* Man oh man.
Coley: Yeah that's the thing that bothers me with the pushback from regular people too like no one is asking for anything exorbitant, no one's asking for anything crazy. It's not like they're "I want all cops to die and a billion dollars in gold bars" Like no one's asking for that!
Tyler: I think it should be a lawless territory, yes *nodding*
Coley: Yeah, no ones asking for that...People are asking for murderers to be held to the standard of murderers. Doesn't seem like a big ask!
Tyler: *shakes head* *eyes widen* I got some bad news Mick! I've seen like the book store in Minnesota put like Abolish the Police in their mirror and just reading that it's like "what happens if somebody steals your car, what happens if somebody breaks into your store!?" What happens if somebody puts a KNEE ON YOUR NECK AND KILLS YOU? Like that's the first place you go to? What about my car though Mick?
Coley: Yeah! 
Tyler: Think about my Altima! 
Coley: Yeah and it's like George Floyd was arrested for what forgery? 
Tyler: Yeah *nods* they thought he had a counterfeit 20
Coley: Yeah *nods*
Tyler: Which he didn't *rolls eyes*
Coley: *laughs in depressed* No, he had to of! Why else would they of done it!? 
Tyler: *holds up one finger* He was no angel Mick!
Coley: Yeah, so it's like that's the other part, arrest him. If someone breaks the law, no one's like "no don't arrest him" yeah arrest him, you don't have to go to these crazy lengths like was he strugglin'? Was he beating the hell out of these guys? Like they didn't need to pin him down like that.
Tyler: *shakes head* No! 
Coley: Put him in the car like you would if I did it.
Tyler: That's what i'm sayin' for whatever it is, if you think it's forgery okay then go through the proper, I don't know the penalty for forgery...I know what it's not! I know it's not death, so.  
Coley: Yeah *nods* Right it's not like "no I checked it, I become executioner now it's right here it's in the law!"
Tyler: Yeah flip of the coin! If it's heads? I'm outta here. Tails? 250 dollar fine.
Coley: And you can see on some of these guys like who is suited for the job of protecting and serving. Like you can see the guys who even with truly violent rioters, like the people who do go there with bad intentions who aren't part of the's a very small percentage of them but that's the only people you fuckin' hear about now though so that's the strawman. But you can see the one's who calmly deal with this shit who are suited for the job, and then you can see the ones who, it's the fuckin' can tell the one's who should not be out there.
Tyler: Not an analytics guy huh Mick?
Coley: *laughs* No, you can see the ones who should not be out there who are fuckin' terrified. It's just one of those jobs, you can't be terrified. Work at a desk, like if you wanna help? Get a desk job at your precinct.
Tyler: Yeah!
Coley: That needs to be done too, you're probably great with paperwork go do that!
Tyler: Right, like "i'm a lifeguard but when i'm out there i'm afraid for my life too!" Then sit your ass down somewhere!
Coley: "I can't swim so uh *throws hands up*!" 
Tyler and Coley: *laughing together*
Tyler: "Why doesn't he help me! *points to self with both index fingers*"
Coley: Yeah *laughing* "Sharks? Not a fan!"
Tyler: Right this ain't like where they assign you a job. Like shit, I gotta be a cop! No, you chose to do this! You could easily of chose to go walk the beat man, go issue some parking tickets if you wanna help. This ain't your line of work. Work the phone lines, do somethin', help in another way. I saw, and it was a video a cop posted, he was like "if you're a good cop you can skip past this, if you're a bad cop fucking quit cause you're making it hard for me! You're literally putting my life on the line." I was like this is what we need, the good cops to be fed up with the bad cops. So yeah call they ass out.
Coley: Yeah and I saw one video and again hard to completely verify but I think it was Oklahoma he said he wanted to take a knee yesterday with protestors, they wouldn't let him, and then today he was like "I wanna talk to my commanding officer because I wanna go take a knee today" and they wouldn't even let him talk to the commanding officer. So he handed in his badge and he quit. Which kinda sucks because it sounded like he was a good cop!
Tyler: And again that's what it's gonna take man. I've seen some stories like that, which again is good, find a way to help. And again, if it ain't for you it ain't for you! It's like well "i'm a limo driver, i'm scared of going over 52 miles an hour though like I just terrified"
Coley: You're Tommy Smokes, you can't get on the highway, yeah. 
Tyler: *laughs* "i'm scared for my life too Mick don't you understand!" What the fuck are you doin' drivin' me? Like do somethin' else! Book the limos! Like *laughs*
Coley: Yeah *laughs*
Tyler: I'm a pilot but I don't know I just lose focus man! 
Coley: Yeah! Imagine me being your pilot? You'd get off the fuckin' plane *throws hands up* *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah, Mick man's just lightin' up as everyone walks on the plane *mimes smoking* 
Coley: I'm like we're keepin' this at a smooth 500 feet all the way to Palo Alto like we're not goin' up. *cracks up*
Tyler: Would you guys like that? "No!" Yeah you bet you'd like that! *laughs* I got my co-pilot Tommy Heinsohn with me, Tommy say hello to the people.
Tyler and Coley: *crack up laughing in unison*
Coley: Now you're describing a plane that I think a lot more people would be more comfortable on! 
Tyler: *nodding* Celtic airlines.
Coley: *chuckles* Lucky flights, yeah that'd be *sways head to and frow in thought*
Tyler: It could work. 
Coley: Yeah I wouldn't of been grounded for as long as I was if that airline was out there.
Tyler: Every flight attendant's just dressed like Dave Cowens.
Coley and Tyler: *cracking up laughing*
Tyler: Just doing the hold still, seatbelt *mimes airplane safety procedures*
Coley: Clicking *fasten seatbelt procedure* 
Tyler: Yeah *mimes oxygen mask procedure*
Tyler: Put on your mask first before assisting someone, and the person beside you is Enes Kanter in the video. You know because he's wearing number 11!
Coley:*laughs* The fuckin' dude with the umbrella in Minnesota who smashed up that Autozone.
Tyler: Oh yeah,
Coley: I wanna call him the biggest asshole out of this but that's not fair to the much bigger assholes out there that i've seen. 
Tyler: *shakes head* Plenty of assholes!
Coley: But boy oh boy did he have that spot for a minute!
Tyler: Somebody mighta joined his ranks today, I didn't listen to it but I don't know if you've heard about the latest Simmons podcast?
Coley: Oh boy...
Tyler: *cracks up laughing*
Coley: I though you were gonna say fuckin' Breakfast Club but I guess we'll get to them next! *laughs*
Tyler: *laughing* Oh no! We'll definitely get to them. No did you hear about the latest Simmons podcast today?
Coley: All I saw early, like early in the morning I saw people like posting the screenshot of wherever it was like "we talk about a tough weekend in America and then me and Ryen Russillo redraft the 2005 draft class!" *laughs*
Tyler: *cracking up* 
Coley WHAT!? What are you talking about?? 
Tyler: Yeah, racial tension and what it means for this country *much louder* and Okafor, Howard! What is your pick!? *laughing*
Coley: *dying of laughter leaned all the way back in chair* What was the transition like between? Were they just like, "alright now lemme ask ya! Where did you stand, on the Connecticut product?" 
Tyler: *laughs* *thinking* But even then, people were sayin', which I almost want to listen to it to confirm it.
Coley: No you can't...
Tyler: I kinda want to, because Russillo basically admits he voted for Trump and he tells why! *laughing*
Coley: I did see that, yeah. 
Tyler: Huh!? Like what? *laughing immensely*
Coley: *laughing* 
Tyler: Oh man like i'm tryna find some of the quotes.
Coley: Ah yeah *laughs* that's the thing, with something that absurd I can never tell what's a real quote and what's fake.
Tyler: People hid it from me, they were like "you gotta listen to it and hear Russillo talkin' All Lives Matter" I was like oh okay *shrugs* like that could mean a lot of things right?
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: But no, I looked into it and people were like "oh no, he was talking about why he voted for Trump"...apparently how he thought the protests were bad, oh wait a minute! We might have a clip! 
Coley: Oh no...
Tyler: We might have an audio clip, lets have a listen here. *plays Russillo audio of him being a blatant arrogant privileged self absorbed brain dead moron and I will not transcribe that, apologies* Yeah that's not fair to Bill Simmons, he's hired an array of white guys to talk about.
Coley: I was gonna pull up the tweet, did you see that?
Tyler: Which one?
Coley: Lemme see if I can find it.
Tyler: That's tough when you're saying your boss is diverse when he's not diverse and that don't crack the mount rushmore of bad shit you said on the same podcast. 
Coley: From @RingerUnion, "Diversity in the news room is essential to covering police brutality and systematic racism, including in the worlds of sports and pop culture. The Ringer has a lot of work to do, in 2019 86% of speakers on The Ringer podcast network were white. We have ZERO black editors, we have ZERO black writers assigned full time to the NBA or NFL beats. Our union is currently bargaining for practices to improve our diversity and inclusion. We're currently at a standstill on diversity efforts at the marketing table-
Tyler: *cracks up* "I mean god damn! Who am I supposed to put out here? Nephew Kyle? He's not going anywhere! My old man? House? J-bug? Poopsy? I mean who am I supposed to get rid of here?" *laughing*
Coley: *laughing so hard nearly falls out of frame* 
Tyler: "I'm not diverse?"*laughs*
Coley: "I have Malcolm Gladwell in here every month! He's something! He's not white!"
Tyler: "Ain't that right Malcolm!?" "I think Giannis should play for the Swedish team!"
Coley: "If we plucked out his best genes! Now hear me out!"
Tyler: *laughing* If we crossbreeded!" *laughing*
Coley:*laughing* "If we took Giannis and Simone Biles, head me out!" 
Tyler: I just know this is gonna turn into "look at Barstool talkin'"...I don't hear anybody from Barstool beating the desk about their diversity for one. 
Coley: No. I will say reading that made me feel like we were the most fuckin' diverse place in America! *laughs* like
Tyler: Boy oh boy.
Coley: We let women speak Tyler! Look at you! You're talkin'! *laughs*
Tyler: Listen, against my better judgement! *eyes widen, puts hands up*
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: I mean i'm just sayin'! Ria and Fran!? Do we need 2 girls? I mean *skeptical look on face*
Coley: That was my initial reaction, ah Barstool *tilts head*...Wait a minute! That was before and that was when it was like 5 people! And even then one of them was still black, so even then it was 20% which is higher than fuckin' them!
Tyler: I don't know how many sites have an entire like Chicks website and I say that not lightly because they do great work over there. So yeah, when you're thumpin' the table about your diversity and then the union from within you own company is like *holds up 1 finger, shaking it* ACTUALLY! 
Tyler: It's a tough scene man.
Coley: Oh god..
Tyler: Oh yeah, Simmons compared the hopelessness of the country to the plight of Knicks fans. *laughing intensely
Coley: *incomplete denial* No that can't be true. Can't be. It just can't be, I refuse. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt it just can't be. 
Tyler: This is the same tweet, Russillo talking about how good a leader Reagan was and focusing on the Louisville-, HAH *cracks up laughing*
Coley:*can't hold back the laughter any longer*
Tyler: I gotta listen to it now man.
Coley: "If you really look at the impact of Reaganomics I mean wha? *throws hands up*" *laughs*
Tyler: *laughing* Oh man, "House is J. Edgar Hoover having a moment?" *shakes head*
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: Boy oh boy, "this is like Memphis fans, they can never really relax! Cause Martin Luther King, we could feel it, we all could feel it in the room!"
Coley: Oh boy...
Tyler: "Me, my dad, Ryen, Nephew Kyle"
Coley and Tyler: *laughing*
Tyler: Boy oh boy, I hope it's one of those things in jest like shitting on Knicks to shit on the Knicks.
Coley: There's no chance.
Tyler: I just know better, he was like "No no, it's just like it! Willis Reed comin' out of the locker room is like Virgil Abloh givin'' 50 dollars!" No *shakes head*
Coley: Yeah Reed only did score 2 points, which out of the 100 i'm sure they scored that day is a higher percentage of points than Virgil gave.*laughs*
Tyler: *laughing* Willis "Off White" Reed, hobbling out in a pair of shorts that says shorts.
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: 8,500 dollar Knicks shorts. Kneepad that says kneepad.
Coley: That's the thing it's like hard to give him the doubt that it's in jest, like we've laughed this episode but it's out of how insane everything is. To actually compare any of this to sports is preposterous...and then to do an '05 redraft!
Tyler: On the same episode like I could even see like normally we make it one, we'll split it into two...if you wanna hear one side do this, if you wanna hear the redraft listen to part B...Simmons was like "aaahhh I don't have a lot of time OR bandwidth, we gotta put 'em in the same one!"
Coley: Cause the originally, probably Saturday I was like alright obviously we're gonna talk about it, as we always have. Any fucked up shit that happens, we tend to touch on and then I was tryna think what was the one bright spot of this year cause as we've said before, it's been music. Music's been great, so I was like it's almost the midway point of the year and especially for albums cause no one drops somethin' in December like oh this made *hiccup* my best of the year! *lifts finger*
Tyler: Right *nods*
Coley: So I was like, we could do top 6 albums or something and then yesterday I was like what am I fucking crazy? Why would we do that!?
Tyler: "The Knicks! Will they sign Carmelo!?" *laughs*
Coley:*laughing* It's like just use your brain.
Tyler: "When people get killed in the streets it's just like when the Knicks won the '85 draft lottery!" and Ryen Russillo's like "no, absolutely I agree...the war on drugs was necessary." 
Coley and Tyler: *laughing*
Tyler: And even then if you're hearing somebody like "yeah we're talkin' redraftables" and he's like "yeah, i'll tell you ANOTHER reason I voted for Trump *holds 1 finger up*" and Simmons was just like "Yeah, no go on *nods head like a dog* absolutely yeah"
Coley: That's the guy you want covering the NBA! 
Tyler: Yeah, no diversity. Yes! He voted for him for tax purposes, apparently...Uh I don't give a fuck why you voted for Trump. Not just him.
Coley: A lot of people have that convenient excuse. 
Tyler: What a wild thing to volunteer at a time like this, at any time! But a time like this none the less. Again, if you think serious again for a second, that's where the tone deafness and that's where the tone deafness comes in and that's where diversity plays a part. And again to our credit, Erika had like myself, had Willie on. That's what you can do when you have the diversity. When you don't have it there's no one in the room to say "hey Ryen maybe now's not the time to talk about why John Patrick is the man for America 2020." But no, when it's 3 white guys in a room there's nothin' to check so it's why the diversity is important. It's great to read articles, cause it's not shitting on The Ringer's content, they do good content but you can't play the diverse card and then have your own Union pull your card like that.
Coley: *nodding* Right.
Tyler: He's like "But what about the 14%!" *holding in laughter* Like okay, *laughs* Y'all gotta B+ in diversity? *laughs*
Coley: *exhales*
Tyler: "But like I was saying the war on crack was good, I voted for Reagan and i'd do it again Bill! *points finger*" "Who do you have the Hawks taking 3rd in the '05-"*cracking up*
Coley: Yeah they passed on Chris Paul originally.
Tyler: "It was almost like when Malcolm X got killed in the Audubon Ballroom!" 
Coley: *laughing in disbelief*
Tyler: *shaking head* 
Coley: *exhales* Yeah that Bex Welker tweet "The Celtics Miss a Three, Bill Simmons: This is like 9/11!" 
Coley and Tyler: *cracking up*
Tyler: Bex slick like one of the originators of tweet like an analyst. 
Coley: Yeah Gruden
Tyler: Those and the Gruden *nodding* Bex was before his time, shoutout Bex. 
Coley: What do you think about the civil unrest here in St. Louis? "Great kid, prospect outta Auburn" *laughs immensely*
Tyler: *cracks up* ahhh man. 
Coley: *laughing* "Runs fast!"
Tyler: Somebody texted me this week to ask me like, "what did Bill Simmons say about Memphis" and I was like oohhhh no. and I sent it and they were like, "wait I saw that, that wasn't fake!?" I was like oh no that was very real! I don't know if you saw but his '03 draft log when he was talkin' about LeBron and-, did you see that?
Coley: No, i'm real nervous...*laughs*
Tyler: OOHHHH, Ohhh man...It must have been '03, it was basically "they're celebrating LeBron and his single mother, what happened to parents stayin' together? Makin' it work!" Somebody posted like 4 screenshots from the same article, later he was talking about how he basically got his wife pregnant without her knowing or agreeing that they were going to have kids. He was like "it's great we call it pullin' the goalie where i'm from!" There was a lot more! I was like, this is from the same article? Shit! Page 2's a wild boy! 
Coley: *in disbelief* exhales, oh man...there were a lot of people playin' the "oh Barstool shouldn't talk about this!" Well it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't type thing for us and i'd rather be damned if I do.
Tyler: Yeah. It's one of those things, yeah there's no winning here. If you talk about it or not talk about it, there's no winning here, there's no right side so i'm glad for the most part we've chose to let people voice it and be on the right side of it.
Coley: We always have too that's the thing, and one of the biggest comments I see to is like "can employees tell where in their contract where they can never yell at Dave?"...It's like that's all we ever do is yell at Dave! *holds index and thumb together* 
Tyler: *laughing*
Coley: It's the most open place in the world to work, I would argue. 
Tyler: Yeah! 
Coley: I've never worked anywhere else where you can walk up to your boss, tell him to fuck himself and he'll say "why did you tell me that" as opposed to just firing you.
Tyler: Yeah come on radio and tell me why I should go fuck myself. 
Coley: *laughs* Right! 
Tyler: *laughing* from 5:50-6
Coley: He can be stubborn but he'll listen to what you have to say, then he'll usually just stay how he is but he'll give you the forum to do it without repercussions.
Tyler: Yeah and I said it to and about Erika, like 1) she exercises her platform, like she's not telling us to do somethin' that she doesn't or wouldn't do her own way and also i've, speaking for me, i've never been told anything I can or can not say, tweet about or talk about. Anything like that. Like, that's where a good bit of the funny shit is, that's why we have so many funny people like we don't have blinders on us.
Coley: Right!
Tyler: And in times like this, it's like okay when the going's good and we can say whatever we want...but when the shit ain't good we can also say whatever we want.
Coley: Correct.
Tyler: If it turned to shit like this and Erika and Dave were like "okay now no, mums the word" then yeah i'd look at 'em funny but it hasn't been that so I can't look at 'em funny. It wouldn't be genuine.
Coley: Correct, yeah and I think that's what they understand is what truly separates us. There are talented people, our country is flush with talented people.
Tyler: Alright! *looks away*
Coley: Far more talented than I.
Tyler: Alright! *looks away* Wrap it up! *spins finger*
Coley: A lot of companies have talent like there's a lot of talented people out there, i'm not afraid to say it. 
Tyler: Alright close us out Mick, we're done *looks around" 
Coley: What will always separate us and me tweeting the donations wasn't patting myself on the back, this is. What will always separate us is the authenticity, like Will Compton, never met him never really got the chance to talk to him, he's relatively new. Him writing that blog, I thought that was stickin' his neck out big time since he is new...Him being like "this is hard but I don't know but what are we as white people supposed to be doing during this time?". That's fuckin' incredible to see. Our authenticity is always going to separate us, you don't have to like it but if you don't respect that and you're own of these free fucking speech people, if that's the one thing you can't respect about us? You just fucking stink! Simple and plain.
Tyler: Yeah *tilts head* I won't say we're better off without you but uh *shrugs, bites bottom lip* you know what I mean!? 
Coley: *hearty laugh* Yeah Erika and Dave have been great, always with that. Always.
Tyler: You know who hasn't been great?
Coley: Oh boy..
Tyler: I found the column.
Coley: Oh no.
Tyler: "House and I just had this exchange-
Coley:*bursts out laughing*
Tyler: -House: We just saw more kisses than the average episode of Queer is Folk! Me: How would you know? You watch that show? House: (after a long pause) Wait don't put that in the column! 
Coley: *shakes head*
Tyler: Oh boy, there's a SARS joke in here about Toronto taking Chris Bosh.
Coley: I don't even know how that ties in but I don't wanna know either. 
Tyler: Oh yeah here's the doozy! This is the one I was lookin' for. "Jarvis Hayes goes to the Wiz at number 10, he's the guy with the twin brother named Jonas. What are the odds of these guys switching identities and hoodwinking a groupie over the next 8 months?"
Coley: Pff
Tyler: Somebody tweeted here, "Bill Simmons at the culmination of someone's life's work, daydreams wistfully about them committing a sex crime!"  
Coley:*shakes head* *exhales*
Tyler: Let's see, yeah he made a joke against the lady Vol's so there's some lady basketball jokes. He laughed at Ndudi Ebi's name.
Coley: He still does that shit with Giannis.
Tyler: *nods* yeah, there's some sextape jokes...yeah no it's a lot and this is all from thee same draft. It's a wild scene man, a WILD scene. I think back and I know you used to read it too, like page 2 and what it's like boy oh boy.
Coley: Oh I never read that.
Tyler: You didn't read page 2? 
Coley: *shakes head* no
Tyler: Damn, page 2 was good it had young Simmons, Ralph Wiley was great, it was before Whitlock lost his fuckin' mind.
Coley: That existed? 
Tyler: Oh yeah! *nods* That's why I think this is so surprising to anybody who's followed it for so long, cause with Whitlock, that's how you know it's just clearly act cause you weren't, you used to write good shit! And Ralph Wiley died, Simmons took off, Whitlock went way left! Ralph Wiley was with the shits, i'm glad he ain't have to see none of this like he would of seen Whitlock make that turn and he'd of called his ass out. Ralph Wiley's like the type of journalism that's necessary especially in times like this.
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: I think he had a heart attack watching some finals game or something
Coley: Jesus.
Tyler: Yeah he wasn't *shakes head* very old. Let's see, yeah Ralph Wiley when he died he was 52, he died in '04. Yup while watching game 4 of the 2004 finals. Yeah, he wrote a lot of boxing stuff, he wrote Malcolm X stuff, he did stuff for GQ like he did a lot of dope stuff and they were gettin' page 2 goin' and he died unexpectedly and it kinda just splintered after that and it's wild. I'm tryna think of who else was there, those were the big 3 and Simmons took off and him takin' off *Simmons voice* "Kinda reminds me-
Coley: -Of the civil unrest in St. Louis!"
Tyler: "When JFK took that fateful ride!" 
Coley: I only really knew about page 2 like in retrospect.
Tyler: Mmm *nods*
Coley: Like Hunter S Thompson was there.
Tyler: Mhm! *nods* Hunter S Thompson was there, like they had a fuckin' staff.
Coley: That's the thing I was never a Simmons guy, like ever. I started listening to the podcast after he left ESPN for a little bit.
Tyler: Mmm
Coley: And that was really my only-, like I knew who he was. I read the Book of Basketball after the ESPN shit but I was a big SLAM Magazine.
Tyler: Mm
Coley: Like my father always had Sporting News around the house, never huge Sports Illustrated guy. For whatever reason I always went to Yahoo Sports, never ESPN. 
Tyler: *shakes head* That's a wild move. 
Coley: Well, you see the guys they've churned out. They had Woj first, they had
Tyler: Yeah that's why it's wild, Woj been hatin' J.R for years! *laughs*
Coley: For sure but that was-
Tyler: Yeah Woj used to be like hot takes Woj.
Coley: Yeah he was a wild boy.
Tyler: Now he's just facts Woj. 
Coley: Their baseball coverage was always exceptional, they had a lot of really good football writers over there. I'm tryna think of any basketball writers I really read.
Tyler: John Kruk was a part of early page 2, Mike Greenberg, Nick Bakay, Tim Keown, and Eric Neel who I still feel like I see their names talkin' baseball. Jim Caple, Whitlock, Dan Shanoff, Mary Buckheit and Stacey Pressman...they had *shocked* 3 women here!? Alysse Minkhoff.
Coley: Do they have the girl who ended it?
Tyler: Who?
Coley: What's her name, Sarah...Do you remember how page 2 ended?
Tyler: I don't *shakes head*
Coley: Oh boy, it was quite the story. 
Tyler: I think I started checkin' out after Wiley died. 
Coley: Sarah Phillips. 
Tyler: Ahh, no what happened? How'd it end?
Coley: "Everything you need to know about Sarah Phillips, former ESPN columnist and social media scammer-
Tyler: Okay *nods*
Coley: It is a very long story that old Deadspin broke, when they used to be a site and she basically just a high level catfish who built her name in gambling forums.
Tyler: Okay *nodding*
Coley: And she had like 50, 60 thousand followers on 2011 Twitter. Which is, I  don't know, 2 million today? 
Tyler: 8 million!
Coley:*chuckle* Yeah cause she had a picture of moderately attractive white girl and tweeted about sports so follower city.
Tyler: *nods*
Coley: And she parlayed all of that into an ESPN job, and she had all of it. Like she was page 2, that was it and she would never come meet in person it was always like Skype shit and i'm not doing it justice but the story ends in it like be rerouted back to a T-Mobile store in Corvalis, Oregon. *laughs* I remember it was like me and my college ex and the story broke right before we were sitting down to eat and I was just scrolling reading it and she was just like "what the fuck could you possible be reading over there *throws hands up*?" I was like, I'll tell you later *waves away* 
Tyler: Yeah no, page 2's down bad babe.*laughs*
Coley: Yeah so she's vanished from the face of the internet, so for 8 years she's just been non-existent. Non-communicado. 
Tyler: Damn, good for her.
Coley: That's how page 2 ended. 
Tyler: Finessed the plug, good for Sarah.
Coley: Oh yeah, yeah. How ESPN was so *waves hand around* cause that's how little they viewed the internet even in 2012.
Tyler: Right.
Coley: They're like yeah we don't need to look into this person. We don't need to vet this person, just give her the keys! *laughs*
Tyler: I think they were like "Listen, all this is secondary because we'll have sportscenter on TV forever and everyone will always have cable and love to sit down and watch sportscenter." 
Coley: Not quite!
Tyler: No! *tilts head* They had the vision for a while though.
Coley: Yeah. Oh they had a run, don't get me wrong. Quite the run. 
Tyler: Yeah...Hmm *tilts head*
Coley: But yeah that was quite a finessing. 
Tyler: Yeah nah, I didn't remember that at all but i'm intrigued now. Good for Sarah, i'm gonna find Sarah now. Find out who she is, who's she's finessing now!
Coley: *laughing* yeah no it was borderline-
Tyler: She became Virgil Abloh!
Coley:*laughs* Barack Obama, yeah.*laughs*...Yeah borderline movie-esque type finessing. 
Tyler: *tilts head in thought* You love to hear it! 
Coley: But yeah! Arrest murderers!
Tyler: Simple and plain. *nodding* 
Coley: Yeah, that doesn't seem like a crazy take. It's being treated like one.
Tyler: I was gonna say, "to play devils advocate here about the whole arresting murders thing. Now when you say murderer's *air quotes* what are we talkin' here Mick?"
Coley: Bill Simmons is like "Is Antifa like the Bad Boy Pistons?" *laughs*
Tyler: *laughing* Russillo's like "no I absolutely agree, I would've sent the drone strikes too. *nodding*"
Coley:*EXTREMELY hearty chuckle*
Tyler: *laughing* Bill's like "yeah!"
Coley: Yeah the only quotes I saw and again it was hard to tell what was real and what's fake but the looting was happening too close to the gym he works out at?
Tyler: *cracking up* No that feels real!
Coley: That's what I mean! That's why I couldn't tell, cause that feels like an incredibly real and like the 20st most problematic, not even top 10 thing he could of said. 
Tyler: Not on the mount rushmore...that's tough man *shakes head*
Coley: God damn.
Tyler: That's tough.
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: I might just listen to it and laugh myself to sleep like Mr. Burns, just laughing laying down *rolls shoulders*
Coley and Tyler: *Mr Burns laughing in unison*
Coley: What was I laughing about? Oh yeah that Irishman! *laughs*
Tyler: *laughs* *shakes head* Mm
Coley: Ahh man.
Tyler: So yeah, y'all go check out the Breakfast Club and Rush Limbaugh.
Coley: What a wild *laughs*
Tyler: Boy oh boy.
Coley: Why, who pitched that and why? Why did Rush Limbaugh agree? Why did anyone agree!?
Tyler: They brought up one of my old tweets.
Coley: Oh I saw it.
Tyler: Yeah! It's like you just see this shit comin', they'll give anybody a platform. My tweet was like yeah, we're sittin' down with Adolf Hitler today! We're gettin' there *nodding profusely*
Coley: *laughs* 
Tyler: We're gettin' there. *shakes head*
Coley: *laughing at the absurdity* *exhales* 
Tyler: Mm *shakes head*
Coley: I can't for the life of me understand why that happened.
Tyler: *laughs* *shakes head*
Coley: But also, shoutout everyone I follow. I didn't see a single quote, I didn't see anything from that fucking shit.
Tyler: Oh no, the only thing I saw was "catch us today at whatever time" people laughing at that and then all of us agreeing to completely ignore it.
Coley: Yeah I think it was at 2, cause I saw that announcement too but I didn't see a single clip.
Tyler: Yeah *nods* we all had a good laugh and we all agreed to completely ignore the fuck out of it.
Coley: Yeah not a clip, not a quote, not a single person being like "this Rush guy is making some sense". None of it. 
Tyler: yeah "listen, when he said Donovan McNabb was not as good because he was black...points were made! You know what I mean!" 
Coley: Well did he win a super bowl? So no! 
Tyler: *tilts head* 1 Limbaugh, McNabb 0.
Coley: *laughs* 
Tyler: *laughing* Fuck that guy too. 
Coley: Forever! Forever.
Tyler: *nodding*
Coley: Good lord..*shakes head*...Did you see the David Guetta, the DJ?
Tyler: *laughs* I saw it and saw it goin' around but I didn't watch it, like I think I know what's goin' on. I just saw like "This is dedicated to the George Floyd f-" and I was just like I don't *shakes head*
Coley: Oh it's funnier than you could imagine. It's one of those things where seeing it so much just beat me down to press play.
Tyler: Yeah I will say I didn't press click but I scrolled past aplenty. 
Coley: Yeah cause I scrolled past it too and finally someone sold it, they were like "this is much funnier than I anticipated"
Tyler: *laughs* 
Coley: And that'll always get me to be like alright fine. And he's up there and he's doing a good thing, this is his second livestream concert raising a shitload of money for Corona Virus relief.
Tyler: Okay *nods*
Coley: Very honorable thing. 
Tyler: Absolutely.
Coley: And he's on top of a skyscraper in Manhattan, he's doin' a DJ set and he's up there and he's like "the world's goin through a lot" and he's French so he's got this accent. He's like "the world's goin through a lot right now and America too"....alright *shakes head* and he's like "so I want unity and peace and this is for George Floyd's family, I cooked this up last night cause I knew I wanted to do something special."
Tyler: Yeah...*shakes head*
Coley: It's like ah boy, and he puts down the microphone and he hits a button.
Tyler: It's the accordion song that Baker be dancin' too *laughs* 
Coley: *laughing* that would of been way better. 
Tyler: *laughing hysterically*
Coley: The I have a dream speech is playing over like synth, pop, techno.
Tyler: *makes dubstep sounds*
Coley: That's the thing it's like the buildup part of it so it's very light
Tyler:  *cracking up* I have a dr- dr- dr- dr- dreeeee
Coley: yeah, while he's speaking and right when he's done speaking the bass drops and he's like *waves both arms side to side*
Tyler: *laughing* *puts hand to ear and dancing like he's DJing*
Coley: And I was like, this was as well intentioned a fuck up as i've ever seen *laughing*
Tyler: *dying of laughter* *inhales* ahhhh man. he's like "Nah i did a standing 8 count! For the 8 seconds they killed George Floyd *moving head side to side*"
Tyler: It's like oh boy, you not hittin' the mark you think you hittin' my man.
Coley: Right he wasn't, but I know that this was well intentioned like he deserves to be clowned. I'm not trying to stop anyone from clowning.
Tyler: Did he at least, did he do a fundraiser for this time?
Coley: Oh yeah this was 700 thousand dollars
Tyler: Okay good deal *nods
Coley: The George Floyd part was impromptu. That's the thing if he'd of just done the Corona Virus relief concert and made no mention of it, no one would of been like "why didn't you talk about that! *points finger up in air*"...It would have went completely under the radar
Tyler: *nods* yeah *laughing* made a terrible song!
Coley: *laughing* yeah, so he deserves a bit of credit for going out of his way, like I said, French DJ. This isn't his problem at all, like he used his platform, he said the man's name...I think that's commendable. He could of said the protests going on and not used his name.
Tyler: Yeah one of the brand statements so I agree.
Coley: yeah, so he said his name in his second language and dropped-
Tyler: Dropped fuckin' thumpers yeah!
Coley: *cracks up*
Tyler: *dubstep noises* *dj hand over earphone* *biting bottom lip like a beaver* *swaying back and forth*
Coley:*laughing* and he's just havin' a swell 'ol time dancing up there *laughs* he definitely thinks he crushed it, for sure and people are roasting him...and like I said, i'm not trying to stop anyone from roasting him it's a completely preposterous thing to do, but I don't think there was a malicious thought that went through his head when he did any of it.
Tyler: Yeah *laughs* he meant well but boy oh boy.
Tyler: *shakes head* *dj hand over earphone* *biting bottom lip like a beaver* *swaying back and forth* *raising the roof*
Coley: *laughing immensely* 
Tyler: Like Jordan *Jordan headphone bob from The Last Dance*
Coley:*believe it or not, still laughing* And the thing is, cutting that up had to of taken like an hour probably? So he listened to that a bunch and was like, "which part of the speech is the best for me to" *cracks up*
Tyler: No this is what Martin would of wanted *nods* everyone knows, Martin loved techno!
Coley: Yeah! *laughing*
Tyler: *laughs* Martin loved go-go music! It was the part of his speech, his wife convinced him to take it out at the end but if you check the archives? No, it's there! I have a dream and I love go-go music, was the original title of that speech, it's why he did it in DC!
Coley: I blogged it and I think my first sentence was, "my biggest problem and i've said on numerous times with Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech.." and that's the whole preview Twitter put and Trent tweeted it at me and I was like if you read that sentence there's no chance you're not clicking like this could go any direction. *laughs* 
Tyler: *laughing* I remember when like uhhh never mind. *shakes head*
Coley: Alright *laughs* *raises hand* 
Tyler: It was...never mind *laughs* Y'all remember when Virgil Abloh gave that 50 ball? That's just my new transition now *laughs* 
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: 50 big ones! 
Coley: *laughs* *tries to speak* *can't* *laughs again*
Tyler: And again, i'll never shame someone for comin' out of their pocket, tt takes a lot, unless it's Virgil Abloh. I'll laugh at him because his 86 dollar shoe laces.
Coley: Yeah you can't give out a quarter of what I gave when you're the head of Louis Vuitton's creative team.
Tyler: Mickman Abloh *laughs* *whistles*
Coley: Good lord.
Tyler: *Nods*
Tyler: Mm
Coley: Yeah wasn't a good weekend!
Tyler: *shakes head* No. Or a good week, a good bi-weekly stretch, a good month, a good season, hasn't been a particularly good spring.
Coley: No. *shakes head* No it hasn't. Was there anything you saw this weekend that gave you any semblance of hope? It could of been something small and fleeting.
Tyler: *thinking* No.*cracks up laughing* I don't wanna end it like that, i'd love to say somethin' but no. *shakes head* What about you?
Coley: As the white 
Tyler: Sure
Coley: Yes! *laughs*
Tyler: Billions of hope, yeah.
Coley: No I thought the protestors did a beautiful job just with everything, violent, non-violent, all of it...and violent is the wrong word entirely because it's not like they were out there shooting anyone or doing anything like that. They're angry, rightfully so, if you're not angry at this I have questions. I do think very young people over the last decade have seen so much raw and unfiltered in a way no other generation has been able to, to no fault of their own, and I think the one thing that is hopeful and awe inspiring is they saw all that, they saw all the school shootings, they saw all the racial injustice on their phones and it seems to have had a profound impact on them. 
Tyler: Yeah *nods* *eyes widen*
Coley: Like this, when Ferguson happened I feel like there were a lot of people out in big cities, but I feel like this is way bigger and maybe i'm wrong in my memory but it just feels what way.
Tyler: It's a thing where that was one of those, it's hard to even say because that was 2014 and 6 Twitter years ago is what 8 decades? *shrugs*
Coley: That's what I said on the 2 year anniversary of LeBron going like that *Arms out, bewildered look recreating the end of Game 1 2018 finals* to J.R...I was like this was the 1974 Finals at the earliest! And it's like no, the most recent!
Tyler: Yeah, no remember when LeBron played for the Cavs? No, the 2nd time! No and that's the thing, these kids are with the shits and I think the first time I realized that was the Marjory Stoneman, one of the schools in Florida, the school shooting. Just the way those kids handled themselves at 16, 17, 18 like they're just not afraid *shakes head* like they've seen the worst of the worst, on their phone or in their classroom. Like, their classmates being killed so they fear nothing.
Coley: Right.
Tyler: So it's one of those, boy oh boy, y'all shoulda listened to Colin when he was kneeling cause it was somebody who was like in school when that happened who's like i'm gonna go be a lawyer or i'm gonna go into politics, i'm gonna change this shit. Cause it's had that type of affect on me, so yeah if there's hope there's that cause this next generation they are with the see people out now with their cameras puttin' it directly in police face and they're counting on you not doing that.
Coley: Right.
Tyler: So for you to do that, keep doin' it. People puttin' their physical like body on the line, they say like white shield and a group of white people run up cause they're not gonna treat the white shield the same way they do the line of black people
Coley: No they don't. *shakes head*
Tyler: So, there's hope in that. It sucks to think that's where you have to find your hope but you gotta find find hope wherever you can find hope.
Coley: Oh yeah no, listen, it's not like "hey we found this pot of gold at this rainbow...did you see anything else fun?" Like no of course not.
Tyler: You never find hope for something like man oh man, inside that pot of gold? Cupcakes! The good just gets better!
Coley: What a day! *laughs*
Tyler: *laughing*
Coley: Yeah no we found a steaming pile of shit covered in vomit and like AIDS laden syringes and we pulled a-
Tyler and Coley: A 50- *in unison*
Tyler: dollar bill! *lifts one finger*
Coley: ball out of it! *laughs*
Tyler: *laughing* right on time, i'm telling you that's gonna be my new shit man *laid way back*
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: 50 bucks, who will match!?!? *laughing*
Coley: I don't know everyone already did dude. *laughing*
Tyler: Ohh man.
Coley: He had to of seen Drake's post and been like "this motherfucker *shakes head*" *laughs*
Tyler: He's like "okay okay, 100 you guys!"
Coley: Twistin' my arm!*laughs*
Tyler: Last thing i'll ask, what's the amount he could donate right now to get people off his back?
Coley: *shakes head* I think it's too late.
Tyler: *laughs* I don't disagree but if he was just like "you know what guys, I fucked up I meant 50 grand here's 50 grand"
Coley: No but then people would point to Drake donating 100, if he had done that before Drake...yeah but now I think it's even too late for that. Like I think if he did a million, no one would clown him and that's unreasonable and i'm not asking him to do that but anything that's 6 digits no one would clown him.
Tyler: I think he's gonna come up with something really shitty and be like "guys I invented this 800 dollar shit, 7 percent of the proceeds going to the bail funds."...What about the other 93 Virgil? "No that's going to me! *nods head*" 
Coley: Yeah me *points thumb at self* big Bloh. *laughs*
Tyler: "Yeah V-A" *points thumb at self* *laughing* *shakes head*
Coley: Yeah so that's the level of hope we're at, it doesn't need to be a lot, it doesn't need to be somethin' huge or grand. I think it's the kids, the kids they're alright.
Tyler: Yeah they're showin' up, they're showin' out and they are gonna blow past like far exceed what we've done...and that's not to say our generation hasn't done anything 
Coley: No.
Tyler: Because I think we're, there was a generation before us, i'm not sure where that just dropped the ball. I think for everybody everywhere and it's one of those I can't say, like the 80's was pretty much just drugs. 
Coley: Yeah
Tyler: Like it wasn't an accident so I can't say they fumbled but i'll say this, these kids now is with the shits. Along with that, there's also 15, 16, 17 year old kids out here with Kidney failure cause they're addicted to prescription drugs 
Coley: Yeah *nodding*
Tyler: So they're seein' that too, so it's some of these kids comin' up like stone sober not even judgin' just like "nah man"...I've seen picture of kids in like wheelchairs, like legit can't stand up 17, 18 years old just cause they've been takin' percocets every day for 3-4 years so they seen that and these kids are gonna fuck shit up man. In a good way.
Coley: Oh yeah and it's like every time I try to think of true civility, you gotta go backwards to find out how we got here and it's like alright for literal thousands and thousands of years everyone just by themselves, where they grew up and I mean like if you're from Iraq that's all you knew. 
Tyler: Mhm *nodding*
Coley: If you were from Ireland like that's all you knew.
Tyler: Your friend who went to school with you and bought a house down the block, yeah.
Coley: Yeah and America was so unique in the sense that it was no one except the people that lived here, we got them the fuck outta the paint. *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah no, ran 'em west.
Coley: But we had to, we cleared it out and we brought people from everywhere and people had to fight to be accepted.
Tyler: Some not by choice, yes.
Coley: I said brought *laughs*
Tyler: *laughs*
Coley: But we got people here from everywhere and the elites once they started doing the math and seeing the numbers on what they consider white. I always tell people around here, Irish people have been white for less than 100 years, to white people.
Tyler: I was gonna say, yeah that's the line right there but I don't disagree. *nods*
Coley: To other white people we've been white for about a hundred years, not even. In Boston we couldn't even get jobs like how's that make fuckin' sense? 
Tyler: Tough scene man.
Coley: Yeah *laughs* it's not great
Tyler: The Celtics, ah good times!
Coley: Yeah that had to of been a mocking name originally in like 1937 or whatever the fuck.
Tyler: They're short because they don't have potata's! *slight laugh*
Coley:*heartier laugh* But it's like America as a big social experiment like lets bring people from all over the world and see how they act...and it took fuckin' a few hundred years of that to have water fountains that we can both use back to back, the same one no less! And that was what? 60 years ago? 
Tyler: *nodding* yeah, within' our parent's lifetime like that's, within the parents or at least grandparents of the people listening to this's lifetime. 
Coley: Right so the last 60 years that's where we've been starting this like actually living together shit and of course there's been redlining, there's been segregation still even if people don't wanna call it that, there has. That was happening without is really still being able to communicate with one another, and then the internet comes along and I feel like the internet *shakes head* was the biggest mistake the government ever gave us...if they truly wanted to keep us seperate.
Tyler: Oh yeah! *nods*
Coley: Cause this shit's so powerful and I thought about that a lot this weekend, from the sense that they didn't expect Twitter and Instagram when they gave us this shit. They didn't expect us to have handheld camera's that could upload this shit instantly and have the ability to actually tell the truth. Not the truth that's run through a newspaper who's owned by one political party or another.
Tyler: Yeah, the truth?
Coley: The truth.
Tyler: A truth that looks only one way.
Coley: Right. And we've had that type of internet for a decade, we've had internet internet, for the last 20 years and I truly believe that's what's helped tear down a lot of the bullshit. Now there's. people fighting against it on that very internet but if you're not seeing the truth you're intentionally shielding yourself from it. It's an intentional choice at this point. 
Tyler: Yeah
Coley: To still think there's a huge difference between you and I. 
Tyler: *nods* I mean it's one of those things, like with a car you can drive to work or you can run over protestors. With the internet, you can go on fuckin' stormfront or I can look and see a protest in France where they're chanting George Floyd's name.
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: Like some shit that never woulda happened, like was just physically my lifetime so the developments are wild. The world is flat and the internet made it that's a lot more better than worse but boy the worse is fuckin' dregs. 
Coley: The worst stinks, but even my bigger point is that level of civility...we're at the infancy of. 
Tyler: Yeah *nodding* I agree.
Coley: Like people think of the word civilization and you go all the way back to mud-huts and shit like that. No no, true civility is so fucking new.
Tyler: Yeah, like wait till they have fuckin' 10G internet. 
Tyler: I'm just thinking it and it automatically sends it, it puts it on a billboard in Hong Kong for some reason.
Coley: Yeah *laughing* like that's why these kids are so hopeful to me. Like we grew up without it, not grew up but like the first third of our lives without it. Like we had fuckin' cords attached to our phones! Like phonebooks! Checkbooks! 
Tyler: Maybe we dropped the ball, shit! 
Tyler: Maybe we were the geeks all along! 
Coley: No because like when I say these protests are bigger I don't mean that as a slight, and I hope no one took it that way to everything that happened in Ferguson because that just felt like a huge stepping stone. Like this wouldn't be as grand as it would be without that happening first. 
Tyler: Yeah the pathways to any kind of freedom, change, rebellion, revolution, whatever you wanna call it. It's never linear, that's just how it goes, there are steps forward, there's steps back. You take 2 forward, you get knocked back 6 and you finally catch up. This is one of those steps forward. I don't know how long the staircase is, none of us do so I can't say if this is step 5 of 6 or it might be step 5 of 5,000,000 but it's a step and we can hang our hat on that. Doin' our part to push forward to the next step or at the very least try to resist that blow that knocks everybody back. 
Coley: *staring blankly* *shakes head*
Tyler: Or we could all just give 50 dol-, no.
Coley: *laughs* a quick 50 ball, but yeah keep everything in mind with that infancy because it's one thing I do believe is important because this isn't a "rip the band-aid off" everything's gonna be fine and everything's gonna be fine once that band-aid's ripped off, it will take time and everyone wants easy overnight solutions...and this shouldn't even be a thing we need to fix, like it should of already been fixed is what i'm trying to say.
Tyler: Right *nods*
Coley: But it isn't so it's one of those things, take the right steps it looks like the youth is going and their youth and their youth, hopefully there's not another generation that drops the ball or something like that but with how connected we are...I feel like it's impossible that we're not goin' in the right direction. 
Tyler: I hope *shakes head* cause it's a thing like, people are like "why are they doin' this? They should want peace and unity." Yeah they do. 
Coley: *laughs* yeah
TylerThat's exactly why they're doing this.
Coley: Every time some dickhead says something like that I picture people being like "this George Washington just needs to shut the fuck up! We got it pretty good over here, pay the taxes!" 
Tyler: "What are they crying about? All that tea!?! Oh *yanks away head in disgust*"
Coley: Let the soldiers stay in your house, like what are we complainin' about.
Tyler: I'll say this, i'll defy somebody to show me where it was like "we want change or freedom" and the people in charge were like "absolutely! *nodding* Oh no come this way, please yes! More of my power? Take it! The shirt off my back? Here!"
Coley:*laughs* Yeah someone was talkin' about the slaves didn't break out into song one day and the slavemaster be like "huh! yeah they're right!"
Tyler: Interesting! Yeah and it's also a thing where people say they wanna go to war and "we gotta keep the country strong"...Okay, then you see what war looks like, you see pictures of war and you talk to the people who've been over there. If you've talking to anybody that's been in war I feel like the one thing I always hear is like "you never forget the smell, you never forget that smell" and it's like okay you wanted the country to be protected okay, 100%, this is what that looks like. This is what that smells like, this is what that sounds like, these are the memories you're gonna have maybe for the rest of your life. So you want that, yeah and it's not just a we go like "ay guys, you guys wanna hand over those weapons of mass destruction?"..."yeah no! right this way! *waving towards body* Y'all thirsty? Can we get you somethin' while we"...that's not what it looks like, and this is that part of the process, it's unfortunate to look at but it's the point.
Tyler and Coley: *nod in unison*
Coley: *shakes head*
Tyler: 50 bucks *shakes head*
Coley: *laughs* there have been a couple things to laugh at, which is nice. 
Tyler: I can't wait until he doubles down in the mornin'. 
Coley: I think he already has said somethin' else. 
Tyler: Yeah he posted like "guy's I am a black man, a very black man, a very very very very black man!" he's like "I fear for my life when I go grocery shopping in Chicago"...i'm like that was very specific. 
Tyler: You spend more than 50 dollars at the grocery store? *laughs* he's like "heavens no! i'd never drop a 50 ball at the market!" 
Coley: *laughing profusely* we blogged it and someone tagged me in it like "you only gave 50", yeah to 4 people! Not just one.
Tyler: *laughing* Yeah known multi-millionaire, Coley Mick. *laughs*
Coley: *laughing in disbelief* When people think creatives? They think Virgil, they think Mick. *counting to 2 on fingers* *slight chuckle*
Tyler: It's Abloh, it's Warhol and it's Mick!
Coley:*bursts out in laughter*
Tyler: Those are the three!
Coley: Are we selling the hoodies for too cheap? Should we jack the price up? "Mickstape" 
Tyler: In every hoodie I think we should put a 50 dollar bill *nodding* like I know they cost whatever, no we'd lose thousands on it, thousands! But it's the right thing to do. 
Coley:*chucklin' up a storm* 50 bucks.*exhales*
Tyler: *shaking head* If you lost 50 bucks, you'd be wouldn't be like ruin your day though mad like "damn! coulda sworn it was in that jacket"...Virgil's like "ahh uh no, would you like to confirm 50 dollars to end racism? Yes. *mimes clicking button*, you need my card number? Yeah sure, the credit 555-"
Coley: Dril had a good tweet today
Tyler: I don't believe that for a second *shaking head*
Coley: Oh there are more! Oh boy. 
Tyler: I don't know about this.
Coley: The one I saw, "Writing in God trumps racism and walking out of the voting booth, high fiving the cops with a visible load stain on my crotch." 
Tyler: *cracking up with the HEARTIEST of chuckles* he's done it again!
Coley: *attempting to talk but can't stop laughing* "The writers of 2020 have pooped their pants on this one, trademark copyright - Dril" 
Tyler and Coley: *laughing*
Coley: "In solidarity with all the crap going on i've poisoned my asshole" 
Tyler: *heavy chuckle* One of us.
Coley:*laughing* yeah. I mean you talk about a guy who just gets it.
Tyler: What's the opposite of tone deaf? That's dril, you get the most tone! Toneful!
Coley: *laughs* Two tone yeah.
Tyler: Two tone dril! Yes.
Coley: Toned like Hulk Hogan after he leaves the tanning salon! 
Tyler: Yeah Brother! 
Coley:*laughing* Rest in Peace George Floyd
Tyler: Yes *nodding*
Coley: I don't wanna forget who's the woman from Louisville?
Tyler: Breonna Taylor?
Coley: Yes.
Tyler: Breonna Taylor, David McAtee in Louisville, I mean way too many, too many names. Too damn many. 
Coley: No i'm sure it's only those three and no one else yeah?
Tyler: I don't even know what i'm bellyaching about!
Coley: Yeah, I mean you wanna list the white names Tyler we'll be here all night!"
Tyler: *laughs* Yes? Well I didn't expect you to say that. Hmm.
Coley: Yeah, Arthur Ainsberry.
Tyler: Yeah i'll just go through the phone book like we used to do. 
Coley: *exhales* Yeah stop pushing back. Just listen. Listening is one of those things you can do, that costs you nothing. I can't remember who was talking about it, you just have a gut reaction, it's that empathy you were talking about before...people who automatically want to have a reasoning and explanation, it's irrational. There isn't an answer, listen. 
Tyler: It's selfish..."buh wuhh if I have empathy for them I can't have empathy for me! Will they have empathy for me!?" Probably. "Wuh I didn't think you'd say that either! Hmm" 
Coley: So yeah, listen and do your part.
Tyler: Before you tweet, ask yourself, which side of this am I on? And again, it's only 2 and so if you find yourself like "huh, am I about to defend the justice side if that's what I really want, or am I about to defend the racist side?" Somethin' to consider. 
Coley: Yeah.

Juice time, yuh yuh, Juice time, yuh yuh.

[The End]

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Follow me on Twitter @BKSTUSSY and share with the fella's as these take a hell of a long time to do. Preciate y'all, stay safe.

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