Monday, June 1, 2020

Another Proposal In NBA Basketball Coming Back

1 word. Heelys. Wait what, the single wheeled foot accessory resembling a shoe? Oh yes, the very same, Tess. No longer are we forced to be rooted in the wheel-less shoe game, it used to be Jordan's were the fashionable shoe to hoop in. But time's change and so does footwear. 

While this may seem like a pitiful gag and a dry attempt at humor I assure you, it is anything but. Are you really telling me you are against seeing NBA games in which they do not just "run" but skate? At the end of the day we all know how cool skating is, and to add that to the unique dynamics of an NBA game? Well that'd be just electric. 

I can not assure you that "player safety" is at the forefront of this proposal but don't we as fans deserve some input into the proposals on the return of basketball? After all, our viewership does pay the players salaries. And so, instead of something unimportant like our opinions on fake crowd noise versus not...why shouldn't we force them to hone another important life skill and skate? 

The NBA wants to overtake the NFL and become the king of sports leagues, do they not? Okay, well what other league skates on two wheels whilst playing their sport? Think about it, no other league is so well set up for this. The NFL or Fútbol? Well, skating on grass is near impossible. The MLB? They're run by the dumbest man alive for one and two, the little pebbles would get stuck in the wheels, surely leading to disaster.

I'm not one to pat myself on the back because although i'm smarter than the majority, I like to remain humble in stature and social ranking. However, this proposal is the so called "bell of the ball" when it comes to boosting a sports respective viewership and if any other league was to be interested in delving deeper into this topic...I am available through DM on Twitter @BKSTUSSY, and don't get it twisted, I certainly CAN be bought.

By the way, pyramids are fake as fuck...don't let yourself be convinced otherwise.

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