Juice time, yuh yuh, Juice time, yuh yuh...for the year 2G the rap game change for one name...Jewelz aim to slain anything on this plane...remains are found when the best kept secret get heated...you went platinum with a ghost writer so in the game you won you cheated.
Coley: Did you see Pusha T's sons name?
Tyler: I did
Coley: Incredible.
Tyler: The guy's got it figured out man.
Coley: Nigel, sure. No problem with Nigel. Brixx as the middle name? 2 X's?
Tyler: 2 X's! Yeah man. 3 scandalous, 1 not enough but 2? *nodding* 2.
Coley: 1 doesn't get the message quite across, he needed 2 there.
Tyler: I do like he basically showed her water breaking, so Drake could never be like "oh you hid your child for 48 hours too!"
Coley: Yeah, he still had that original towel that they clean them off in. That was one of them!
Tyler: It was him just cutting the cord, yeah.
Coley: He really put a lot of pressure on himself to be a good dad.
Tyler: Or a dad. *laughs*. Drake has moved the bar down a little bit.
Coley: Yeah, just decently present.
Tyler: Push like "this ain't even my baby!"
Coley: *laughing*. "I've been pickin' up babies left and right!"
Tyler: "Not hidin' em."
Coley: Yeah no, his next album, because he usually does shorter track albums. 9 tracks, over/under 8.5 Brixx attempted double entendre's?
Tyler: I don't think it's gonna be any attempts, I just think it's gonna be hits.
Coley: Fair.
Tyler: I think the outro's just gonna be called Brixx. He's like "i'm just gonna stuff 'em all into one. Every Brixx punchline I had, no chorus, nothin."
Coley: I'd hate to listen to it.
Tyler: Would not do it, refuse.
Coley: Big protests this weekend.
Tyler: Which one?
Coley: Multiple, there was an S on the end of that.
Tyler: Alright.
Coley: I saw Brooklyn was huge, LA was huge. I was driving around a small town in New Hampshire Saturday and they had a smooth 25 person protest. I was like "this is a very small town, I didn't expect to see anything like that. I thought this was a car wash!"
Tyler: That's 40% of the town man!
Coley: That's what I mean, it was a good sign, I just love to see that. Was Atlanta doing anything?
Tyler: Yeah, they shut off the interstate for several hours.
Coley: Oh that's right.
Tyler: They blocked the Mayor from leaving City Hall today, as far as I know that was 3 hours ago. She may just still be there, they just blocked her in like "we feel like talking so you're gonna talk a little bit.".
Coley: *laughs* "Or we'll give you a booing Minnesota can hear from here!"
Tyler: She's like "She's like no! Listen park the car, we don't want that!"
Coley: *laughing* You see the driver reaching for the button that puts up that pointy grate that Mr. Burns has.
Tyler: She's like "nuh uh, nuh uh, not yet *shaking head*"
Coley: "Too many cameras!"
Tyler: "Yeah, we'll wait till dark."
Coley: I saw people tried to break into a very burnt down Wendy's but they were pretending to make orders and shit, making videos through the drive through window. *laughs*
Tyler: They ain't doing shit else with it.
Coley: No
Tyler: It's like "I have a perfect idea for a sketch, but I need a burnt down Wendy's and I don't know where I could" and somebody's like "follow me to University Ave man. I know just the place, you can't miss it."
Coley: "Yeah, I gotchu". I used to tell Pete, back in HQ2 when needed just a stack of very broken laptops for various sketches and skits and he did not see the vision at all. He's like "No, we would just fix the laptops and have workable laptops". I'm like "I wanna smash them you understand"
Tyler: "No, I don't understand"
Coley: He's like "i'm done with this conversation"
Tyler: "I've never understood anything less"
Coley: *laughing* "Comedy? Not here, it's against the handbook."
Tyler: Nuh uh, he's like "out of my way."
Coley: Oh yeah, the NBA may not come back.
Tyler: Fine with it.
Coley: We got columnist Woj out this weekend.
Tyler: He been chompin' at the bit boy.
Coley: Yeah he's been tryin' to get these takes off.
Tyler: JR been out of the league for a year so he ain't have no tune up fights, no soupcans to get back in game shape
Coley: *laughing* No.
Tyler: It's impressive, writing with one hand carrying water with the other? Woj is quite the talent.
Coley: For people who don't know, there's scoops Woj, there's Woj Bomb. That guy when he's just sticking to facts that he knows?
Tyler: Best in the biz.
Coley: Yeah, players going to team. When it's anything outside of that? Boy oh boy, does it get shaky.
Tyler: They comin' from the same place, same people that's tellin' him player A's going to this team is telling him "Kyrie said this, I don't wanna tell you how to do your job but if you could lead with him being a disrupter of some sort we'd like that". And Woj is like "I've got just the headline!"
Coley: "We already searched GettyImages for you, here's the most devious looking picture of Kyrie in Brooklyn"
Tyler: The worst one. They always find the one where his hair's never cut, beard's never lined up. They caught him in between a cut, Woj is like "i've got just the line"
Coley: They found him in a bush somehow with binoculars, like Kyrie with a TNT lever about to explode.
Tyler: "He's looking to disrupt! Adam Silver's currently tied to a railroad track, screaming at the top of his lungs!"
Coley: "Adam Silver raised a shotgun to Kyrie Irving, who then plugged it with 2 carrots and it backfired and spun Adam Silver's beak around his head, thrice!"
Tyler: "LeBron James laughed loudly, sources can confirm to Yahoo Sports."
Coley: "Then Kyrie and LeBron got into an argument on whether it was Wabbit or Duck season, it went on for hours!"
Tyler: "Sources say they never reached the end of the discussion"
Coley: "LeBron finally countered with Duck season, which Kyrie never saw coming!"
Tyler: "Beat him at his own game, a king! That's why they call him King James!"
Coley: Was it Haynes?
Tyler: Haynes was givin' it straight.
Coley: Was Goodman also?
Tyler: If he did I didn't see it, Haynes is the one I saw I was like "man oh man, I know where i'm gettin' my news from now, all my news from now!"
Coley: Ever since he put his 2 feet on "no Hayward's absolutely going to the Celtics", i've been riding with Haynes Gang.
Tyler: It's 2 quotes from the same conversation, i'm like "I wonder which each side lead with, interesting."
Coley: Right and it does really feel like Woj was like "how would Adam Silver write this? An honest Adam Silver"
Tyler: "How would David Stern write this!"
Coley: They would of never even stopped the season if Stern were around, he'd be like "we're playing in gasmasks, I don't know what to tell you guys."
Tyler: "Lakers are up 2-1 on the Clippers, I don't know what to tell you."
Coley: And Woj always gets his out first too so it was automatically "ah here goes Kyrie talkin' that noise, this guy's hurt, he's not even gonna be playing. What does he care?"
Tyler: "Listen, several years ago that guy talked about the Earth might be flat! What does he know about anything!"
Coley: Right, it was really right message and I don't wanna say wrong messenger but if it had come only from Chris Paul, I think even Woj can't write the article the way he wrote it.
Tyler: For sure. There's also a lot of "why's Kyrie doing this speaking", because he's the Vice President! What do you mean!? You think he just raised his hand in the back of the city council meeting and just yelled these things out? No. That's his job, pose both sides of it and try and figure out what's best for the majority. You're not gonna get everybody involved, like he said "20 of us, we've gotten paid". Some people said they took that as some people had contracts that had already been 90 or 95% paid out anyways. I thought it was the guys that have been paid like 3rd and 4th contracts, that's how I took it. But either way I feel like the guys that have that 90% are some of those top 20 guys. So it's like "yeah, I have to speak for the guys making 12 million, and 8 million, and on 10 day contracts" because like he said "if this shit stopped today, Kyrie signed what? A rookie deal and 2 different 9 figure contracts?"
Coley: At least, yeah.
Tyler: If not 2 plus 1.
Coley: And what he's getting from Nike and Pepsi.
Tyler: Yeah, so he's like "if this stopped today, I wouldn't like it but i'd be good, there's a lot of guys who wouldn't and it's my job to speak for them because they can't be vice president."
Coley: Yeah and I would like to say, because i've seen a lot of people like "he's Vice President, it is his job". I don't even know if that needs to be said, I don't care really who said it. I think it shows more maturity and leadership to be like "hang on a minute, are we sure?" because it started getting reported-
Tyler: He's a weirdo Mick!
Coley: For sure, I agree, but weirdo's aren't always wrong.
Tyler: It's marbles in the ass theory, Patrice has done it again man!
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: It's a guy who spits nothing but facts. Fact, fact, fact, fact, fact. Then he puts a marble in his ass! Doesn't take away all the facts but what's the first thing you remember about that guy? He put a marble in his ass.
Coley: The Onion and Patrice have hit everything but that screenshot that's like "worst guy you know makes incredible point" and Kyrie's not even the worse.
Tyler: No! Kyrie is definitely the worse! He thought the world was flat Mick. There's no lower scum.
Coley: What gets lost from me, I spent all year clowning Kyrie in Brooklyn. I called he'd be too big of a coward to come to Boston but the second he makes a reasonable point and i'm like "hey he made a reasonable point", everyones like "you always loved this guy! what is it with you Mick!"
Tyler: Mickman holding his water again!
Coley: Yeah, and it's like listen A, I don't know if you guys watched how the Celtics played this year, we were tremendous so I don't know anyone who misses him. What would be the point?
Tyler: Yeah, you tell us! Water-holder!
Coley: *laughing* That was the thing too that everyone just jumped on, "ah, he doesn't want them to play". That's not true, all the quotes that did come out, he was like "if guys wanna play after we're done with this conversation, i'm with it. But lets have the conversation and make sure it's the right thing to do.". And now Florida's seen their biggest day of new cases.
Tyler: Yeah, thus far. To be exceeded, tomorrow?
Coley: Tomorrow, probably. So yeah I don't think it was a crazy thing to say. I do think him being like "i'll give it all up! I don't give a fuck!". Alright, everyone else who I know who gave it all up didn't announce it ahead of time. They just had it happen to them.
Tyler: It's also a thing, when Kaep said it, he had ran up a little bit. These NBA guys have ran up so much. Kyrie's what 28, 27?
Coley: Around that, yeah.
Tyler: And I bet he's grossed probably 200 already. 250?
Coley: Probably less than that.
Tyler: This deal alone with Brooklyn.
Coley: What's it 140?
Tyler: 142 over 4 years, shit. If he's already got 90% of that? Well...I can't remember what his second contract was, I know it was the max but I think it was the old max, which was pennies on the dollar really.
Coley: Wasn't it like 120 or somethin'? Cause there was all that 30 for 30 talk last night, on what was the best one so I went back and watched some. Have you ever seen the A-Rod trade to the Red Sox one? It was just a short, it wasn't a full one.
Tyler: No.
Coley: It's probably 15, 20 minutes long and a good 5 minutes of it is everyone freaking out about A-Rod's contract. "We're the Boston Red Sox, how are we to absorb this!". Guy's making 25 mill a year! *laughing*
Tyler: Too rich for y'alls blood.
Coley: Even the Yankees made the Rangers pay like 70 million of it.
Tyler: I remember thinking like "if i'm the Rangers, why would I agree to that?". If I gotta get him off on the Pirates, we just need to get rid of him, maybe. But the Yankees? No. Come on man.
Coley: Since so much time has past, the Red Sox were only, I think 8th or 9th in salary. Obviously still towards the top of the league but not 1 or 2 like we have been since '04. The Mets were the 2nd biggest spender, it really was New York, New York, St. Louis might of been high. Now of course since '04 we've been towards the top and that'd be a ludicrous thing for us to discuss but bein' like "we can't manage paying one player 25 million a year". What are you talking about!?
Tyler: For the best player in the game? No way. No way.
Coley: Right, you're trading Manny and Nomar, I assume combined they were close to 20 mill. So you won't pay one guy-?
Tyler: You got the extra 6 million Mick? For a guy 40-40 playin' some gold glove short stop? Hmm?
Coley: Theo's like "we simply just wouldn't of been able to build a competitive team". What are you talking about!? You had already acquired Schilling, the team was set, that was the point.
Tyler: How many purses have you killed Mick, hmm?
Coley: Remains to be seen.
Tyler: Same for Epstein! Is that his name? Epstein right? No, what's his last name?
Coley: Theo or Jeffrey?
Tyler: Theo! They've got the same last name, but I was making sure.
Coley: They sure do.
Tyler: Yikes, I was like it's not Eckstein is it? The old-
Coley: David Eckstein?
Tyler: Yeah that scrappy son of a gun for the Cardinals.
Coley: Mike Gundy's favorite baseball player, yeah.
Tyler: After that i'd change, i'd be like "yeah, i'm Theo Epstine". Somethin, y'all can call me Theo. Theo is good.
Coley: There's no other Theo's around, i'm cool with that.
Tyler: Kyrie's last with Cleveland was 5 for 94.
Coley: Okay.
Tyler: So thus far he's made 126, with this contract it'll put him at 232. So if he says "i've made 126 already, with Nike-". I don't even know what those deals look like, but minimum wage? He's alright. I also think it's a thing, yeah normally you don't announce it but if he's in that position, this is a very unique time.
Coley: Super unique.
Tyler: So if he's like "i'm willing to talk it and walk it right so if there's anybody out there that feels this way too, you're not alone. If you're willing to do it, i'm willing to do it too. If you're willing to play, i'm willing to do that too. Whatever we agree to."
Coley: Yeah, he's made proclamations about his future before and he said he just wanted to live on a farm in the middle of no where. Like, alright that's sick, you can definitely do that. I have no qualms with that.
Tyler: He might!
Coley: He definitely might.
Tyler: People are like "you walked away for the social justice?". He's like "I was just sick of the shit, timing lined up perfectly."
Coley: Great excuse!
Tyler: "It's both! I didn't wanna retire but after I broke my leg I was outta the game". It's also two seperate if not more arguments, i've seen people saying "is he saying they don't wanna play because of social justice or the pandemic? Which side is it?". Yes! The answer's yes.
Coley: I don't think there's a problem with using both.
Tyler: Intersectionality. I saw that used against him, the flat earth shit which I get it but if that's your whole reason to go against what a guy's saying, you're admitting. You'd go against the point if it was a bad point but it's not a bad point.
Coley: Even the flat earth thing when it was happening it more of felt like his point was "yeah, just think for yourself". He doesn't believe that flat earth shit, but he was just A, trolling the media. The media who's asked him several times "hey, is LeBron your dad?"
Tyler: With his real dad like right behind him, like "no, he's literally right there"
Coley: *laughing* So yeah that's always gonna be associated with him. Which was part of the rift between him and Jaylen, he does definitely, do a lot of pseudo-intellectual things which it's like "you're trying". But this doesn't seem like that, this is more of a maybe we shouldn't play. There was part of it too where I guess the NBA's plans to come back were leaked ahead of them being agreed upon by the players association to try and put the pressure on them to accept.
Tyler: Funny how that happens in every single league, every single league. Just weird, bizarre to ya boy. They gotta be using the same Microsoft Outlook or something.
Coley: Same fax machine.
Tyler: Yeah, NFL just left their papers on the press!
Coley: This is where I almost appreciate the NFL, they're just like "oh we're playing, we haven't talked to players or anyone" *laughs*
Tyler: "We'll re-evaluate if we need to but no the Hall of Fame game will be in Canton, Ohio". Yeah, do you think they should come back?
Coley: I don't know if them playing ends the movement. I definitely can see it being a distraction because it gives us another thing to talk about but I feel like i've seen a good bit of people like "no this is still important to me, i'm still gonna post and talk about it but I need an hour of a mental break every day.". If they are gonna be playing 9 games a day, AAU style like they were talking about, I could see that being a bigger distraction for sure. I do think, if they know they have all eyes on them down there, they can still talk about this and be loud about it.
Tyler: Did you see-
Coley: Yes I did see Jared Weiss, yes.
Tyler: *laughing* Oh man.
Coley: Terrible take.
Tyler: *laughs* It's been so many bad basketball writer takes.
Coley: We're in the midst of the Bad Take Olympics from every angle.
Tyler: From the white man angle, I feel like they all have the same avi.
Coley: Yeah, for sure, I just meant not specific to basketball. Everywhere.
Tyler: That's what i'm saying, all the avi's. They all look like Aubrey Huff, it's a tough scene.
Coley: *laughing* You pulling up the take?
Tyler: Yeah, so he tweeted it today. Jared Weiss from The Athletic, "New: NBA Players have a tremendous opportunity to enhance the social justice reform movement. Ironically uniting together in Orlando and broadcasting their message to the world is their best chance at furthering the movement. Here's why" a link to his column. Somebody replied to him said they get his point but with it, I think would help if they do play and spread their messages about social and justices and Black Lives Matter before and after game so we hear them loud and clear every day. Editor's note, this is me talking here they've heard them right like hearing it is not the issue. I'm back to script here. This is Jared Weiss that's one of my main points, though. I say why stop it after it's gonna be quiet during the games right? Tell the NBA to skip the pumped in crowd noise so they can yell out messages in game use every moment no matter how out of place, it seems to spread the message.
Tyler: Melo, grabbing a rebound.
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: Police are more likely to kill-!
Coley: 3x as often!
Tyler: Ughh.
Coley: Do you remember the super bowl halftime show after 9/11? It was U2 but they just dropped the script of all the names.
Tyler: Oh yeah, yeah.
Coley: I'm picturing that's what he sees, just every halftime show it's just all the names of police brutality. He's like "NBA, done it again!"
Tyler: It's fixed! It's definitely fixed. Boy oh boy. I think it was Feldman was like I don't get it, they wouldn't talk this shit after 19 other black men were killed! It's just very "what about Chicago, what about black on black crime". It can be done at the same time, LeBron is someone who has shown that. LeBron has shown, I can build a school and put together initiatives all at the same time play at an elite level. So everybody, like thinks and knows they can do that. But again, it's such a rare opportunity because Like the pandemic met the protests, like the owner any other work stoppage the owners got them by the balls. Now it's like they're gonna lose $2 billion, like everybody players owners, the league everybody so like I think as soon as they start playing it's just it pushes further and further away like they can wear whatever shirt they want before the anthem and they've done all that. it's time to step it up. And if it looks like a okay like we'll play but we want ABCD either like done enacted in the works promised before any of us step to a court we want change in, like hiring protocol like so it's more black and women coaches, just minority coaches. Behind the scenes, front office, like whatever they want to initiate, now's the time to get it, because like I get the players losing money and need the checks I get it. These billionaires are hurting though and I think somebody said it, these NBA writers hurting. They need the game back too. So I see both sides of it, i don't think playing right now would be a good idea for the pandemic alone. For that alone I don't think they should play, and then adding in the protests and the climate? I really don't think they should play.
Coley: Yeah, a lot of people were quick to point out like every everyone's been saying the right thing about the protest and then the second Kyrie even slightly attempting to take away basketball. It's a shut up and dribble from from everyone.
Tyler: It was the same way, everybody was the best girl dad in the world for about 48 hours, right? And then it turned right back into the same old same old so that's not enough. That's why I feel like this shit ain't gon' change. People don't even understand this stuff, this is stuff at a basic level. It's a whole lot harder than this. It's like "no they'll understand trigonometry" it's like I don't know, addition's really fucking hard. They might take to it, but you gotta get addition to build to subtraction to get to all that. To get up to algebra, trigonometry whatever. They're like "the plus sign goes inside? I just don't follow."
Coley: PEMDAS? I don't like this, i'll do it my own way, thank you.
Tyler: My avi's all black though, so I get it! Don't say I don't get it!
Coley: Well, that was fucking Jason McIntyre too, his terrible fucking tweets.
Tyler: What'd he say? They're all running together.
Coley: His was the first, it was about Kyrie trying to take this from LeBron.
Tyler: *laughs* Column well running dry man, I get it.
Coley: "Kyrie Irving bailed on playing with LeBron and bailed on playing for Brad Stevens, only one because of LeBron, now trying to prevent LeBron from a title. What a selfish move."
Tyler: Listen, you don't like Kyrie Irving, I get it. Just make that they headline of your article, "I don't like Kyrie Irving". At least I know you being honest.
Coley: True. Right.
Tyler: There's no bullshit there, you just don't like him.
Coley: " A week ago, Kyrie Irving didn't inquire about COVID or social justice on an NBA call. Why this sudden change of heart?"
Tyler: 1, again, how do you know? Who told you? Guys cannot listen, Trayvon Martin was 2012, in the 8 years.
Coley: We've fixed it all, right?
Tyler: Yeah. No, we had a black president everything just went away. But like it's some of these, like we're seeing grown, learned ass adults not getting this stuff. And that's not to say these guys are stupid, but a lot of them are like one year and like their focus was sports. That was their profession. So if they're coming to this at a later realization as some of us I don't like that's not a bad thing, right. Like eight years ago, Dwight Howard didn't lose his mother or excuse me that his child's mother to COVID. Eight years ago KAT didn't lose his mother to COVID like was Kyrie in the league eight years ago? Like a rookie, he had to be. It's just putting, again, unnecessary blame, again, fix a problem that also affects them and that they also didn't cause but they're also getting blamed for it. It's a lot of fun.
Coley: On top of that, they do have have a CBA looming on the horizon this affects. So that's why Kyrie talking about "yeah I've made money but we got to make sure we're not fucking up the younger guys money moving forward too" like he seemed to have the best interest of everyone.
Tyler: And that's his problem!
Coley: Yeah and I get everyone was rightfully furious I think, that was my take. That was my column, I wrote "Everyone Should Be Mad Constantly"
Tyler: I read it at the HuffPost.
Coley: This was the first take he had, kind of, maybe, I don't know.
Tyler: I was gonna say, red is actually blue.
Coley: Kyrie Flat Earth Irving is doing his best to nuke the NBA's return, go look at how many coaches he's run off in Cleveland. Then couldn't deal with Brad Stevens, then did Kenny Atkinson dirty. Entitlement is off the charts. GIF of Kyrie Irving giving two thumbs up
Tyler: Known front office stability role model Cleveland. Like the Steelers, three coaches in 30 years man the Cleveland Cavaliers. Again you don't like Kyrie Irving that's fine, but it was a whole lot of words to say that.
Coley: I'm finding earlier takes. Colin Kaepernick started something by kneeling, while on the football field. History will look favorably on the moment. Does Kyrie Irving understand that power plus platform NBA players will have during the most historic postseason in sports history? This is the shit they're doing, like you can see them rewriting Colin Kaepernick history in real time.
Tyler: 100% and people still going for it. Well, I can't say going for it. It's just the same people that never got it, still don't get it. But the same way they did MLK and Muhammad Ali and everybody you just seeing it in real time now. Everybody kneeling? No, we'll all be kneeling now. Thanks a fucking lot, he been out the league for 3 years now, a lot of fucking good that'll do. But that guy was bad, he was trouble too. I'd rather sign Mike Glennon.
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: Much rather sign Mike Glennon.
Coley: Oh boy.
Tyler: This just doesn't, it's a lot of "what are we supposed to do like they've made it as safe as possible" dude that means shit. Like safe as possible?
Coley: You don't know that.
Tyler: Yeah, 1. Literally it's like no,"they'll be locked in! The employees that served them all? Free to go, they won't be tested. Why would we test them that's restricted!". So it's a lot. Those are the same people like "what are we supposed to do stay inside forever?" Nobody said forever. Like, you just don't like being told what to do. "What are we supposed to do? cut our face off and wear a mask forever!?"
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: No, we're supposed to do what the experts say. How about that?
Coley: I'm shocked at how people are just like "no, we're done with this. So it must be over!" Like, no, that's not how it works. Like I'm still mask, gloves in every store like new gloves. If I go from one store to the other, like I take them off my car and put on new ones. I haven't seen anyone else in gloves in like a week.
Tyler: I went to a store I forgot my gloves. And I was like, I'm in and out, man. And I was like people ain't even got on masks. I was like, "Oh yeah we never going outside."
Coley: No, the further we go into this, the more I'm like "Oh, I think the only way out of this is everyone's just gonna get it."
Tyler: Yeah, and like I'm seeing a lot of like "guys, listen, the death rates are not that high.". That's, that's a tough counter. That is a tough counter man. "Listen, billions are catching it but only hundreds of thousands are dying Mick!"
Coley: I just saw theres a rapper from Boston who just got it today or got diagnosed today, so I don't know he said he had been feeling the symptoms, so we went got checked so he may have had it for a couple days I guess. But shit, I honestly do think, cause like New Zealand just opened with live fans in the stands at sports again. And I get we're not New Zealand, like they're way smaller, they're easier to confine themselves. But the same time, I saw someone tweeted like saying "the other class did their homework so they got a pizza party"
Tyler: And we're mad like "why we ain't get our pizza party!?" You ain't show up! What are you talking about!? You had the worst attendance in the class. "I want pizza. I'm going outside, I'm going over to their classroom to get pizza. I'm going across this hot lava to get some of that pizza I don't deserve."
Coley: It really is one of these things to where if we just all just sat to the fucking side for two weeks and the annoying part is, the deeper we get into this the less people want to hear it. We should have already done this, we could have beat it by now.
Tyler: There's just been an array of bad takes in my mentions. Like "hey man, it's been three months. Staying inside clearly didn't work. What are you supposed to do?" It didn't work because we didn't do it! What do you mean!? That's why it didn't work. That's why these numbers are still this high. And they're putting the NBA right back into one of the biggest hotspots for it.
Coley:That's the think like they were talking about Florida and Vegas and I get it because they have the infrastructure. But like Vegas just said they're opening buffets back up today or tomorrow. Like, What are you talking about!?
Tyler: Anytime I see like the hotspots, I feel like nobody got this shit in South Dakota. It got to be a college campus somewhere in South Dakota like you know what i'm saying somewhere it's like "okay, we can put these guys here, there's a regulation basketball court. At the very least, like the hotel employees, chefs food, whatever. They won't be dealing with a hot spot of it.
Coley: Yeah, not Florida.
Tyler: They're like, "it's at Disney!" Yeah, these outrageously rich people will love to go to Disney with their families every day for eight weeks, every day. "Look, it's Mickey Mouse again!"
Coley: Seems a little under the weather today.
Tyler: "Why isn't Mickey moving?" "Hey! Look over there!"
Coley: Like trust me, I want to watch basketball. I'm bored. Basketball would be great. If they're willing to go down there, I'll watch for sure. If they don't, I get it.
Tyler: I don't want to watch this shit dog. I don't want sports, I don't want sports to ever come back. Sports are over. I'll be fine with just Barstool Blanks. It's just showing how quickly it'll turn multimillionaire against millionaire and then the billionaires are completely out of the picture every single time in every single sport.
Coley: The Baseball billionaires are putting on quite a show right now.
Tyler: Boy, you talk about how did Manfred get this job?
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: What's the progression to baseball Commissioner?
Coley: I =think you just gonna buy that hat with the like the umpires logo on the front. Yeah, Harmon Killebrew and they're just like "yeah, that guy seems like the one."
Tyler: No, I think he gets it. Rob Lowe, he's the new Commissioner! Man, I feel like everything I've seen from this guy. It's like "what the hell are you talking about?". Like "no, we're absolutely going to play! Having said that there's not a chance any of us see a single pitch thrown!"
Coley: *laughing mightly* Like a year ago I think if you if you polled the nation and you're like, who are the best commissioners? Like rank the 4, I think Goodell and Bettman whoever came in third it's more insulting to whoever came in 4th than props for the guy who came in 3rd.
Tyler: I think Bettman will come in 3rd because I know he's bad. I don't know how bad, because I don't follow NHL. Everybody knows Goodell's bad that's why I think he gets it.
Coley: For sure, but Bettman's the only person more booed than the mayor of Minneapolis. Like that's all I know. Boo's on sight and he embraces it, Goodell tries, he did the fake embrace this year at the virtual draft which feels like 3 years ago.
Tyler: That was Myles Garrett who went number one in that draft, didn't he?
Coley: Manfred would of got 2.
Tyler: By default, yeah.
Coley: I don't even know if he gets 2 right now, I don't know who gets 2. I don't know the MLS commissioner.
Tyler: Whoever the WNBA Commissioner is, because they got shit figured out today. They're doing a 22 game schedule. They're gonna let their players like, they've always let them speak out but I guess they're creating initiatives like putting actions towards. They got this shit figured out. It was like, wow, interesting. No one else can get this figured out!
Coley: WNBA players going back to Maya Moore, for years now. You were the first person who brought her up period. In any sort of major news.
Tyler: Ever!
Coley: Well with a platform like in the industry, no one else was talking about her outside of you. And now I'm seeing more and more people picking up that story. And that's 2, 3 years in.
Tyler: Yeah and I saw people like "we need somebody to take a stand and put their career on the line.". Maya Moore, Colin Kaepernick, Craig Hodges? Like what!? *laughing* That's 3 in my lifetime, we're talking ever?
Coley: I was gonna say, Bill Russell used to like weekly they would just listen to whatever he said so it never came to he came to anything. I'm sure he would have, it was just like "every time I have a demand they succumb"
Tyler: Every single time people are like "eh oh man I don't know do the players really..?". Was it him and Jerry West that like sat out the all star game or threatened to sit it out? It was him and then it was a white star. I'm thinking West but it might not of been him. But yeah, they didn't tell anybody.
Coley: That was in Kansas City right?
Tyler: I think so.
Coley: I think it was the first one that was gonna be aired on CBS live.
Tyler: That's why it was a big deal, and they didn't tell anybody.
Coley: I think it was right before the game they were like "why aren't you guys warming up?" and Bill was like "*laughs* you mean the chaos emeralds?" and everyone's like "what?" and he's like "that big pie you guys are eating over there? That you didn't offer us any? We'd like the pie.". They were like "Fuck!"
Tyler: "Why does Bill have on dress shoes!? It's almost game time!"
Coley: He did that, both of 'em couldn't of happened in Kansas City, they might of. But there was another incident where the Celtics were on the road and the restaurant at the hotel wouldn't serve them.
Tyler: Lexington.
Coley: Lexington.
Tyler: Lexington, yup.
Coley: They were like "guess we're not playing here!". NBA was like "cmon!"
Tyler: "Wha wha what do you mean?"
Coley: Bill Russell a lot of his "we're gonna do it this way or no way" that's the reason everyone in the NBA gets paid now. Him and Spencer Haywood years later, that was the 2nd push-trough. Who could do that now? Is it LeBron?
Tyler: Yeah, it's what Pat Bev was saying. Millionaires vs Multi-Millionaires, he does have that kinda power. I think it's unfair to ask him to utilize it alone but he's the top dog. Not the best player, per say, but the top name by far comfortably. So yeah, if he did that it could get literally any other, Harden was posing questions, I think Giannis. So I don't think he'd be alone, it's just if somebody does it. We saw it with Missouri when buddy went on the food strike, Missouri Football. Known powerhouse Missouri Football was like "we're not playing" and they're like "guys we need you to go 7-5, we need that Little Caesars Pizza Bowl money".
Coley: They weren't even bowl eligible! *laughs*
Tyler: They're like "dog we need to go 3-9 so we can sell us on going 7-5 and getting that Little Caesars Pizza Bowl money". That's why it feels like "we'll play but we will not play until A, B and C are met. These 2 things immediatley, we need proof of these thing and if the shit ain't holding up in 7, 8 weeks we'll hold out again. We'll do what it takes."
Coley: Right, that was one of the big things MLB was trying to get today. They're like "listen, if you get sick, you can't hold us responsible" and they're like "what are you talking about!? Of course we're gonna hold you responsible."
Tyler: Ohio State got caught tryna get their kids to campus for workouts like "just sign this waiver for COVID real quick". I'm hoping people are seeing it man, Mike Gundy with that fuckin' shirt. How weird is it to wear a media network on a shirt?
Coley: MSNBC
Tyler: Yeah like what? *laughing*
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: They're like "it's only a shirt". Well people were mad at Colin Kaepernick's socks so. Him and Dabo over these fuckin' shirts, I can't prove it but i'm sure Nick Saban feels the way they do. But you know what Nick Saban would have on if he went fishing? A Bama polo. Ain't gonna be no "football matters", Bama matters and you'll never know because he keeps his fuckin' mouth shut. Gundy and Dabo can't help themselves, they want you to know where they stand. And again, we see how you stand. Is it Chooba or Chubba?
Coley: Chubba hubba. Great name
Tyler: Great name. But he was like "no, this ain't gonna fly" and it was like, "i'm the captain of the offensive lineman. I agree." "i'm the captain of the defensive line. I agree.". And I don't know what's come of it since but
Coley: They posted a *laughing* somehow they're both I guess at Oklahoma State both of them. So they filmed a video
Tyler: Gundy and Dabo?
Coley: No Chubba Hubba and Gundy. They literally did the black hand, white hand video.
Tyler: Okay..
Coley: Boy oh boy. Yeah. Gundy was like that network, it's just news, no slants and it's like what are you talking about?
Tyler: Even if it is just a random shirt, how'd you get this shirt? You know what i'm saying? I'm sure those guys get 100 free t shirts, who gave you this one or who was close enough to get a T shirt and you were like "you know what i'll keep this one"? Nick Saban would of been out there naked before he's out there in anything but a polo shirt or burgundy.
Coley: Roll tide, yeah.
Tyler: That's it.
Coley: Yeah, Belichick will randomly show up in like, like some random lacrosse school, Johns Hopkins. Like a school like one of his friends coaches at. That's the only apparel he owns.
Tyler: That's it! Dabo's like "no, no black footballs may matter but the lives? I don't know about that!"
Coley: Clemson had like the parade of cars with Confederate flags just rolling through and it's like how, I get your 15, 16 thinking about like "I want to go pro" and you see all these Clemson dudes in the league, that's what's going to stick in your mind more than that. But man, oh man.
Tyler: It's a thing with all the, like they get rid of the Iowa strength coach today. Because guys, over the years keep coming out and that's one of those things like they knew, these guys, like they felt it at the time. They knew it at the time and they realize how powerless they were.
Coley: Right.
Tyler: And now guys are realizing that power, like whatever he said to that team that got Chubba Hubba, great name.
Coley: He's a runningback though.
Tyler: I hate him. I'm not saying to break them over the head or whatever, but understand your power. Don't settle for anything less. Because when Dabo goes in there to negotiate, he don't settle for anything less. He ain't taking "oh you should get a scholarship and three square meals". No, he's getting $10 million in bonuses and helicopters. So just recognize your power. And whatever he said, make them stick to it. This ain't like a lifetime contract like "Yeah no, he apologized. We're good forever now. Going forward. We ain't havin' new shit either."
Coley: Yeah, that's the thing. Right now it should be easy to just say the right things. People are struggling with that part. So I can't even say that, but yeah like, hold people accountable. Not even years down the road, like months down the road.
Tyler: Yeah like again, none of this is set in stone. Again, Norvell at Florida State, like he got them back on his side, he cleared that up, whatever it was. Cool but if again we hear oh, he just told another blatant lie or he got misinterpreted again? okay yeah we're not reporting to practice till something's fixed. And what are they gonna do? I keep seeing all this, "they'l all lose money". They will and it's not ideal but other countries are back to playing ball or playing sports I'll say. It wouldn't be ideal but if some of these like guys that are not going to retire, haven't made nine figures you can go in and make like a living. Again not not ideal, but I don't know what the owners gonna do. Fertitta gonna be on damn corner. I can't wait to buy the Rockets from here man. Cash! $38, I just own the Rockets now.
Coley: What would be your first move as owner of the Rockets?
Tyler: I'm firing Daryl Morey. *laughs*
Coley: Alright. Fair is fair.
Tyler: Hiring myself!
Coley: Not Hinkie?
Tyler: Nah, that was Morey's god. I can't do that. Let's if we're not gonna win the title and not have people like us? I can do that. I got two stars!
Coley: Yeah, Tucker and Gerald Green!
Tyler: And Trevor Ariza, yes.
Coley: What would my role on this team be?
Tyler: What role do you want? You tell me Mick. Sell me on it. Center, Point. What do you want?
Coley: I would be the tallest member of the starting lineup. I'm just Ryan Anderson now.
Tyler: Center by default.
Coley: I'm just Ryan Anderson now.
Tyler: Worse ways to make a buck
Coley: For sure! I definitely envision myself as a captain, all NBA talent. No. I'm the Head of Scouting?
Tyler: Okay, like "this guy's got a great name, draft him."
Coley: Yeah, you don't have enough time to know all the names anymore so I'm just telling you people's names.
Tyler: I'm just spinnin' around in a chair, "no, no, yes"
Coley: You're like "How do they spell that? All right yeah, good good".
Tyler: 2 P's? Oh I like that, move him up!
Coley: We have actual real scouts still that are like "this is *shakes head*"
Tyler: No I was gonna say I need the numbers to back me up, but no, I'm anti bill James. If you lost every GM in the league right now, the league would not change at all. It might improve.
Coley: If they just auto drafted.
Tyler: If they auto drafted. It was like you, your lawyer or agent and the owner and their financial guy, like this is how we negotiate contracts. We're cutting all the middlemen out. It's like, if you got money problem, you go talk straight to the owner. You got an on-court problem, go talk to the coach, like A or B. Anything else? We're grown. Now I'm here to help, but we're grown. You know what i'm saying? And there will be no change in the league at all.
Coley: It'll improve, probably.
Tyler: At the very worst, I think it would stay the exact same.
Coley: Yeah, cause there are certainly some hands off owners who just own it as like an asset. So I get them wanting to have like a president of operations or whatever titles they hand certain people. And I do think there are some, like actually good GM's, and, like, incredible talent evaluators and I think there are some guys who are just like, I don't know how I got this job and I know the other shoe is gonna drop one of these days, but until then, I can't wait to trade like seven first round picks for Andrea Bargnani.
Tyler: Yeah, and it's like "okay, I got to tell this writer the day before I do it, so he gets the scoop and he can start spinning it.". "Oh, they're you know they're trading Porzingis to get cap space!" You know what I mean? So let's say you remove that, you're removing a lot of these leaks because the leaks are agents to writers.
Coley: They can be, Danny Ainge and I love Danny Ainge, he's a leaky bitch.
Tyler: Oh yeah! They're just certain pieces like "oh, that came out from the Celtics". Oh, surprise. I I wonder which side leaked that. But I respect it, he's like "no, it was me."
Coley: Yeah, it's not a big secret when it comes out. Whoops
Tyler: I didn't like him!
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: But yeah, that's a lot of the leaks. You remove that, like a lot of these, like the horrible contracts are the GM's doing favors to agents. "I can't piss him off. He's got three or four players i'll never get, but I might get one of his seventh or eighth best and then get a chance to overpay him to keep him happy." So, I mean, I've also thought that about the NBA like, at a certain level do you need an agent? Like, do you really need it?
Coley: Plenty of guys have proven that they don't.
Tyler: Yeah, at a certain point, there's a max, there's a scale. What are we going to negotiate? I feel like we've seen more like guarantees if you should 38% from three if you want to negotiate that in. Man, you can hire an independent lawyer for that, you know, send it to him, read over the numbers. Pay him 1% of 1% like pay him for his time by the hour instead of paying like 5%.
Coley: When I was in high school, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I remember vividly my father being like, go into contract law and have your whole thing just be undercutting agents left and right. *laughs* I was like, I just don't want to do that much reading but he had the vision. He wasn't wrong.
Tyler: Yeah, he's gonna do it for 5%. You can tell your guy I'll do it for $500 an hour. You can do nine of these in a day. I signed LeBron, Anthony Davis and Caldwell Pope's contract today, like i'm good.
Coley: *laughing* I'll see you guys next summer!
Tyler: I'm just the Klutch agent guy or the Klutch money guy.
Coley: Yeah, I read over the contract, make sure you don't get fucked. You give me $10,000.
Tyler: Even steven.
Coley: Yeah, I do 20 of those a year and I get a boat.
Tyler: It's like "they negotiate other stuff.". I mean, I get it, but listen, it's Kyrie Irving. Like, Nikes going to sign him. They can find something to agree to. He's like, listen "I just want free gear, my own shoe and 1% of 1% 1% of the royalties". Done. Here's your 10,000 or whatever.
Coley: I've always said I'd be terrible at negotiating with Nike. I'd just be like, I just want several pallets to show up to my house every month until I die.
Tyler: I'll pay you. They're like "absolutely.".
Coley: *laughs* However, anything that's exclusive? Me. However many kids, I have your clothing them too. Like in perpetuity
Tyler: They're like "sign right here!"
Coley: Yeah they're like "this is this cost us nothing."
Tyler: That's really the one. Like Derrick Rose, Dwight Howard still eating off shoe deals. Like you know what i'm saying? Like LeBron, like Jordan, Jordan's slash Nike for life. LeBron signed a lifetime deal. So the second he retires, he'll still be 40 50 60 70 and incorporated. Whoever the youngest guy is, it'll be a commercial with LeBron passing him the ball. Some shit like that. So he's gonna be there for life, he's gonna be with the Lakers another two years. So that feel like slick the weakest contract.
Coley: The basketball one?
Tyler: Slick a hoe if you gettin' paid for basketball. I can't believe it!
Coley: We can name the amount of guys who have been able to turn shoe deals into like lifetime fortunes. There's 2 of them!
Tyler: Sonny Vaccaro
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: I finished that Jordan book, that was basically like, their entire negotiation with Jordan. Like he had an agent there but it was him and his parents in a room and them just yelling things at him trying to get him. Like, just tell us what you want. Like that's the kind of negotiating because that's, 1, what kind of eggs they were putting in that basket and 2 that's what kind of star he was. So it worked out alright, I guess.
Coley: It feels like Nike didn't even know that until Sonny was like "no that, just get, pay him!"
Tyler: Yeah, Sonny was like "don't spread out all that money, give it all to Jordan" and they were like "I don't know we've never done that before" and he's like "you've never seen this kid before"
Coley: Yeah, he was like "you've never sold a basketball shoe before either. Fuckin' sign him"
Tyler: "You want him to play in some fuckin' Ponies? Get him outta here!". Like in it and reading the book like Jordan almost left Nike early because Phil Knight didn't want anybody to become bigger than the company. Which is wild! "I don't want anyone that's gonna make me money while it's making them money!". *laughing*
Coley: That pride shit costs people so much.
Tyler: Yeah, when it was about a year left on his second deal, that's when Nike fired like Sonny Vacarro. Fired basically all the guys that brought Jordan there. They went to Adidas, but they were starting their own company, and Jordan was like "i'll go like wherever y'all go, like, i'm with y'all.". And they were like, "you're still getting 25% per pair of Jordans sold. It'd be dumb for you to leave." But that's how close it was. And he wanted the jumpman on there a lot earlier and Phil Knight was like "No, no no no. I will not make myself more profit."
Coley: What's the first one will the Jumpman? The four? The 2 might have one.
Tyler: No, 2's got the Jordan wings. Does the 3 have it? The 3 doesn't have it right?
Coley: No the three doesn't.
Tyler: Okay so it's the 4 then.
Coley: Yeah, cause it's on the back of the 4, but even that, I think had Nike Air at first.
Tyler: Yeah, on the originals it was Nike.
Coley: It might have had a jumpman on the tongue.
Tyler: Mmm.
Coley: 5's had both.
Tyler: I remember the 5's being on it. The first, it says the 3. Was it on the back of one each? Like one says Nike Air? I don't know. It says the 3.
Coley: Maybe, are they counting the bottom?
Tyler: Okay, it replaced the wings logo on the 3. "88 Jordan was the first Air Jordan to feature the Jumpman logo replacing the wings that had been a feature of the Air Jordan 1 and 2. They went on to utilize it on all other Jordans that were released."
Coley: Because the way they retro things now they'll be like "this one has Nike Air on the back.". It's like "well what was even the original at this point?"
Tyler: It just said Nike, not air! Like the Jordan commercial where they ban the shoes and it was like it was just the best thing they coulda did. Like the NBA, he said the NBA never even collected on the fines!
Coley: *cracks up* That'll show him!
Tyler: 1, never collected on the fines and the guy was like "hand to god, this is true. The meeting after David Stern told us he was banning it, he asked if he could get a signed pair for his son.". He was like "at that point I knew, he was like, we just have to pay whatever. Like we can't get better advertising than this.". They got it, Jordan blew up, who could have seen this coming?
Coley: Then it wasn't even till like, two years ago, maybe three, where it was like "Oh yeah, you can wear whatever color now." Like they actually changed the rule.
Tyler: With the retro?
Coley: No no no, for NBA players.
Tyler: It was super recently.
Coley: Was it last year?
Tyler: Yeah, Ayton's rookie year. He was part of the
Coley: The Puma shit, that's right.
Tyler: All those rookie guys, so that was, yeah 2018-19.
Coley: Guy's have been doing it before that but it was I guess technically a fine if the NBA wanted to fine them.
Tyler: That was the wildest part to me, man. Like tell them give the money to charity, but they didn't even. Yeah, we're just doing it just to be dicks! That'll teach them! Oh man, great book.
Coley: Which one was that?
Tyler: It's called Michael Jordan "The Life" by Roland Lazenby.
Coley: Strong name.
Tyler: Great name! The Jordan was 21 hours long. He wrote a 22 hour long about Kobe. So, I'm listening to that one right now.
Coley: I was about to say, it took him 21 hours to write?
Tyler: Very brief. It's more of a pamphlet.
Coley: Yeah, bang this out.
Tyler: Yeah, Sonny Vaccaro basically got fired from Nike because Phil Knight didn't like him making Jordan that big and so he went to Adidas.
Coley: Oh yeah, they covered that in the documentary, the 30 for 30.
Tyler: Yeah and went to Adidas and went and did the exact same thing. They were like, "yeah, we want to like get big in basketball" and he was like, "Okay, then you need to find a guy." And they were like, "Yeah, but who was the guy?". And he was like, "I'll find him.". Cause they thought it was Philippe Lopez, and he's like, that's not it. And he saw Kobe. He's like, "I called them and I was like, that's the guy put all your money in this guy.". And they did and just gave him horrible shoes to work with.
Coley: Not only did he find Kobe but he also got Kobe to LA. Yeah, Sonny Vaccaro was
Tyler: Sonny Vaccaro slick a hero man.
Coley: Far and away. Well, depends where you want to look at it but far and away, like after Jordan, like the second most powerful man in basketball during that stretch.
Tyler: Up there, because, like just the juice he had in college.
Coley: Right, that's what I mean. He was like, deciding where-, because he, he had all those, like he had the camps before the camps were what they are now.
Tyler: He started 'em!
Coley: He had that high school tournament, in what was it Pittsburgh?
Tyler: It's somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Coley: I think it was Pittsburgh and then he had, was it ABCD? Is that what he had Adidas make?
Tyler: Nikes was first because the thing was-
Coley: 5 Star?
Tyler: It was one of those, because it's talking about that in the book like every other one, but those two, you basically had to pay to go to. These were not only is it basically free, but you're getting March because that was Sonny's whole thing like "get the coaches, get people to wear the shoes. That's where the money is.". And they're like, "Yeah, but you'd have to pay the kids", and he was like, "yeah, that's the point. I want to pay. I physically can't, but I'd love to!". Sonny Vaccaro been tryna get the NCAA outta here for 30 years! More than that!
Coley: 40, yeah. That was the 80's. Yeah, he was like we can't pay them directly but what if we just give the coaches millions of dollars and all they have to do is be billboards for us?
Tyler: Worked like a charm.
Coley: Yeah, it did. It still fuckin' does.
Tyler: It's wild. Not to say that I would of thought of it but nobody thought that before? Like "we have no way to get this, like how!? We have to break into a school of sport! Something!"
Coley: Yeah, they were just like, "here you go!". "We'll give you as many shoes as you want, we don't give a fuck dude."
Tyler: "Sweatsuit, shorts like whatever. You know what? Because I like you guys, we'll do your whole uniforms, you put our logo on the corner? It's nothin'?". They're like "wow, this Sonny guy's alright."
Coley: I can't imagine there being a player I associate with Oregon more than Dennis Dixon and it's specifically because of his closet of custom Nike's and Jordans. Forever, that'll be forever tied to me. How does everyone not go to Oregon knowing they can get that!?
Tyler: "Okay, I can't give you cash but they don't care about shoes? Whatever. Sweatsuits, we can just give you the nicest tech fleece and everything. They don't care about that? Just do not put cash in these kids pockets! If they can eat food with this, don't give it to them"
Coley: UNC Basketball every year has like I think the team has a special meeting where they get to vote on what numbered retro Jordan they're gonna all get custom that year. That's fuckin' sick.
Tyler: That's pretty strong.
Coley: What are you talking about!? That makes me wanna get better at basketball just to try that!
Tyler: Boy oh boy, and looking back it's so many, like Adidas, Converse they weren't gonna sign Jordan but in the book it just detailed, like before he played an NBA game, how many people were like "that's the best guy i've ever seen". Like Sonny Vaccaro, Bob Knight. After the Olympics, people were like "this is not the best rookie i've ever seen but this is one of the best players i've ever seen. He's 21". It was like, eh, Portland needed a center! Nike was praying he went to Portland, like if Jordan was in Portland, that close to the campus and still black, white and red? They could of done slick the same exact shoes and he would of been in Portland, but they needed a big!
Coley: I can't remember who was saying him going to Chicago was the perfect storm because they got the big city. Chicago's what the 4th biggest city in the country?
Tyler: 3rd, number 3!
Coley: So they got that market but it didn't have a coastal tie. It wasn't Boston so there was automatically people against him. It wasn't LA, it wasn't New York where of course you're big in New York but there are people who are automatically gonna hate you. Chicago, we just saw in the documentary, the Bulls were nothing before Jordan and they've barely been anything since Jordan. So the fact that they didn't have, and of course they gained rivalries along his tenor but the fact that it was like "i've never even thought of the Chicago Bulls before, I have no reason to hate them.". That's huge.
Tyler: Yeah, they were literally about to be sold. That was a running joke, if Rod Thorne didn't nail this he was gonna get fired and they were gonna move the team. That's how close it was, out of the 3rd biggest market in the country just because they weren't doin' shit with it. 2 weeks into practice every player was like "no, he's the best player in the league!". I'm like shit, I didn't know it was that widespread, that soon. It was 7 years without a ring, so once you get 1 or 2, I see how they considered him the greatest already. It makes more sense.
Coley: Yeah, he was also winning MVP's and DPOY's in the same year before that. So I get how easy it was to be like "yeah, no that's the guy."
Tyler: It's so wild, the thing I learned he was like "to set myself apart from Magic and Bird I have to play defense, they don't do it. So I became the best at that.". He could of made 5 second team defenses, he's still the GOAT right? It wouldn't have changed at all but no he just got 10 straight 1st teams. People did 2, Magic and Larry never did 3. He's like "I just had to do what they didn't", so once he one 3, nobody had done that since Russell's 60's, he's like "i've done it all!". Everybody was like "no, we agree! You've done it all! You've won everything, you've done literally everything there is to do."
Coley: "You're Finals MVP every time, yeah no, that's the guy"
Tyler: "Year 9, 32? Comfortably the best player of all time." Kareem's like "I retired 4 years ago!" *laughing*
Coley: *laughs* "Yeah, i'm not even in the hall of fame yet, cause not enough time's passed!"
Tyler: That and because Jordan missed the foot season, so it's really like 8 seasons. "Jordan, he's got 17,000 career points? Comfortably the best player of all time!". Kareem's like "i've got twice that! I've got more rebound than he's got points!".
Coley: I'm just picturing them being in the same Hall of Fame class and Kareem's like "i'm not last to speak?". They're like "sorry *shrugs*"
Tyler: Jordan's still active and he gets to go first, cause he's got a game later.
Coley: Yeah he's like "this is great, thank you. I'm gonna go beat the shit out of the Knicks now. That's what I do."
Tyler: Everyone just claps lightly.
Coley: They're like "yeah, he does do that"
Tyler: Sidney Moncrief was like the reigning 2x DPOY and was like "oh there was nobody in the world that could of checked Michael.". Rookie Michael Jordan. It was like his fourth game, it'd be like if Kawhi was like "Morant? I'm retiring before that kid gets going!"
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: "I want no part of that!". Wow, never heard that about a rookie, that's interesting. Fuckin' Jerry Kraus man. Really Reinsdorf too, it was 50/50.
Coley: For sure and this goes back to what I was saying with Phil Knight, pride will ruin things so fast. That's why in Boston media since they've had nothing on to talk about in sports media I just keep seeing-
Tyler: Albert Breers tweets!
Coley: even still *laughs*. I keep seeing "who's fault was it between Brady and Belichick?". I could see if they broke up in 2009, having this conversation. We have 20 years.
Tyler: Who said Brady had to retire? Who's to blame!?
Coley: 20 years, guy wants to go play in Tampa, good for him! You're really harboring resentment for this? Do I wanna see him win a Super Bowl? No I don't. Do I wanna see him get hurt? Of course not. He's with them, cool, great! We got 20 years!
Tyler: Coulda been 21 Mick, if all the egos in the building-
Coley: That was the fuckin' storyline, the whole month leading up to us holding the Rams to 3 points. "Oh man, these guys can not get along!"
Tyler: I recall and they didn't, they stunk! They couldn't even score 14 points! *laughs*
Coley: No, for sure couldn't.
Tyler: Tripled up their opposition.
Coley: Have they scored 13 in consecutive playoff games? Against the Rams and then against the Titans?
Tyler: Yeah, yeah they did.
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: Logan Ryan almost scored that many points! Logan Ryan halved that!
Coley: They're like "oh boy, one was enough to win the Super Bowl, one wasn't enough to beat the fuckin' Titans?"
Tyler: Brady's like "you told me to do what I did last year, yeah?"
Coley: *laughing* "well!?!"
Tyler: Krauss had the ego but Reinsdorf consistently being like "this is all fine, everyone hating each other is fine. I don't care at all!" *laughing*
Coley: "What time are the White Sox on!?"
Tyler: For '98, '99, it goes into it more in the book, he had a contract ready for Jordan. Jordan's like "i'll sign it but i'm not playing without Phil" and Jerry's like "I mean what can you do?"
Coley: "This man's unreasonable!"
Tyler: *laughs* It's absurd! But I also get it, back then, which I kind wish they would go back to it, lottery picks we just all equally weighted. Like if you didn't make the playoffs and there was 10 lottery picks? Everybody got 10% chance. So it's like "oh you just missed the playoffs? #2 pick". I'm like i'm fine with that. Listen, i'm fine with that! They turned it into the weighted shit and that's what kept teams bad, but if you just went completely unweighted lottery?
Coley: I don't hate it.
Tyler: I'm still abolish the draft but if you're not gonna do that, what's wrong with somebody like the Pelicans, if the Pelicans just get the #4 overall pick, who'd be mad at that? Or the Grizzlies, "man, the Grizzlies lost the playoff seed", they get the #3 pick! Let's get another fun player with that core, why is that a bad thing!?
Coley: I don't know, I genuinely do not hate it. Because there's been no proof that stinking consistently and racking up a couple of number 3's, if you're still an incompetent organization it's not going to matter.
Tyler: Correct! If you're good, you'll find value.
Coley: The Suns are still bad.
Tyler: You'll find value at 2 or 6 or 16, that's what good teams do. Instead it's like "we'll reform it so it's a little less bad". I can't wait until hopefully this doesn't work and they go back to-. Yeah, right now, top 3 teams have a 14% chance but Portland #14 has .5% chance, so imagine if all these teams had an equal chance. "Oh Portland's healthy next year and they got Wiseman?". I would like that, yeah that's a good thing. Instead we get to watch Wiseman waste away in New York or I don't even know where.
Coley: Every mock draft I see, I haven't clicked any but they always put the top 5, 4, 3, 2, click to see who's 1. Well you just named the other top 4 picks, I know who's 1. I keep seeing Obi Toppin to New York and it feels like a big time Knicks thing to do.
Tyler: Oooooh. Oh boy, that's tough *laughs*. This mock has him going 5 to Detroit. I don't know how I feel about that if i'm Detroit.
Coley: Probably not great.
Tyler: But like the Warriors getting the #1 or a top 4 pick like people are excited about this. I want to see them, yeah they got a good team, this is a good west. Let's add some juice in there. It'll be a trade asset of course, it'll be a trade for another old player.
Coley: It'd also be very funny too, to see a team like the Warriors, who they had a tough down on their luck year. It's like "they were the worst team by record, they obviously have all NBA talents coming back. Because it's not a weighted lottery, they have the 14th pick! Whoops!". *laughing*
Tyler: Sorry! Again fine with that too.
Coley: Cause you wouldn't see year long tanking anymore but that last week of the season? With like 3 teams in the hunt for the 8th seed, you'd see some hilarious coaching jobs to try and get that team out of the playoffs.
Tyler: And that's what you want? To eliminate tanking right? You can deal with it for games 1-76. If a team's going for the 8th seed like "could we even get a quarter against the Bucks? No? Okay, it's worth the 11% chance to try and get the #1 pick.". Even then, the 2 games of home revenue, how ever you want to do it. I just know this current shit, does not work. I don't like it.
Coley: I think regardless, kind of the reasons i'm always resigned in these conversations, regardless there's always gonna be incompetent teams who are gonna fuck it up.
Tyler: Sure. That's why we need to eliminate the draft!
Coley: Oh man, if there was no draft and every player hit free agency simultaneously and they truly tried to restart the whole league? You'd get some just terrible, terrible teams.
Tyler: *laughs* Cleveland 19-46, Minnesota 19-45
Coley: I'm not even talking record, cause some of these teams, like i'm sure if I was a Cavs fan right now i'd be the biggest Darius Garland guy or the biggest Sexton guy. I'd be able to sell myself on something, every bad team we list right now I can point to one young player. Or if I were a Hornets fan last year, i'd be like "we suck, but i've loved watching Kemba all these years, that guy competes" something like that.
Tyler: He walked out the door! *laughs*
Coley: If the whole league reset? There'd be some teams who got no good draft picks and just all the old shitty players. It's like "well, just contract this team".
Tyler: Okay! I'd much rather that than, Booker been wasting away in Phoenix, they just now got frisky, became competitive. They just not, it's year 5 and he's steadily improved every year. Bad teams will still get guys cause it'll be like "okay, you'll get 20 shots a game right now". So they'd get guys, they'd still fuck it up cause they're bad teams but i'm good with not seeing guys get wasted because of the way a ping pong ball went.
Coley: Yeah, for sure.
Tyler: Nah, eliminate it. Get it out of here.
Coley: I still think, any team who has yet to win a title, you're out. Out! Utah Jazz? Out!
Tyler: Tough.
Coley: If you're a city with multiple teams? You only get one now. New York 1 team, LA 1 team.
Tyler: Do they combine teams or does everyone go into a draft?
Coley: Yeah, if your team gets cut, those are free agents now. Grizzlies, you're out.
Tyler: Okay, listen who wants to sign Ja Morant!?
Coley: Yeah, it'd be exciting.
Tyler: Imagine that for the whole league. It's like "oh boy, they-". I don't know, I always forget who's a bad GM, I always go straight to Adam Gase, the worst GM in the world, in any sport. But it's like "that guy can't build a good team", good! He's not good, so get him out of here or keep having a bad team, your choice. "Everybody would go to LA", they wouldn't man.
Coley: They wouldn't.
Tyler: A lot would, a lot would for sure.
Coley: 15 would, exactly 15 would, we know.
Tyler: 30! To both teams.
Coley: No, i'm cutting the Clippers. You got the Lakers now.
Tyler: I feel like you keep both of them honestly. I feel like the Kings can go, if we're cutting a Cali team? I'm fine with 2 LA's, the Kings can go.
Coley: Well what about the Warriors?
Tyler: Fuck 'em! Nah, move 'em.
Coley: The Lakers and Warriors both have rings, the other 2 not so much.
Tyler: Move the Warriors to LA, i'm fine with 3 LA teams. That's much better for travel. 3 LA teams?
Coley: For sure.
Tyler: You cut out Sacramento, so you don't even fly to the top of the state.
Coley: Ever again.
Tyler: Seattle, that's just not a Basketball town, you don't fly there. Get rid of Portland you don't go the northwest.
Coley: In the process of cutting some of these, I would bring back Seattle.
Tyler: You'd get 1st pick in the draft, every team that got cut, Seattle gets 1st pick. They just like "oooh, we'll take Durant, Morant, Kawhi Leonard. This is great! *laughing*
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: Oklahoma City's like "dammit! *slams table*"
Coley: "Why didn't we think of this!?". Texas would be weird, cause all 3 of those teams have rings.
Tyler: They can all stay.
Coley: Does Phoenix have a ring? They must. Back in the day?
Tyler: Yeah, Phoenix has got like 70's.
Coley: I think they beat the Celtics.
Tyler: Phoenix is one of those, you got a ring back in the 70's, you can go. I'd rather keep, like the Grizzlies are young and trying. Y'all got a ring in '78? C'mon.
Coley: Magic are out.
Tyler: Yeah the teams, the Suns are 0-2, the Jazz, Nets, and Magic, all 0-2. The Chicago Stags, who's logo is fire, folded in 1950. Capitols folded in '51. Pacers are 0-1, Hornets , Nuggets, Clippers, Grizzlies, Wolves and Pelicans have never made a finals.
Coley: Pacers, i'd be inclined to hear their case.
Tyler: The Kings have one, 1951. C'mon man.
Coley: No they're out.
Tyler: Yeah, I don't think that one title, you just gotta be reevaluated.
Coley: And that wasn't even in Sacramento was it? Was that the Kansas City Royals.
Tyler: Rochester, yeah.
Coley: Rochester, Rochester.
Tyler: Listen they're claiming it. "That's us."
Coley: *laughs* So yeah, i'm getting rid of a lot of these teams. I'm probably putting one in Vegas, putting one in Seattle, maybe Louisville gets one but yeah, no more of these 2 in the same city. We're gonna cut some teams and we're gonna spread them out and ultimately it's gonna be 16 teams total. Everyone makes the playoffs, every roster's-
Tyler: That's where i'm out, I don't want everybody in the playoffs.
Coley: I think there's too many good people at basketball, they wouldn't all be able to sign in the same places. It would be decently spread out. 30, wouldn't be as spread out.
Tyler: So, 8 can make the playoffs. I don't want anything where everybody can make the playoffs.
Coley: Okay!
Tyler: If we're gonna do 8? Okay. I'm in with that. 3 rounds for a championship, best of 15.
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: It used to be one round and the championship right? When it was the 60's and there was like 8 teams?
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: I wouldn't say 4 rounds is excessive but it's one of those, if we want the best postseason there's a way to have it and get money. 3 best of 7's feels fair. If you win 3 best of 7's, you can probably win 2 best of 7's as a fluke, not even fluke but like "ah, did the better team win?". If you win 3 though? You were the best team. It's less room for injury like "would he be back in time!?". Also, you wanna talk load management? If everybody make the playoffs? Would anybody play the regular season?
Coley: No, so you're right.
Tyler: You gotta give somethin', so whatever you cut it to, if half of those make the playoffs and we go from there? I'd listen to that.
Coley: I might even consider 10, and top 2 get a bye. If that's how that ends up workin'.
Tyler: Okay.
Coley: Cause in the regular season, those top seeds, you're really playing for something more than home court.
Tyler: Yeah, I like that.
Coley: Then that adds an extra round.
Tyler: Yeah, that could work. Even that or home-court in the first round, you get the first 3 at home. Like I really wanna emphasize home court, so people really are playing hard for that reason. It goes 3-2-2, we just go back to some wild shit. Yeah, you should have a relative advantage for playing that hard for home-court.
Coley: Yeah, then if you drop one of those first two you're not like "oh fuck.". *laughs*
Tyler: Yeah, it's like, "we get one, we're going back to our place, for 2 straight". You win those, that's 3 right there, you go back to their place and see what happens.
Coley: Yeah, cause you're 3-2 going back there.
Tyler: And the cities are closer together, so it's like "they don't wanna go from Seattle to Miami". It's like sorry, they'll meet in Kansas, nah.
Coley: *slight chuckle* Speaking of 3!
[Ad Read 1]
Coley: 3 Chi is the leader in hemp derived cannabinoid products.
Tyler: Yeah it is.
Coley: All products are formulated by Biochemists, Tyler.
Tyler: Hmm.
Coley: All products are made in the USA with US grown hemp, which I think people would be shocked to learn how recent a development that is.
Tyler: Like yesterday, like this is the first company.
Coley: Canada and I wanna say China, were exporting hemp for years because it was legal to have in the US but not legal to grow. *laughing*
Tyler: Ton of sense, makes a ton of sense.
Coley: 3 Chi figured out a way to make a product, to make the first federally legal Delta 8 in the world!
Tyler: Hmm!
Coley: Delta 8 is a federally legal version of THC, it is the perfect substitute for anyone using Delta 9 who want the same great feelings without the negative side effects.
Tyler: I'd like that.
Coley: Delta 8 will help you feel amazing, but functioning and clear-headed instead of lazy and paranoid.
Tyler: It will.
Coley: Big time. 3 Chi's Delta 8 is the purest and most potent in the world and is used and recommended by doctors around the country. 3 Chi isn't just the best Delta 8 in the industry, they invented the industry! Put your name on it!
Tyler: I will.
Coley: 3 Chi's Delta 8 is 100% hemp derived, federally legal and available only at 3Chi, that's the number 3 C-H-I dot com, and at select retailers around the country. You must be 21, to purchase go to 3Chi.com to shop for Delta 8 vapes, gummies, tincures and oils that can be used to make homemade edibles. Use code MICKSTAPE at checkout to receive 5% off your order.
Tyler: Is that what the tinctures are for? Cause I got my kit from 3Chi and I didn't-
Coley: No, that's what the oils are for.
Tyler: Ahh, yeah the enhanced oils. Interesting.
Coley: The oils are for baking.
Tyler: I've been putting it under, it say put it under your tongue, that's how I been doing it. But you can also bake with 'em?
Coley: The oils, yeah. The tinctures are more for under the tongue shit, yeah.
Tyler: Bake a whole cake!
Coley: *laughing*
[End of Ad Read 1]
Coley: I didn't even watch the Sosa and McGwire 30 for 30, although at the end it sounds like they just blamed Barry Bonds for everything?
Tyler: More or less.
Coley: Fair! *laughing*
Tyler: Points were made.
Coley: But i've heard only negative reviews.
Tyler: It was not good, it was just boring. It was one of those like, you're bringing this back after 20+ years. It was fine but *shrugs*, listen Sammy's electric.
Coley: Oh yeah.
Tyler: The Cubs did some bullshit, either during or before, the Cubs account was tweeting out Sammy stats and videos and in the documentary at the end the owner's like "yeah, Sammy hasn't been invited back to Wrigley in over a decade.". "The owners want you to answer 2 questions Sammy, why'd you do it? and who'd you do it to?". And he basically said "a lot of people were doin' it, it is what it is. But it's like Mark McGwire's got his number retired there and Sammy ain't been back to Wrigley in over 10 years. Like that's bullshit.
Coley: It's also not even the same owners! 12932
Tyler: Like what are you mad about!? You've won a championship since then so like. He was like "I would be open to coming back" and they're like "we're all set Sam!".
Coley: Yeah! I don't know, those early 2000's Cubs, because for whatever reason in Boston we always got Cubs and Braves games, I don't know why. Not just cause they played each other but we always got those two, I don't understand why but I wasn't complaining. I was always a huge Kerry Wood guy, always.
Tyler: Per Chief, he was like "Kerry Wood did a great job acting like he doesn't still hate Sammy Sosa, cause he definitely still hates Sammy Sosa" *laughing*
Coley: I thought him and Prior were just gonna run the NL until like now pretty much.
Tyler: They got him, Mark Grace slappin' singles and Sammy hittin' 65. With the Reds I was like "why are we playing them 80 over 160 games? This isn't fair! We played the Pirates 4 times, we played the Pirates 94 times."
Coley: "Why do we have 7 teams in this division!?"
Tyler: "None of them are really Central!". It was a lot of Mark McGwire, it was 30 minutes of him talking about how he still considers himself a pitcher.
Coley: Sure.
Tyler: 600 dingers later. "Yeah, I went to USC as a pitcher, one of the coaches saw me just slugging dingers over the fence and was like ay, you should try this guy out at first.". Which then made me pissed because I was like he couldn't of been Ohtani first? He played in Oakland, he couldn't of pitched every 5th day and then did some DH/1st base, whatever? It's just like "nope! You can play a subpar 1st defensively and rake dingers with Canseco". It was no new information, it was too long. They didn't need 2 hours. There's only so much steroid talk and setting the scene you can do.
Coley: I'm sure they could of if that had done it correctly. Cause that was the most electric time i've had watching baseball in my whole life and everyone in my timeline seemed to share the same sentiment.
Tyler: Yeah, it was what, 4 years after they canceled the World Series?
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: They were slick Magic and Bird, they came at the right time and the league needed them. Mark McGwire had the shit out at his locker, that part was decent. The Andro shit, he was like "It wasn't illegal, yeah I took it. It wasn't on the banned list.". So he's like "i'm guilty of that" but then it came out all the guys took anonymous tests and then that got leaked too. That's completely unfair, the only reason they were honest at all is because you told them this would be anonymous.
Coley: The steroid shit hit me years after the fact, that's where I learned the power of I don't wanna say journalism but media. Because you couldn't turn on SportsCenter without it making it seem like these guys were involved in some crazy sex trafficking, gun running, murderous activity.
Tyler: "Barry Bonds was at BALCO in Miami today! Sal Palantonio was there to meet him."
Coley: *laughing* Just the whole way it was reported, I wrote it in the blog. They had Rafael Palmerio sitting in front of a Grand Jury! Like they should of never happened, they made people care and to make it seem like some great injustice. If they had just been like "these guys are socking 700ft dingers, we're taking out those giant towers of lights in centerfield."
Tyler: "Does everyone like this? Everyone likes this!"
Coley: Yeah, everyone liked it! No one cared, but they made it seem like the sanctity of the game. This is why I always say, no one ruins baseball quite like baseball. They're just constantly in their own fucking way. They're Side Show Bob, they don't step on the rakes but they lay the rakes there.
Tyler: *laughs* they're only the rakes yeah. Manfred *growls*. Cheating scandal *growls"
Coley: What the fuck is wrong with these idiots, they could of just had people juicing the whole time, no one would of cared. You don't hear anyone like "I can't believe Vince McMahon has his wrestlers juicing!", no! Of course not!
Tyler: They set the scene that 1, all those guys tested positive. It was bullshit that really only the big guys got busted for it because they were like "we don't care who the triple-a guy is, we want Sammy Sosa, A-Rod, we want the guys with the big names". Then it went into everybody doing it, you talk about the media and the media narrative the guys they were talking about. "Mark told me he was taking it for his durability, I took him for his word". Cuts to Mark McGwire's locker and his back muscles are just busting out of his jersey. *laughing* Okay, again it's fine if you did but it also feels unfair to shake your finger at them too. Because why he took it? Who knows, but he was like "listen, it wasn't on the banned list", that's simple and plain" and they threw some shit on Bonds. I'm so ready for a doc where guys who are not getting in the hall of fame anyways just tell it all. Bonds, McGwire, Pete Rose.
Coley: A lot of these guys I think are waiting for that 10, 15 year window, however long it is to expire. Cause I still think Bonds and Clemens are gonna go in on the last ballot and that's gonna be baseball writers big "we stuck it too them!".
Tyler: Hopefully they don't die before hand, knock on wood but that's just how it goes.
Coley: It's all really fuckin' stupid.
Tyler: *laughs* It's the only Hall of Fame of a team of guys not in the hall of fame would scrape the guys in the Hall of Fame.
Coley: So fast!
Tyler: Somebody's like "duh, you think the guys on PED's would be better?". I'm like "listen, pre-drugs, Clemens had 3 Cy Youngs and Bonds had 3 MVP's.". You go only pre-drugs with these guys? They still washing up Christy Matthewson. The big train of Walter Johnson!
Coley: *exhales*
Tyler: So yeah, it was just 2 hours of that, 2 hours of "listen they did the stuff, it wasn't illegal at the time. But it's about the game, Mickey Mantle, clean as they come!". I thought the best part was Maris, they went into a good bit about Maris. It was damned if you do, damned if you don't with him.
Coley: Have you ever watched 61?
Tyler: Yes, I think I watched it not long ago but I have seen it. So they get into some of that, on the field they're like "Roger, you haven't hit a home run in 2 days, fucks up?". He was like "well, I hit home runs and they yell at me because i'm not Mickey Mantle and i'm also not Babe Ruth.". They talked to his kid and he was like "he wish he never broke that shit.".
Coley: Oh yeah, he hated it.
Tyler: What kind of sport is that where somebody's gonna break an all time record, a good record, a fun record.
Coley: A great record.
Tyler: Guy's gonna hit 60, "No! He's not the guy who used to do it, or the guy directly to his left."
Coley: Who wants to do it, but can't.
Tyler: Steph Curry and Kevin Durant *disgusted noises*
Coley: People want greatness on their terms.
Tyler: Yeah, that's what i'm learning from the Kobe book. Wild scene.
Coley: *exhales* If it was Griffey, McGwire, who do you think people are rooting for? How do you think that plays out? In real time.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Coley: If he didn't fall off in the home run race, if he were towards the top. Because obviously I was 8 turning 9 and Griffey's one of my favorite athletes of all time, still. So I would of been pulling for him but national media wise, how would that have gone?
Tyler: They talked about some of that too, because going into the season, McGwire and Sosa said it "no one thought 70". Because nobody had really hit 60 since Maris so even going to 70 was gonna be extreme. Then everybody thought it was gonna be Griffey, I think he hit like 20 that June.
Coley: Sammy, yeah.
Tyler: Well no, Griffey had like a 17 HR month. He was keeping pace, everybody was like "no, Sosa and McGwire, they'll kinda tail off. Griffey's the one that's do it.". I think he finished with what, 56?
Coley: 56 or 54
Tyler: Yeah mid-50's. But that was who they really wanted, then it turned into Sammy vs McGwire which helped like same division. One thing I do appreciate, the stadium you're in makes the highlights.
Coley: Oh yeah.
Tyler: LeBron dunking in any arena, it all looks the same. But if Sammy hit one in Petco park? Might not look the same as the ivy in Wrigley.
Coley: Oh of course!
Tyler: St. Louis with the river in the background.
Coley: Oh yeah, with the arch. When I was doing those stat blogs at the beginning of corona.
Tyler: 7 years ago.
Coley: *laughs* Yes, Connor Fernandez must of said it on one of our livestreams or something but he said "before 1998, 2 players had hit 60+ homeruns.". Which was Bonds and Maris, in the next 4 years Sammy Sosa did it 3 times, he didn't lead the national league in any of those times. *laughing*
Tyler: Bad luck man.
Coley: He had 66 in 98, McGwire obviously hit 70. He had 63 in 99, McGwire hit 65. 2000 was an off year, I wanna say he had 54, maybe. In 01, Sosa hit 64 *laughing*
Tyler: Who was the leader?
Coley: Bonds hit 73.
Tyler: Oh shit, I don't think I even realized that was the same year. Until last night I didn't really realize, 1 how much they broke it by, this record was 61 for what, 35 years? Almost 40 years? 61 to 98? 30+ years, and then it was broke 100 times over the next 5 years. I think that's the point they were like "everybody can't be averaging 40 a game. I know how to scale this back, we'll get the government involved! People will like that."
Coley: From 98-02 Sammy Sosa hit 292 home runs. He led the NL twice in home runs, the years he hit 50 and 49, every time he'd hit over 60 he'd get second place.
Tyler: Even looking back, thinking about Griffey's 56. Now it's like, 17 less than the record. At the time, he was right there. 5 home runs away, they showed he went on a 18 game homerless skid in like August or September that sealed it. I also didn't know McGwire had 68 going into the last game and did not want to play, basically trying to take himself out. Tony LaRussa was like "these people are here to see you, go out and play. If something's wrong or not looking right, i'll pull you but go out and play". Then McGwire smacked 2 out of the fuckin' stadium. It also made me realize the pressure around McGwire was heavy, and all the people around his locker, and from The Last Dance that's Michael Jordan's for a preseason game.
Coley: Every day.
Tyler: McGwire was like "I was losing my mind". It's a wonder Michael Jordan is as well adjusted as he is.
Coley: Right.
Tyler: His only vice is gambling, which he can afford. That's the worse for him? He'll take that.
Coley: Yeah, it's not for everyone.
Tyler: No! It's not for Jerry Krauss!
Coley: No. No, but the big question going around last night was what is the best 30 for 30? I think the only way to have that conversation is to exclude the OJ one.
Tyler: Yeah, that's a masterpiece.
Coley: That was winning major film awards, not even just documentary.
Tyler: That's legit the best documentary i've ever seen.
Coley: Yeah, so I don't know how that could stack up against "4 Days in October".
Tyler: It's like the hockey debate, whenever you talk about who's the greatest everyone just assumes Gretsky's 1. We're talking about moving on.
Coley: I wouldn't even put The Last Dance in there either, because that was like a spectacle.
Tyler: Yeah that was stand alone. I wouldn't consider that a 30 for 30.
Coley: That's like the greatest circus of all time coming to town. You're not gonna compare that to the movies that were just released.
Tyler: *laughing* Right.
Coley: So what are your 4 or 5 favorites?
Tyler: I'm looking back over them now, because I remember when they started they could not miss.
Coley: Correct.
Tyler: Like there are so many good ones. Not in my top 5 but Muhammed and Larry was a good one. For the fact of Larry Holmes just singing loudly in his car, which I still sing that loudly in my car. "Without Bias" was tough, "The U" the first one.
Coley: That one came earlier than I remember.
Tyler: Yeah, I had to look at them in order because I was like Larry Holmes was that early?
Coley: They went on a fuckin' run here, cause the first one "Kings Ransom", I thought it was decent just cause I had never-.
Tyler: I didn't watch that one, because I was like Hockey? I'm out. I may watch that one now that I know how dope Gretsky was. But I didn't watch that one.
Coley: They don't even fully, i've only seen it once but I don't remember them fully diving into it. But just more him being traded, the amount given up for him, the dynasty broke up during the trade, and just what it did to hockey in Southern California. It was interesting from that angle but last night talking about it I didn't hear a single person be like "no, that's the best one!". So that's a weird one to lead off with. "The Band That Would Not Die", never seen that and I still don't care.
Tyler: Something like that, I kinda have no interest in. I think I watched some of the Jimmy the Greek one, I was like "I just don't care."
Coley: I like that one.
Tyler: I bet you did.
Coley: It's just an interesting story, the way he got fired wasn't great.
Tyler: No! No it wasn't!
Coley: *laughing* He didn't bring enough phrenology.
Tyler: You understand, Mick! Boy oh boy, "The Crossover", the AI one.
Coley: I listed a couple and I had a lot of people be like "oh you didn't like that one?". I was like I do but I think the full Iverson documentary Showtime did was better, and it also touched on that.
Tyler: "Guru of Go" was good, the Bo Kimble and Hank Gathers one. I never watched the one on the Rugby World Cup with Mandela. "2 Escobars" that's been one I keep meaning to watch, people just say it's incredible and I never watched that one either.
Coley: It is.
Tyler: I might watch that, "Jordan Rides the Bus" was solid. "One Night in Vegas" I didn't like, I didn't like the format, they did everything between Tyson and Tupac. "Once Brothers", Drazen and Vlade was good. "Pony Excess"
Coley: Yeah, that was very strong.
Tyler: "Roll Tide, War Eagle" was a good one.
Coley: There were a lot of "Best That Never Was" fans in my mentions last night, Marcus Dupree.
Tyler: Oh! Yeah that's up there for me, that's in my top 5, I would put that one in my top 5. Best jerry curl this man ever seen! Him being like "I just wanted to play for my brother who couldn't walk", I was like "oh boy, it is dusty in here!".
Coley: So "Roll Tide, War Eagle" these are technically not 30 for 30's. I don't know why, but "Fab 5" not a 30 for 30. "The Announcement" feels like it should've but they picked the backup which was "Broke" which I don't think was good.
Tyler: It was fine.
Coley: It felt more like they should show that to high school juniors.
Tyler: It was very "please don't do anything Andre Risen did".
Coley: "There's No Place Like Home", that one stinks.
Tyler: Yeah I didn't watch that one.
Coley: It's a guy trying to buy the original rules of basketball, he's a Kansas fan. He's like "if I own this that means Kansas is the home of basketball", it's like sure dude.
Tyler: Alright dork.
Coley: "You Don't Know Bo" the Bo Jackson one.
Tyler: "Benji", Benji's in my top 5.
Coley: The ones where the guy dies is always hard for me.
Tyler: Yeah I agree.
Coley: For me and only me!
Tyler: None of these guys are dying of old age, if you die of old age you're not getting a documentary made about you.
Coley: "Elway to Marino" might be my favorite overall.
Tyler: I've seen some of that.
Coley: That one's incredible. Just A, the way they go through the entire first round, Elway flexing and being like "i'll just go play for the fucking Yankees dude, I don't give a fuck!".
Tyler: "Try me!"
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: "Please try me!"
Coley: Yeah, its not like "ah he might get drafted". No, Steinbrenner already has him penciled in, #3 hitter.
Tyler: Playing a little left.
Coley: Just the agent, Martin Demoff, it says Ken Rodgers directed it and i'm sure he did, but Martin Demoff took notes of like what he had for breakfast May 14th, 1980. He has every second of the whole draft process written down and he's the agent to Elway and Marino, which feels like cheating. That's all he ever had to do, like "i'm agent to 2 of the 8 best quarterbacks of all time".
Tyler: That's one of those where I see guys with multiple star guys, i'm like why do you have some minimum guys? I get more money, but that doesn't even feel worth it. Like "i've got the Manning brothers, i'm just good".
Coley: But just watching teams, cause we watch them fuck up in real time but A, we don't always know for a few years how badly they fucked up or if they fucked up at all. But watching these teams in retrospect fuck up and hear the reasoning for why they fucked up.
Tyler: It's always gold.
Coley: How the Colts fucked up, you talk about pride with their owner, who's name i'm blanking on for some reason, it's a very famous name.
Tyler: Irsay?
Coley: Yeah, Irsay, thank you. The older Irsay, him fucking it up as bad as he did. It's incredible to watch, it really is incredible. The Steelers passing on a quarterback when they could've just taken Marino and went right from Bradshaw to Marino *laughing*
Tyler: He's from Pittsburgh!
Coley: Which is kind of specifically why they didn't draft him. It's like really fuckin' dumb.
Tyler: I kinda get it but like, I wouldn't draft a guy that was average that'd be a little bit too much pressure. This guy might be the best ever? I'll roll those dice.
Coley: It's very funny because he had a dogshit senior year, like he was so bad his senior year, they were like "it has to be cocaine.". That was the only explanation they could come up with for why Dan Marino was that bad when he was a senior compared to when he was a junior.
Tyler: *laughing deeply* I gotta say, that's a feather in Marino's cap. He's like "look how cool I was when I was 21. Dude I sucked and they thought it was cause I was banged out of my mind"
Coley: His roommate goes like 8th or some shit to the Bears, I think they had the 6th pick maybe, they take Jimbo Covert, the tackle and his roommate was just constantly being grilled by the police and everyone being like "what's up with your boy? why's he suck? Is he on the Christina?" and he's just like "no dude!".
Tyler: "So you mean yes! Okay, we gotcha loud and clear my man."
Coley: And so naturally he goes to Miami *laughing*
Tyler: *laughing*
Coley: He had to of been thrilled, he's like "this is sick, I stunk and now I get to go play in Miami.". And the real time takes when he gets drafted by Miami too, like Dr. Z, whoever it was that used to do.
Tyler: It was him, yeah.
Coley: He just immediately kills the pick, he's like "who's gonna coach him up!? who's gonna work with him!? who's gonna be in his ear!?". It's just like anyone? Don Shula maybe? Who knows!?
Tyler: I did not know the pick directly after him was Darrell Green.
Coley: Oh yeah.
Tyler: That is very funny.
Coley: Last pick of the first round.
Tyler: "Guy's too short!", "But he's literally the fastest man ever", "Short!". Like Bill Rafferty.
Coley: Yeah, cause it goes Elway was 1st, Darrell Green was last. It was a really fucking strong draft.
Tyler: Dude Elway and Dickerson are 1 and 2.
Coley: Not only is Dickerson 2, the team that originally had 2, traded Dickerson to take Curt Warner. Not quarterback Kurt Warner, runningback out of Penn State Curt Warner. So they wanted a runningback and they're like "we'll take the worse one!"
Tyler: And he made a pro-bowl, green's hall of fame, yellow's pro-bowl. Curt Warner's yellow.
Coley: Yeah, he had some seasons, he wasn't Eric Dickerson though.
Tyler: 3 All-Pro's ain't too shabby. If you got that and some other stuff? But i'm sure they fucked that up too. Jim Covert, the guy from Pittsburgh, Hall of Famer. Bruce Matthews, maybe the best offensive lineman ever. Is he the one who's played every single position and made All-Pro at like every single position?
Coley: That sounds right.
Tyler: Jim Kelly, Hall of Famer.
Coley: The Bills had 2 picks in the teens I believe
Tyler: Yes they had 12 and 14.
Coley: And they took a TE
Tyler: Tommy Hunter, out of Notre Dame.
Coley: Cause they were like "we like 2 quarterbacks up there, which ever one falls to us with the 2nd pick". Like what are you talking about!? Get the quarterback.
Tyler: I do love that, listen we can get 40% of Michael Jordan if we just sign an undrafted bald guy.
Coley: The Patriots also liked 2 quarterbacks but theirs were Jim Kelly and not Dan Marino so they took Tony Eason! *laughs* So we could of just had Marino, nope!
Tyler: Boy oh boy, yeah Eason was right after Kelly. I'm sure you remember.
Coley: Sure was!
Tyler: Didn't make the Hall of Fame or a Pro Bowl but Dave Remmington went first round. Like the Remmington Trophy in college football is for the best center and he's the namesake so I get taking him there. He made the college football Hall of Fame so it was like "listen, its his award! no, we'll take him!". Yeah, Marino 27th, Darrell Green 28th.
Coley: Pittsburgh took, what was it a DT?
Tyler: Pittsburgh went, Gabriel Rivera, Defensive Tackle, Texas Tech.
Coley: Who, the way they talk about it, everyone predraft just had him penciled in there. Which was tough, he was gonna bring back the Steel Curtain type. Immediately in one of the worst car accidents i've ever seen, still can't walk to this day.
Tyler: Christ.
Coley: Yeah, not good.
Tyler: I don't like that. But Benji was too much? Actually, he's dead so he can't walk.
Coley: He's dead now!?
Tyler: Yeah, he's dead.
Coley: Oh, boy. At the time of the taping they threw him in there for one soundbite and it was like "I don't know if they needed this. But they talked about Al Davis wanted to trade for Elway and the league behind close doors axed it.
Tyler: Al Davis used to have 'em by the balls man.
Coley: Yeah, that's why they axed it.
Tyler: "We can not have it! Nuh uh!"
Coley: The part I don't understand and I get it's gotta be difficult because the whole time, Demoff's trying to negotiate a trade for Elway. Long before the draft he's like "I know I have to. He's not going to Baltimore", they fucking hated everything about the Baltimore Colts. So Al Davis this whole time was tryna trade for Elway, tryna trade for Elway. Just fuckin' take Marino! At no point are you like, "hey, this guy's just as good.".*laughing*
Tyler: No! He's bad remember? He's on the booger sugar. Yeah, this is Lamar Jackson vibes.
Coley: That whole, the way they go through every single pick and they get a representative from every team to talk about it. They have Ron Meyer, the old Patriots coach who was at SMU. Ron Meyer sneaky one of the best football minds of all time.
Tyler: Extinction?
Coley: No, he was very much against that. In the "Pony Excess" one he says something that I didn't realize wasn't the norm until he said it. He goes "everyone else was scouting college players, I was scouting pros" and I always think of like Coach Cal, he's only getting pros. Miami, when they were cooking, yeah you're a pro.
Tyler: The only reason you're not in the NFL now is because you're legally not old enough *laughs*
Coley: Right, I didn't realize other people weren't scouting that way, until Ron Meyer said that.
Tyler: Yeah, it's like "we want a guy to play 3 years, 4, maybe 5 if he suffers a crippling injury. We'll cross our fingers.".
Coley: Then in this one, because the Patriots were somewhat close to a trade for Elway but we picked 15. That wasn't even enough to get him, we were gonna trade Jack Hanna, Hall of Fame offensive lineman
Tyler: That guy that plays with animals?
Coley: Yes, that guy, that pick and one other pick. Irsay was ready to do it.
Tyler: I bet he was, cocaine?
Coley: Ernie Acorsi was like "I will not be attached to this at all" and he's like "I don't give a fuck dude". Oh cause they were in the same division at the time, that's when Colts and Patriots played like twice a year. So they were like "we can't just hand you this guy" but yeah, it's very funny watching all these teams fuck up.
Tyler: It's a couple on here I made a note, I wanna go back and watch.
Coley: That one I bought, because I like to watch it so often.
Tyler: "Survive and Advance" was good, the Valvano one.
Coley: NC State?
Tyler: Yeah. "You Don't Know Bo", "Free Spirits" for the Silna Brothers was good. "No Mas" I liked that one, with Sugar Ray and Roberto Duran. Beat that man until he literally begged for no more. That's tough. I feel like I skipped quite a bit of these in the middle.
Coley: "Playing For The Mob" is interesting, the point shaving.
Tyler: Once I heard Ray Liotta's voice I remember being like "out!". Not even cause I hate him, just like "nope!".
Coley: "Chantix!"
Tyler: Nope, out!
Coley: "Rand University"
Tyler: Rand was a good one. "Bad Boys" was fine.
Coley: Both, yeah I like both "U's". I think the first one was better but I like both.
Tyler: "I Hate Christian Laettner" was solid.
Coley: It was.
Tyler: "Soleman" the Sonny Vaccaro one.
Coley: Incredible. You know which one, weirdly enough I like a lot?
Tyler: Which one?
Coley: The Reggie Miller, New York Knicks one.
Tyler: Yeah, that one was pretty good too. "The Magic Moment", I didn't like that one at all.
Coley: *laughs in Tylers past magic fandom's face* no, I wouldn't be guessing you would.
Tyler: By far my least favorite. "Doc and Daryl" was strong.
Coley: I think "The 4 Falls of Buffalo" is tough because you know how it goes.
Tyler: Yeah, god bless Thurman Thomas and Bruce Smith. There's not enough money in the world you could get me to discuss that after the fact. "You remember 30 years ago your ex broke your heart 4 straight years? Would you like to talk about that?". "Yes! Will Bruce be there?".
Coley: It makes me respect Scott Norwood, fuckin' a ton because he owned that. He sat there for hours talking to those people and boy oh boy would I want to just go crawl into a hole and die.
Tyler: Yeah, or die and be thrown into a hole.
Coley: Yeah, either or. I'm not picky.
Tyler: "One and Done" the Calapari one is the best one by far.
Coley: Celtics, Lakers one is not good.
Tyler: No, I saw they're about to do another Magic Johnson one. Like what are we learning? Not that i''m opposed to it but what are we learning?
Coley: Nothing.
Tyler: Unless Magic's gonna be like "hey man, y'all wanna know how I was really getting down in the 80's?" Yes!!!!
Coley: Yeah that'd be different.
Tyler: I'd watch an 18 part documentary on that. "Y'all wanna see some of the trim I got?"
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: "Nature Boy" was solid
Coley: It was, but it could of been 30 minutes shorter. "The Two Bills"
Tyler: Yeah, "The Two Bills".
Coley: It's cool to see them talking, but it really wasn't that great.
Tyler: "Seau" was a tough one.
Coley: I didn't watch that one.
Tyler: He was legit my first guy, when he died I was like that guy died? I remember him, this used to happen to some people, like "oh he retired several years before I knew what any sport was". "42-1", the Buster Douglass one was good. "Deion's Double Play", I just want one to go into Deion. They went too narrow, him playing 2 games in 24 hours is cool but whole documentary cool?
Coley: Right, that should of been one of the shorts.
Tyler: Yeah, or again a 10 minute segment in a whole Deion one. How many fuckin' volumes are there?
Coley: They're on 4 now.
Tyler: Okay, "Rodman", "Vick". "Vick" was really good.
Coley: I still haven't seen that.
Tyler: Oh man, yeah both parts of that were really good. That's probably in my top 5 too, just cause he's always candid about it. Every interview i've seen since he's got out, he's always been candid about going to jail, everything that happened. He's just more candid there, and it's also he's candid in how nice he was back then. Every once in a while he's like "listen man, I made some mistakes but your momma woulda taken me first in the draft, my momma woulda taken me first in the draft. I was clearly the best athlete the world had ever seen.". They talked to his friend who really got involved with the shit, he is a character. Fuckin' Quanis. Yeah, "Vick" is good. "Lance" I didn't watch at all, though I heard it wasn't bad. "Be Water" I started and I fuck with Bruce Lee, it was just boring me.
Coley: Yeah, I heard it stunk.
Tyler: It's all archival footage, you hear people's voices but you never see them talk. It's not something you think you'd miss in a documentary but when all the footage is 30 years ago, you need something to cut in between. So I haven't finished that, I probably won't. "Long Gone Summer" this most recent one was not good. *laughs* I didn't know they had an unknown: delayed, Kevin Johnson. Yikes. They could still have one about Kevin Johnson but...
Coley: That's why it's delayed.
Tyler: As I look through, I remember the shorts coming out and being like "I would like to watch that" and I don't think i've seen a single short honestly. I know there were some where I was like, I'd like to check that out.
Coley: They're kinda hard to find, they all used to be on YouTube and shit and then it was like "no, no". They have one about Danny Almonte, it's 20 minutes and it's incredible. They have one about the great trade robbery, Jimmy Johnson, Herschel Walker trade.
Tyler: The old draft chart. There's an Ali, Norton one, i'd watch any Ali one.
Coley: I just think the A-Rod getting traded to the Red Sox one is always, especially for me, crazy to think about. Going back I was so against that, you talk about dominating the news cycle? That was the news cycle.
Tyler: Oh yeah.
Coley: It wasn't even replacing Nomar, that would of been hard of course but I wasn't too caught up on that. I didn't wanna trade Manny. I loved Manny.
Tyler: I get it, it was the right move though.
Coley: We got two rings, before he got 1 in New York! With Manny! So I don't even know that it would of.
Tyler: But if you swap him in there, maybe you win 6.
Coley: But you're also putting Maglio Ordonez in the outfield.
Tyler: Upgrade!
Coley: For sure not.
Tyler: Mags! Are you kidding me?
Coley: You talk about great name, performance not always matching.
Tyler: Nah man, I remember him, he had to be at least decent.
Coley: I'm gonna pull up his numbers because I feel like he was just always hurt.
Tyler: Yeah, he's a 6x All Star!
Coley: Listen, that's not Manny Ramirez.
Tyler: 3 Silver Sluggers.
Coley: In '04 he played 52 games, not enough.
Tyler: That'd lead the league this year!
Coley: In '05 he played 82. Nope! In '06 he played 156, he's back and an All Star. In '07, he came 2nd in MVP, so he was all the way back then and that was it. So from '04 on he made 2 All Stars.
Tyler: And raked!
Coley: Not quite!
Tyler: He hit .363 in a year man.
Coley: Yeah that was in '07.
Tyler: Bill James says he's the same player as Manny Ramirez. If Manny Ramirez died right now Maglio Ordonez would *laughing mightly*
Coley: Listen, i'm sure he would.
Tyler: Live in his house, fuck his wife, sleep in his bed.
Coley: Yeah are you kidding me? What did Manny do over those 3 years?
Tyler: Played a horrible LF.
Coley: That's not true either. Just from '04-'07, he made the All Star game every single year.
Tyler: Every team gets a representative, Mick!
Coley: He had 2 top 5 MVP's.
Tyler: Didn't win!
Coley: He played at least 130 games every year, that's impressive.
Tyler: Manny Trout.
Coley: He hit 43, 45, 35, 20 HR's.
Tyler: 20? Ew.
Coley: People thought it was the end, then the next year we traded him to LA and he hit .400. *laughing*
Tyler: Yeah, I remember that year. That was sick, boy he looked good in that Dodger Blue.
Coley: In 99? It was tough to watch, it was tough. So yeah, 150 HR's over 4 years to Maglio's like 50.
Tyler: To Sammy Sosa's 850! What are we even saying!?
Coley: *laughs* Listen, I would of taken Sosa too.
Tyler: I bet you would've. Boston wouldn't.
Coley: *laughing* That's too many Dominicans!
Tyler: Everybody get's 1.
Coley: Yeah, A-Rod would of been sick in Boston. We just couldn't. How much was Manny making during all of this because that's what I wanna see.
Tyler: Lots.
Coley: He was making 20! 22, 22. We were literally swapping him out for A-Rod but we couldn't pay 3 more million dollars?
Tyler: No! Get it through your skull! I've always loved that Manny was listed at 6-2, 225, alright Manny.
Coley: He was 5'10.
Tyler: Listen, I don't judge. He and Ortiz, Ortiz was always listed at like 226, I was like "alright, sure he is".
Coley: Yeah, listed at 6-3, 230. Sure.
Tyler: Yeah, okay.
Coley: *laughing mightly*
Tyler: They need to start updating those like the NBA. Find out Mike Trout hasn't weighed 210 in 7 years it turns out. His neck alone weighs 210.
Coley: I'm looking at David Ortiz according to Baseball Reference. Guess what his two nicknames listed are.
Tyler: Papi.
Coley: Yup.
Tyler: and Florida Evans?
Coley: *laughs*
Tyler: Did I get it, is it Florida Evans?
Coley: I've heard him called that more than this. Cookie Monster!
Tyler: I don't hate it, but i've never heard that for him.
Coley: He's never been called Cookie, not one time.
Tyler: Caramel Cat David Ortiz.
Coley: *laughing* It is upsetting how much he looks like Florida Evans.
Tyler: Man oh man, it's like "Dave either fix the gap or cut the hair, you gotta do one. You can't have both."
Coley: Who's it worse for?
Tyler: Ortiz, Florida Evans dead! *laughing*
Coley: Let's say if she was alive.
Tyler: It's still gotta be Ortiz man. Somebody just holding up a sign "Florida Evans", come on man. They knock on the house and she go to the grocery store, "hey cookie monster!"
Coley: "Paaapiiiii!" *laughing*
Tyler: "I'm out shopping for Bananas", it's way worse for Ortiz.
Coley: It's not great.
Tyler: Ortiz like "Florida Evans? I don't know her, how she look? What's her deal?"
Coley: "Like you! See the mirror?"
Tyler: "She come here often? What's her scene? She like Brazilian music?"
Coley: The Merengue, yeah. *laughing*. But yeah, I was super against that trade and I was in the minority in Boston. People thought I was a fuckin' idiot.
Tyler: It was A-Rod man.
Coley: I get it, I get it. When he got trade to the Yankees, I was like "boy oh boy are we gonna find out who was on the right side of history here."
Tyler: He went on to win, several games.
Coley: Definitely several. In the 20 minutes, in that Cashman's like "yeah we had no interest, we had out 3B", think about how fucking stupid that is! They're like "we knew we couldn't move Jeter" which was wrong but I get it. And they were like "Aaron Boone just walked off the ALCS, he's a hometown hero", it's like are you fucking insane!?
Tyler: "We had Scott Brossius man! What were we supposed to do?"
Coley: He's talking in retrospect, and this was after he talked about getting berated by Steinbrenner after losing to the Marlins. He was like "go out and get talent", he's like "well 3rd's full!"
Tyler: "Everything else is up for grabs! Closer? I think we could upgrade, but 3rd, we're set."
Coley: "He just won us the ALCS!" and if he doesn't play basketball a little too gingerly one afternoon, A-Rod's a Red? I don't know where the fuck he goes.
Tyler: It was no, like we read the tweet "talks are heating up between the Reds and the Mariners". It was literally like this might happen and then the next thing I saw was at night, at 11 o'clock when it happened.
Coley: Griffey?
Tyler: Yeah, and I was like oh my god, this is my second favorite player getting traded to come play with my first favorite player, for my favorite team! This was like the best day of my life, I was like jumping around my mom's bed and she was like "get off! What are you doing!? Get out! Fuck is wrong with you!?"
Coley: "Tryna watch Florida Evans over here!"
Tyler: "Tryna watch David Ortiz over here!"
Coley: A little Dan Marino.
Tyler: A guy told me, "I was in 9th grade in Cincinnati, we'd take breaks every 15 minutes to listen to the radio for rumors.". This is in my lifetime, that sound like some shit my grandfather would do.
Coley: I think that was forbidden, Tyler.
Tyler: We were tryna see if Ty Cobb was getting traded from the Tigers.
Coley: I used to live on Yahoo Sports, they used to have a rumors tab.
Tyler: *laughing* Yeah, I remember.
Coley: I was in there on the hour, every hour.
Tyler: Now the tab is news, rumors is the main part, news tab is what you gotta search for.
Coley: Yeah they got it out of there and just made it news, but that rumors tab, that's where I learned who Woj was. Because he was always in there like "Hawks talking about trading Josh Smith" and i'd be like oh yeah!?
Tyler: "I heard a rumor, JR Smith's a dumb dumb! Can confirm."
Coley: There was nothing better than seeing it go from rumors to "oh yeah it happened now". It's true, that guy's on the Red Sox. Iverson used to be photoshopped in Celtics jersey's on that rumors tab, I was the happiest person alive.
Tyler: Mickman was like "this is awesome.". I remember, it must of been whatever the latest SportsCenter was, I had watched and I was literally about to go to bed and I saw it on the news. I was like "well, there goes my sleep. I'm not getting any sleep!". Still a top 2 day in my life, comfortably. Even in hindsight, knowing how it worked out. It was still worth it.
Coley: Yeah, this was 2000.
Tyler: Yeah, cause I think he had just turned 30 or 31, we were getting prime Griffey. There was no injuries, it wasn't no damaged goods, he wasn't no bad apple. It was like "he was born there, his dad played there, he wants to play there." and I was like "I agree! I agree with The Kid!". Hated to see Mike Cameron go, Mike Cameron was cold.
Coley: He was, oh man, his Reds numbers aren't great.
Tyler: No! I remember the first year he was healthy, the numbers weren't there but he was healthy. I was like "he's Griffey, he wasn't a fluke. He'll bounce back." and I think the second year is when the injuries started.
Coley: Yeah, year 1 he hit 40 HR's.
Tyler: Okay, how many games he play in?
Coley: 145. So he's good, made the All Star team. Year 2, played in 111 games only 22 HR's.
Tyler: Mmm.
Coley: The average was up! OBP was down. *laughs*. Then 70, 53, 83,128.
Tyler: Yeah, he had a little bounce-back towards the end.
Coley: 109, then his last full year, he played 144, 30 HR's .869 OPS, so he was pretty much cookin'. But he was 37, it was the last time he made the All Star game. The he played 102 the next year before being traded to the White Sox.
Tyler: Was that before or after they won? I was rooting for them to win a championship because they had him.
Coley: That was 3 years after.
Tyler: After, okay.
Coley: But we were coming off a ring, and our team, Jared still argues the '08 team is better than the '07 team and I remember we we were talking about getting him as a 4th OF/DH type. I was like "please for the love of god get me Griffey, I don't even care."
Tyler: I remember that because like he couldn't play everyday CF but the White Sox wanted him as a DH and I was like "oh no, that's perfect. Don't put him in the OF, let him hit. Wherever he goes, I want him to win a championship". And it was Chicago.
Coley: He's got a documentary coming out this weekend.
Tyler: I did see that.
Coley: On MLB Network.
Tyler: Ah damn! I thought it was a 30 for 30, well it's probably for the best that it's not a 30 for 30.
Coley: Correct
Tyler: I haven't seen an MLB Network doc so.
Coley: MLB Network's, I like MLB Network.
Tyler: Alright.
Coley: It's Fathers Day at 8. I'll for sure be watching that, I feel like MLB Network's a thing they just give you. You don't need an extra sports package.
Tyler: Right now I feel like they're giving out everything, they're like "please watch our stuff."
Coley: "For the love of god!"
Tyler: I don't remember the order, I remember he got hurt in the field. Then I remember one time he got hurt coming around 3rd base and the one around 3rd base, that's when I was like "oh no". They were like "he rounded 3rd and his hamstring detached from the bone".
Coley: Smooth off.
Tyler: Right off the bone, like pulled pork! He's there writhing in pain, I feel like it was the message board era and they were like "is this guy milking it? Is he really in that much pain down on the ground?". I was like "I don't know man", we didn't know the hamstring shit at the time but for the most part you see people get hurt and pull it back together. No, he was in a lot of pain, and people were like "oh man, come on. Play the game Junior!"
Coley: He was a big refuse to stretch guy, right?
Tyler: Yeah, I think so.
Coley: Cause I know Deion's whole thing was "you never see a Lion stretch before it hunts", well I don't know if that's the same!
Tyler: Did you eat a raw Caribou before the game Deion? Why stop there!
Coley: He's like "huh?" *laughing* I feel like Griffey gets overlooked in "What if" conversations.
Tyler: I dealt with Grant Hill and Griffey Jr. at the same time. I've only known pain.
Coley: That's true.
Tyler: "Oh this is great! The best player in the game is coming to my team! This is gonna work out great!". Grant Hill played in 11 games over 6 years. *laughs* I didn't have fun.
Coley: No, Grant Hill didn't work, Ken Griffey Jr. didn't work. That's tough.
Tyler: No it didn't, no it did not. Shaq left.
Coley: As soon as he could.
Tyler: Griffey hit 630, shit.
Coley: I think that's why he get's left out of a lot of What ifs, because he put up such numbers but Griffey, if he just fucking stretched? Easy 700.
Tyler: Yeah, it's him and I feel like the more I see about Willie Mays the more I realize how cold Willie Mays was. Again, another guy who's time was cut short due to war. He was the best defensive CF ever and they didn't start Gold Gloves until his 7th season. So he ran up 12 straight after that, he's like "i've been nice at this shit for years.".
Coley: "You guys owe me backpay"
Tyler: Yeah, "y'all gotta double up. It's 4 All Star games a year why can't I get 2 Gold Gloves a year". So it's like oh he was comfortably that and he did the projections, he would of retired with 717, it was close but he would of had the record over Babe Ruth. No, he went to fight for his country instead.
Coley: They would of shot him dead at 712, he wouldn't of gotten past 714.
Tyler: I'm still amazed with Hank Aaron, you seen them guys run out on the field? He played it cool but he had to be thinking "this is it! this is how it ends."
Coley: He broke it on the Braves right?
Tyler: Yes.
Coley: How many drunk Braves fans would it take to take down Hammerin' Hank?
Tyler: All of 'em, depending on which Braves fans it was. 50% of them would of took a bullet for him and the other 50% would of shot the bullet.
Coley: He went down standing, yeah.
Tyler: Him and Dale Murphy.
Coley: No, as Dana will tell you. Hank Aaron gets overlooked.
Tyler: Oh yeah.
Coley: He doesn't even have the home run record but he has way more other records that I feel like just don't get mentioned. I feel like it's because his award doesn't get talked about enough, the best overall hitter every year, that should be made a bigger deal.
Tyler: Maybe they'll pump it now that they've got All-MLB teams. But it's like "You're the best hitter, who cares. Here's a Gold Glove to the 5th best shortstop! Do you like that? Does everyone like that?"
Coley: *laughing* Everyone's like "no not really", they're like "cool, so lets talk about how Barry Bonds is bad!". They're like "what? no!"
Tyler: No this Griffey one could be good. I remember he tried to commit suicide when he was like 17, 18. He had the video game, the shoes, he was in TV shows.
Coley: Yeah, extremely cool.
Tyler: The coolest. He turned his hat backwards and everybody was like "god damn"
Coley: Every baseball camp I went to was like "we wear our hats forwards here, you're not as good as Griffey.". The second part's fair but man oh man was it way cooler to have it backwards.
Tyler: "How imma know, until you get out there and throw me a curve? The hat stays backwards". I'd wear the hat backwards but they were like "listen, you're gonna strike out 3 times looking if you're up there trying to do the shoulders and the hips like him, cut that shit out! Like "okay, but the hat can stay?", "the hat can stay". Compromise!
Coley: *laughing* You're up there trying to hit lefty, they're like "you hit .550 righty, what are you doing?"
Tyler: "Griffey said we left handed man!"
Coley: "That's what we're out here doin'"
Tyler: "We're playing left handed!"
Coley: I think for people who don't know just how cool Griffey was, go back and watch the episode of The Last Dance where Jordan's actively searching him out, like pushing David Wells out of the way like "where's Griffey!?"
Tyler: "Where's KGJ at!?". You can't even say what cool MLB player he is now because I don't even know any cool MLB players. Not saying that there aren't but Joey Votto? He's very cool. He was half as cool as Joey Votto!
Coley: I'm tryna think because I had a good list goin'.
Tyler: I know there's some cool ones, Tim Anderson? I think Tim Anderson's cool.
Coley: Tim Anderson's super cool, Francisco Lindor. Lindor's cool as hell.
Tyler: Acuna and Ozzie, I think they're cool.
Coley: Acuna's cool as hell, Ozzie less cooler.
Tyler: His agent wasn't. The uncoolest.
Coley: Oh Soto, Soto's super cool.
Tyler: Even none of these guys are even 1/10th as cool as Griffey.
Coley: Correct. Vlad Jr.'s cool but he's not even the coolest guy with his name.
Tyler: Even then, Kenny Lofton was cooler than any guy now. Not that he was a bum, he wasn't Griffey but he still had a great career, just incredibly cool. You can't steal bases and not be cool man.
Coley: True, Rickey Henderson, extremely cool.
Tyler: The coolest! You see thee picture dreadcraft tweeted the other day? It's just Rickey Henderson holding up an enormous bottle with dollar bills in it.
Coley: *laughing*
Tyler: At like spring training or something.
Coley: It sounds like Rickey
Tyler: I don't know what to search, Rickey Henderson, Money!
Coley: I'm just gonna look at dreadcrafts timeline
Tyler: Yeah, if you google image Rickey Henderson Money, it's the first one. It's a picture of him kissing a bottle full of dollar bills.
Coley: That's pretty good.
Tyler: The coolest! Him picking up the entire base? The coolest!
Coley: Yeah, that's really strong. I feel like Rickey Henderson played with no less than 7 chains on.
Tyler: Wonder how fast he could of been man. Eric Davis was cool, base stealer. Eric Davis was another, to a lesser extent, what if, cause he got hurt a lot. Yeah, Rickey Henderson was the first person to realize it was a free base.
Coley: *laughing* He's like "I can just run over there?" they're like "yeah!"
Tyler: "Huh and no one can stop me?", "I mean they can try". He's got a lot more records than stolen bases, he's got most runs, most un-intentional walks, most consecutive seasons of 1 HR or more, 25! Most games led off with a HR, 81, which is chaos. Most seasons leading the league in stolen bases, 12.
Coley: That won't be broken.
Tyler: No, most stolen bases in a single postseason series, 8! '89 ALCS. MVP, ALCS MVP, he's got 1 Gold Glove in '81 like "ah I just wanted to see if I could do it". Nobody else has ever stole 100 bases and I think he did it in 3 straight years. His 1,406 steals is 50% higher than the previous record of 938 by Lou Brock. What's Kareem got 38,000? If LeBron retired with 57,000 points! And was also as cool as Rickey Henderson.
Coley: *laughing* Impossible.
Tyler: First name Rickey, ain't no Richard over here. Even Bill James liked Rickey Henderson, that's absurd.
Coley: Yeah this is a good picture.
Tyler: The money one?
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: Aw yeah.
Coley: This is him walking away from some sort of brawl apparently. *laughs*
Tyler: With the flattest top man.
Coley: He framed his first million dollar check.
Tyler: The team had to approach him like "the money's been comin' up funny Rick, you been cashin' those checks?". He's like "no". I think that was the ones he kept in his glove box.
Coley: Yeah Manny used to do that shit too, it would just be a bunch of checks in his locker, he's like "i don't know man".
Tyler: "When I go to swipe the card, there's always money there so.", he's like "that's not the deposit box? I put them in the little box in my car.", "no man, I take those out and take 'em to the bank.". He's like "huh."
Coley: He's like "so it's going to the bank is what i'm hearing" *cackling*
Tyler: "Yes...long way to say you were right, Manny."
Coley: *laughing* You're wasting Manny's time here! I need a Manny doc, I don't even know what it'd be about, I don't know if it'd be interesting but i'll watch Manny content however they wanna give it to me.
Tyler: Yeah, i'd watch a Manny doc.
Coley: That 15 seconds of Rodman breaking down rebounding, that's the kind of stuff I would like that wouldn't do numbers that they would produce. But Manny just talking about hitting, I could watch an hour of that easy.
Tyler: Yeah, was he one of the guys who didn't watch film with the other guys? Film of pitchers
Coley: No it wasn't as much as he wouldn't watch film but he just knew. He knew what pitchers were gonna do.
Tyler: Maybe it was Vlad or something, they were like "you don't wanna learn their tendencies?", he's like "the ball is gonna come over the plate.". "I'll study that, i'll watch myself more than another pitcher."
Coley: Vlad didn't even really. need it to go over the plate.
Tyler: Yeah, over the plate, under the plate.
Coley: "If you throw the ball this way, right there? Cool!"
Tyler: "In my general direction? It's goin' off the wall.".
Coley: If things go poorly it's off the wall. *laughing*
Tyler: So yeah, I don't wanna hear anything about pitch selection. Vlad was like "no, listen if I time it up, once it bounces off the dish I think I can put it over left. I think I can put it left center"
Coley: That's the kind of player i'm afraid we're never gonna get again because baseball's too smart now. They'd never allow a Vlad to be Vlad, they're like "no we're gonna send him to the minors to break this terrible habit.". It's like why!?
Tyler: Nobody really has a crazy jumper anymore, everybody's been beaten into watching the same YouTube videos and the same camps. Maybe Vlad Jr., it'd be so cold if Vlad Jr. was just the same. Don't they keep fuckin' with his service time though?
Coley: No, he got hurt last year for a little bit. But he played.
Tyler: Oh, okay. I need him to hit a couple of intentional walk style balls 350 ft oppo.
Coley: He played, what's this? I don't wanna simulate stats for this year, I don't give a fuck dude.
Tyler: That's the best you're gonna get daddy, Passan said we done.
Coley: He played 123 games last year.
Tyler: Okay, he's what 3rd?
Coley: Yeah. They sat him out the 14 games in April or whatever the fuck it was and then they called him up.
Tyler: Yeah, that's dicking over your service time.
Coley: Yeah, really dumb, really dumb.
Tyler: Love baseball.
Coley: But yeah, he played well. Hit .292, no wait that's fucking this year, not even real stats! .272, 15 bombs
Tyler: We don't care about average no more till it's bad, it's like "yuck".
Coley: He's still only 21 right now, a fresh 21.
Tyler: They got Biggio kid too right?
Coley: Yeah, Cavan Biggio. I think they've got Bo Bichette too.
Tyler: I think that's what I was reading like "they've got the sons of every player you've ever heard of". I was like "this is relevant content to my interests".
Coley: They do have Bo Bichette, yeah.
Tyler: I like it.
Coley: I think it's a hell of a strategy.
Tyler: Love it! Like "oh, wait, Bichette Bichette?Biggio Biggio? Ah no that guy's dad was good.". Worth a try.
Coley: Nothing else worked for them so I don't see why not.
Tyler: Gotta roll some type of dice.
Coley: Manny used to go up there in the 1st inning and basically leave the bat in the dugout just to set the pitcher up, so he claims. I tend to believe him since what he would then do later in the game. He'd go up there and he'd stand in a different part of the box like making the pitcher and catcher think that's where he's always going to stand, go up there and be like "oh he threw all of them outside, okay."
Tyler: Noted, yeah.
Coley: Then next time he got up, it'd be like "went outside, I worked it over the RF wall!"
Tyler: Standing on the dish this time.
Coley: I don't know how much film he was breaking down but if he saw you once, the next time probably wasn't gonna go great for you.
Tyler: "Listen, if he throws it there again, i'm gonna hit it there again. If he doesn't he's gonna walk me, either way I win" *laughing*
Coley: People in Boston would be like "ah that obvious grounder to 2nd he didn't run out!!!", like why would he? He knows.
Tyler: Manny Acuna Jr.
Coley: Idiots, absolute idiots.
Tyler: Big fan.
Coley: Not me!
Tyler: I bet not Breer, I bet not.
Coley: Terrible. Arrest Breonna Taylor's murderers.
Tyler: Please.
Coley: I've seen people be like "I hate how that's become a meme", it's never really looked like it became a meme to me, I know a lot of people are getting retweets by saying that but as far as i'm concerned until it happens, keep broadcasting it, keep saying it.
Tyler: I felt that way too and then I saw a couple and was like "nah, your point was the meme. You put more work into the meme. This wasn't about getting the message out.". I felt that way at first, but keep the name out there, it's so many to add to it man. Adding by the damn day.
Coley: Yeah, and weird how all these suicides are popping up! *air quotes* suicides.
Tyler: Lotta people hanging themselves in public by City Hall, you know that's how we do!
Coley: Classic suicide.
Tyler: All of them were black. You see that, you see Toyin, the young girl they found today. I think they found an older woman with her that I think was trying to help her get away from this man. Who they did arrest, I don't know if it was the man but they arrested somebody which is good. It's tough man, like she tweeted about her sexual assault. The days later was found missing, then days after that found dead. I said it on Twitter and i'll say it here, if you're a man listening to this right now, you're about 3 hours in so you care to some extent what we say. We gotta do better, we have to do better. Nobody knows a racist, nobody knows anybody that says they're a racist but we all know racism exists. Nobody knows anybody that's a rapist, but we still got all this shit going on so it's a threat. I'll link to it in the blog because it's a thread of literally A-Z of things men do to be complicit in sexual abuse. Read through it, listen to it, don't take offense. If you do take offense, find what you're taking offense to and fix that. Women been telling us this shit for years. That men make them uncomfortable, they can't win. They go out in public and turn someone down for their number and they
Coley: Get followed home.
Tyler: Get followed home or get they throat slashed on the spot. They go to work and get harassed, can't get away from that while they making less money. It's a lot of stuff, it's a lot of stuff that we are complicit in. Myself included, so i'm challenging myself, i'm challenging the Mickman, i'm challenging everybody listening to this, we gotta do better.
Coley: Well i'm a #GirlDad so I feel like i've probably done everything right. *laughs* What else do you want from me?
Tyler: I will post the link and if the first thing you hear sexual assault story and you make any kind of excuses, you're complicit.
Coley: Yeah, it's the same thing, same lesson we just learned with racism. If you're saying "but".
Tyler: If you're doing any kind of that, you're complicit. This is something where there ain't no devil's advocate here man. Women have been saying this, numbers have been saying this for years and nobody listens. Men will listen to other men, so i'm telling other men right now. I challenge you, read over this, see how it applies to your life, see what you need to cut out, see what you need to do to do better. And again like racism, speak up when you see this shit in public. If you see someone making a woman uncomfortable, too close to her, you can see she's trying to escape without being throttled for trying to escape, say something! They do it because they're too brave, they think nobody will care, they they think nobody's paying attention. Specifically to black women, and if you say something, even let them know that you're watching, somebody's watching, you're not gonna get away with this. It don't have to be all physical confrontations.
Coley: For sure.
Tyler: Yeah, it might have to be that too but the only way this is going to stop is if we do it. So I would take this to heart.
Coley: And the vast, vast majority of sexual assault, I feel like it's another thing media, TV shows, movies, they've made it seem like it's this stranger, this random person in a park like "how could that be prevented?". That's rarely if ever the case, it's almost always someone you know.
Tyler: Yes.
Coley: I believe it's like above 92% of the time, it's someone you know and know well.
Tyler: Yeah, and somebody that has that kind of access to you. It's gotta stop man, and if it's gonna stop it starts with us. Not even to be cliche but we're the ones doing it. Again, we all like to think we don't have any friends and as you think right now, hopefully you don't. Okay, good. Your work's not done. It's one of those "i'm not a racist i'm good" no, you gotta be anti-racist, we gotta be anti-this shit. So yeah, you see it in public speak out.
Coley: One of the things I get a lot recently too is it's like "well do you just want everyone to agree on everything? You want everyone to have the same take?" and it's a really stupid thing to say because "who do you think's gonna win the NBA title this year?" yeah I want people to have different opinions. On like rape and racism, murder? Yeah, no I think I want people to have the same take on stuff like that.
Tyler: I don't wanna hear you out.
Coley: Right yeah, "well think about it this way", no i'm not gonna think about it that way!
Tyler: When you start pointing to stuff that you know the numbers wouldn't backup like everybody's like "she just said it to get money or clout". It happens but literally like 1% of the time, maybe less. We're focusing on the other 99%, the 99% we can control. Focus on that, cause we the ones doing it. We as men are doing it so we gotta stop this shit.
Coley: Yeah and it's also one of these things where it has to be us, since there are just horror stories of the women who are brave enough to try and go to the authorities and essentially get laughed out of the building.
Tyler: If not worse, they're gonna report this to the police? We're talking about the same police who are sexually assaulting people in custody left and right? This is who they're supposed to tell?
Coley: Legally and that's where people always wanna say "the law says it's okay." like we change laws all the fucking time because we realized they were bad. I saw this stat going around a lot this weekend where police officers can't legally get in trouble for having sex with someone they've detained. Which is like, what!?!?
Tyler: Also, yeah we all know that making a law means it'll be enforced 100%. "what are you talking about, that's illegal. they can't!", so are chokeholds.
Coley: They're double illegal now!
Tyler: Outta here, the work is done. So yeah, if you bring up any kind of "what were you doing there at that time" "well it was that late at night", the analogy I always heard that stuck with me was if somebody came to your house and asked for a cup of tea, you get the pot that's one step, you boil the water, you put the teabag in, you let it cool, you pour it, you offer it to them and if by then they've changed their minds you don't force the tea down their throat. That's sex, that's consent. Because you were able to do A, B and C, that don't lead you to think you can do anything the other he or she doesn't consent to. In this case, it's women, so believe them! If you are one of the few who are like "I don't have anyone like that in my circle", good, then you got outward work to do because it's been a time where it's happened around you in public, now you might not of been looking for it but it's something that happens. I'm gonna challenge myself too, i'll be more aware of these things, because it's the only way it's gon' stop. The other shit we've tried has not worked.
Coley: No. That's if we've tried anything at all honestly.
Tyler: I was gonna say, this is us like "we tried staying inside", no you didn't! We didn't try staying inside at all. It's talkin' the talk and walking the walk man, more important is the walk.
Coley: I've also seen a lot of people being like "well I thought we're focused on racism why are we talking about this too?", yeah we're changing a lot of bad things if that's okay!
Tyler: "Why we at the grocery store, I thought we came to get milk." Yeah but they got eggs here too, again if you're thinking like that understand that's what women have to think about every single day of their life. Especially black women and other women of color. You got that strike and you're making less on the job, they're physically scared to leave their house every single time they leave their house.
Coley: What really clicked for me in college was noticing anytime you'd see women walking around, if they weren't in a group they were on the phone. My dumbass 19 year old was like "women, always talkin' bout somethin!"
Tyler: "Talkin' bout shopping!"
Coley: It's like no, it's so if something happens they don't have to call someone, they already on the phone with someone they can give information to immediately that's why. So whenever the world goes back to normal or you just see women walking around, notice how many are on the phone and think about why.
Tyler: It's one of those things that can be fixed, we have to fix it. My TED Talk is gonna be, I don't know if it comes from but I think it's all fostered in porn.
Coley: That's a big part of it.
Tyler: Because it's across all demographics, all ages and once you start watching it you don't stop, it's not a phase. It's all types of genres or whatever but even the basic shit, this ain't how it really works, this is a scene. Just because they're doing it this way does not mean you're entitled to someone this way, without their consent.
Coley: They're also like the pro athletes of sex. It's like I go down to the court, I can't dunk like LeBron. It's not the same, but it is one of these things where I don't know here the onus truly lies. Because especially now with how the internet is set up, that is where a lot of us learn a lot.
Tyler: 100%
Coley: So is that on the industry or is that on us? Probably both.
Tyler: It's gotta be both, again, the industry's catering to what the people want and the peoples wants are catering to what the industry makes. That's the only thing I can think of, that constant. And you plant that seed at the most impressionable time, whatever age you are when you start watching porn and it doesn't stop. It's not like "I made it through high school, i'm done with porn", you're watching for the rest of your life. Consciously or subconsciously for the rest of your life. Again, it's just not real life. Just listen, I think the big thing is just listen. All last week, myself and other were asking and it's like if you wanna help, you gotta listen first. Listening comes with not talking over 'em, not tryna "well maybe", "well devils advocate", "well are you sayin' if a guy", "are you saying we can't say hello to you? Or hold your hand anymore?". Nobody's saying that dickhead, you're going to extremes to prove a terrible point. Just listen, listen and try to have any type of empathy. Which as a whole I feel like the country's failed, but if you're still listening to this I have faith in you.
Coley: Also there's a huge difference between being a dickhead devils advocate and just asking questions. You can ask questions, this is the thing, learning to pick up context clues, which most people are terrible at, just oblivious! People will know if you're asking a genuine question or just being an asshole.
Tyler: Again, it's no crime to not know this stuff, to be unaware. The crime is if you remain unaware, because you have no reason.
Coley: Right, willfully ignorant.
Tyler: You can't play that card anymore. We know what's happening, we know who's doing it, us, and we know how to stop it. Stop it! Like that's the steps.
Coley: To your point too, there's a lot of stuff people don't even realize are types of abuse that are really common to women. It's stuff that's so ingrained in society that you don't realize, "oh they hate that"
Tyler: That's part of it, again it's an A-Z thread. Some of it was like "i've been guilty of that" and some of it was like that's stuff i've never even considered because as a man I don't have to consider that.
Coley: We talk about, in jest obviously, those horny cartoon wolves. That was a thing that was ingrained in people.
Tyler: Pepe Le Pew.
Coley: Yeah, Pepe Le Pew. The construction workers whistling at a passerby isn't something that just came from no where.
Tyler: Cartoons planted the seed, cartoons passed you over to porn and porn was like "i'll take it from here"
Coley: I will not have cartoons blamed *laughs*
Tyler: You want to double blame porn? And lose my invite to the AVN's next year?
Coley: *laughing* I wouldn't dare
Tyler: Yeah 100%, you see that with any types of racial stereotypes from cartoons. They're planting the seeds early. This is where it's coming from, "we don't know any racists" but we all understand that it's taught and learned behavior, it's taught and learned somewhere so. Do your part to control what you can control.
Coley: That was that old Aziz bit where he's pretending to be the Chinese guy and he just says "ching chong bing bong", and he was like "how do we all know what I was doing? I wasn't doing an accent but we all knew I was doing a Chinese person".
Tyler: Yeah. Any kind of Apu, any of that's just planted and ingrained in your mind. Any kind of person from the middle east in a cartoon, big belly and a big sword, big beard, they just have a look. You're watching that over and over again, it's not going in one ear and out the other, it can't. We see it in the results of society, it can't. So again, try to be more mindful of that, try to be more aware of what you take in or as you're taking it in. And listen, listen, listen, listen.
Coley: Yeah, listen and then act upon what you hear.
Tyler: Yeah, listen, understand or seek to understand and again a lot of the questions if you think you're being a dick head about it, and I say that not condescending at all. Honest to god google has whatever question you may have about "what if", theres a study, there's a big study that's been done that can probably explain it a lot better than any of us on Twitter can. So legitimately use this shit, you don't understand it? Again that's no crime, just look to understand it.
Coley: People will find statistics to argue the other side like i've been seeing it a lot with "oh now do crime rates in black neighborhoods compared to white" and it's like yeah, look where they put all the cops. Look at the infrastructure in all these different societies, you wanna play that game
Tyler: It's higher in any color ever, that's how it works.
Coley: Yeah, you'll lose that one too and I know sexual assault's on college campuses are extremely under-reported because it fucks up their funding, especially with state schools.
Tyler: And especially if they're athletes.
Coley: 1000%, I remember at UMASS there was someone who was found guilty of sexual assault and then they were like "he's so close to graduating, we'll just let him graduate" and everyone's like what the fuck are you talking about!? He wasn't even an athlete, he was just a regular student. Everyone's like what the fuck are you talking about!?
Tyler: I think she was at Notre Dame and she tried to report that a player had sexually assaulted her and they ruined her life, like she ended up killing herself a couple of years later. The most recent thing I thought of was the Kobe thing, when Kobe passed and the case came back up. If your immediate defense was "well why are we talking about this now", if it was one of those things. If you go back, Kobe pretty much admitted, in a letter he was like "I thought it was consensual, you thought it was not". That's assault, that's not okay. Again, learn, change, move forward from that. Don't look to be like "oh, well she was just tryna get some money, she was tryna get some clout.". Who knows that girls name right now?
Coley: Yeah, no one.
Tyler: What clout did she get? You think it's worth it for her to have to deal with that? Kobe was world famous, one of those you could legitimately be anywhere and him coming on the TV or being referenced would not make you batt an eyelash. The first response is "why are we bringing this up", cause it happened and still happens, that's why we're bringing it up.
Coley: Yeah.
Tyler: I'm off my soapbox now.
Coley: We'll see everyone later this week.
Tyler: See ya!
[The End]
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