Monday, July 20, 2020

Coronavirus Has Cracked The Flood Gates Wide The Hell Open Giving Men Their Alternative To Makeup

Prior to seemingly the entire world grinding to a screeching halt due to an inconceivably covert virus, we had structure as a society. Come to think of it, scratch that, we had a path of normalcy to follow, on what you could and couldn't wear whilst roaming the streets without looking like a tool gone off PCP. 
When you shove people into their homes for months alone with their own thoughts and ideals to fester, scary things begin to unfold. We see how deranged people are when left to their own devices. Pair the teetering sanity of most with a foreign enemy which will never truly go away, and we get the future of society....

A world in which covering 90% of your face will become an accustomed look, even if to realistically cover the unsightly appearance of a hulking sniffer or for the whites such as myself, their paper thin bitch lips. We've broken the societal norm, for men in specific of having to display all facial features whilst women for years have had us stumped and bamboozled with the benefit of makeup. 

If I want to wear a facial covering up to my cheekbones and in result hiding the unsavory features in which are found repulsive to the opposite gender? Well I now have that luxury. All you see is my saucy marine blue eyes and come to the assumption that I'm an attractive human brimming with self confidence. Oh contraire my friend, my existence on this planet is purely forced upon me by the powers that be, but you would never know.  

2020 will be looked back upon as the year in which you could officially wear a ski-mask into a communal establishment without being declared a terrorist, tackled and apprehended by the authorities. Masks of all kind were seen as vigilante and counter-culture, as a proverbial "fuck you" to the establishment, well now they're our security blanket. You've given us this tool and you'll take it from my cold dead body. 

The most glorious of this all, is if and when confronted on your choice of facial garment, all the onus is placed upon the virus rendering us all valid in our decisions. No longer am I seen as a socially awkward cunt, I can now be seen as a petrified little bird afraid of the world, shying away from any and all public interaction. 

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