Thursday, August 27, 2020

Chinese Sinkhole Takes 21 Cars In Its Wake, Bringing Into Question What The Fuck Is With Sinkholes Man?

Sinkholes are petrifying, and that's coming from a man yearning for death. Every other natural disaster has warning signs, weather patterns, rising tide, wind tunnels. Sinkholes though? Nope they instead ravage small cities and swallow Carolla's whole without a morsel of time to take action. 

Imagine seeing one of these things in real time? What would you do? Because personally I'd scream like a 5 year old who couldn't have a second glass of apple juice. I was lead to believe I'd encounter far more quicksand throughout life than I've yet to and far less sinkholes. 

If my minute long research leads me to the expertise I believe it does, sinkholes form out of eroding limestone over a cavern. Well I've got your fucking solution China, how about...just don't build over caverns? Or better yet, build prisons over those caverns. This is why I'm led to believe politicians and communist dictators couldn't begin to conversate with my intellect and sensical nature. 

Will I go through the proper channels to ever delve into politics or even city planning? Obviously fucking not, do I look like I have any motivation to help others whatsoever? My first instinct seeing an entire parking lot ravaged and ruined forever was to laugh, so answer that question for yourself! 

I mean...come on...that's KIND OF funny, you must admit. It looks like when I'd put my Hot Wheels in the bathtub as a wee lad. 

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