Thursday, August 27, 2020

Could Dexter's Code Be Considered Religion? Asking For Myself

Said across culturally appropriated dojo's and corny television channels everywhere, a popular saying goes--"A man needs a code". No I'm not referring to a Dexter like code in which psychosis is blanketed by charm and a smoldering jaw line, rather some type of religion or belief system. 

I've long been agnostic, unable to buy into the uniformly accepted concept of a book written by a man wearing a robe in a Turkish bathhouse being the almighty grand totem for morality--but there is no denying the naivete these idiots hold keeps them stunningly unaware of their flaws. 

Whilst making a plea towards Khalil Greene to both adopt and do hard drugs with me, his religious beliefs rooted in acceptance for all peaked my fancy. Tens of minutes later I had fallen uninterested, "who the fuck cares?" I muttered to myself. The symbol of the religion doesn't even slap like that and when they say "acceptance for all" it really only means "acceptance for all we accept". 
When your biggest claim to fame as a creed is the sociopath from 'You', my interest goes through the baseboard of my seltzer drenched carpeting. 

From there my toddler brain went into Huggies mode, which religion has the coolest symbol? 

Mormonism, to my shock has nothing related to a cross nor Jesus himself. Instead it is a South African man blowing a Vuvuzela. Soccer stinks, they're out of the running. 

Catholicism and Christianity are the classic old cross, drug addict pop stars, their tattoo PR statements and rear view mirror decorations spoiled that one for us all.

That brings us to the Star of David, once again, the generation of tattooing complete random shit unknowing of the meaning has ravaged through Judaism like opioids through a trailer park. 

Buddhists draw their eroticism from the wheel of a boat. The creativity is some to be marveled at, however Tommy Lee ruined boat wheels for me forever, expecting me to dwell on my uninspiring
ability to please a woman every time I want to pray? I came into this research with an open mind, hating no religion more than I hate them all, after what I'm interpreting as a personal attack? Ghandi drew upon my insecurities and will under no circumstance be securing my services.  

And the winner by unanimous decision, to save the minds and curiosity of readers everywhere...Scientology. I will not comment further, because when it comes to people not to poke fun at? 1a. OJ Simpson 1b. Scientology. Cool logo guys, love it, big fan of your work. Keep up the good fight! Conversion therapy isn't all bad like everyone makes it out to be! 
Now that Travolta and his cronies have vacated, I must say--despite their practices residing with the social normality of the 1500's? Cool logo. Gonna stop typing now before Leah Remini writes a book on my compliance with the patriarchy and unwillingness to speak up. 

None of this research quelled my apprehension towards the meaning of life and I'm inching closer towards writing Dexter fanfics than ever. After that, well George Zimmerman is still alive, who knows where my imagination lands me. 

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