Thursday, August 27, 2020

Despite Making My Bed I Still Have No Sex So Fuck This Survey

via NY Post 

What the fuck guys! Was this survey necessary? Who asked for this? Certainly not myself nor those alike--as when I saw this I immediately wanted to FUCKING DIE. If making my bed is supposed to get me laid then I'm doing absolutely everything wrong. 

And you know what? Fuuuuuuckkk the smug pricks who participated in this little "survey". We get it, you get pussy, cool bro, don't forget to save some for the rest of us. You know what's more important than sex? Public safety. Coronavirus, heard of it? 6 feet, can't be sticking your dick in things right now. Imagine not taking your civic duty to follow health protocols right now? Pick up a hobby like the rest of us--learn the ukelele, try rosetta stone, experiment with crack, do a puzzle, build a deck. Use your creativity one time, the future of our country depends on it for christs sake. 

Not to mention that the complete lack of sensitivity towards those whomst sleep upon couches from within this study is profound. Speaking from a place of privilege much? 

This little survey is both classist and promoting the violation of health & safety protocols, quite an indictment for the NY Post to be endorsing this. Why not promote abstinence and DIY Slime YouTube videos? I think that would be a terrific alternative, rather than stagnating and growing the state of pandemic within the country. Do you think people in New Zealand were having sex? No. And look at them now, their fans can go to sports games. 

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