Friday, September 11, 2020

As Someone With Actual Diagnosed Depression Twitters Fake Ass Sympathy Because Of Skip Bayless Is Tiresome

Let's be serious for a second, it's certainly not my forte as I would much prefer to write and mock the politicians of this country, or create a story about a theoretical tattoo shop and my fake love fantasies within. Over the past few days though, Dak Prescott came out and revealed he dealt with extreme depression after his brother unfortunately took his life. Now that's some real shit and I commend him for doing so, especially with the level of fame and power he possesses. Skip Bayless is a fucking moron but he's always been one and so people being surprised he said something blasphemous for some engagement and attention are just perpetuating the cycle that earns him $5 Million a year. If you really think the company that employs Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity is going to care that he was "insensitive", you're a bigger moron than he is. 

Not only should people of just ignored him and not given him the attention he so craves, they should have instead focused on Dak's actual message and not suddenly made Skip Bayless the news story. Before getting into the virtue signaling, "for show" advocates, I'd like to say Mina Kimes did it right. She didn't give him the attention he craves and she didn't offer fake support or tell people "it's ok to not be ok", please shut the fuck up you insufferable cunt. 

Aside from Mina, basically no one knows how to talk about mental illness apparently. People are sensitive little flowers who need to be talked around and led to a well because they're so damaged. They can function like normal human beings and understand that Skip Bayless only says shit for attention-- you mansplaining that what he said is idiotic and doesn't lend any type of support. 

The "my DM's are open crowd" is by far the most nauseating subset of dorks though. Thanks dude, I really needed to talk to a television host about how much I wanna blow my fucking brains out-- you're such an angel, thank you forever for your services! You self serving whore!  

More than anything, the reason people don't come out with being depressed is the fear of being treated like they're less than human. By pandering and acting like you care, when it's legitimately nothing more than a methodically well thought out PR stunt-- you're no better than Skip just flat out saying he doesn't care. As a matter of fact, I think I prefer knowing where Skip stands on the subject rather than the sensitivity police acting like they're the saviors of the depressed. 

Fucking THANK GOD, Patrik told this guy, and you'll never believe it....he matters!!! Holy shit, it's almost as if that does absolutely nothing!!! Did the guy say anything about feeling worthless and his life being meaningless? No? Oh. So he just said something completely ignorant unprovoked? Like Skip? Weird. Telling someone with depression that "they matter" is as good as telling a drug addict "that's bad for you", they're not gonna listen and it doesn't do any good whatsoever. 

Please stop this shit, it's so unhelpful and goes directly against the point of solitude you're trying to convey. Depression isn't a choice and it doesn't mean you're not "OK", you can easily function on a day to day basis with depression and it doesn't mean you need to be tip-toed around like a toddler with lupus. 

Posting phone numbers does nothing, offering support through a DM means nothing. These people you're asking us to speak to have no connection to us and aren't gonna solve anything. When you're depressed, you don't want to be happy-- your brain is literally telling you to dwell in the misery. Twitter isn't gonna solve anyone's depression and your incessant pandering to those with a mental health diagnosis isn't gonna get you brownie points. 

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