Monday, September 14, 2020

Freakshow Asks His Sister If He Can Brush Her Teeth, Runs To Reddit Stunned And Awestruck She Says No

AITA for asking my step sister if I can brush her teeth? from r/AmItheAsshole
Week 2 of, 'Yes, you're the asshole'. This one's a fucking doozy and I just want to get ahead of it here and give fair warning, which is, that I fucking despise this guy. Anyone who runs to a subreddit in search of acceptance for their insane actions, is within the worst groupings of people alive. They're the most insecure, non-self aware members of society and don't deserve to breathe the same air as you or I. You asked another able bodied person to BRUSH THEIR FUCKING TEETH and then went and whined about it on Reddit because she called you a headcase. I hate you, simple and plain, I want you dead and there's nothing more to it. The fact you're practicing to take care of old people means nothing to me, you're an awful human being who needs to be euthanized with the swiftness. 

I imagine there's models and dummies that you could practice this on, like one of those silicone things doctors and UFC fighters alike use. So either you're just being a cheap asshole, don't understand societal norms, or you want to fuck your step sister. And honestly, the latter is more acceptable than the prior two because then you're at least still a normal human being, just brainwashed by Brazzers. But no, this guy just doesn't understand that asking someone to BRUSH THEIR FUCKING TEETH, makes you a complete and utter psychopath. I mean, just buy a pair of fucking dentures, if you need to brush teeth so badly. 

I'm honestly disappointed that this idiot didn't get booted from their house for being a completely worthless knobhead with nothing to offer to society. Any 18 year old who's studying to take care of old people, just is no use to the world. He's already resigned to punting his life away to give sponge baths and listening to racist tirades from your grandma Patrice. Speaking of disappointment, how about the sister? This qualifies as sexual harassment in my mind and the fact that she only clowned you to her dad and friends, should frankly make you feel as though you got lucky. Should the police have gotten involved, this schmuck could of been a registered sex offender by the weekend. 

This kid is just a massive fucking nerd, using words like "crude" and "distasteful" like he's writing his college fucking thesis, and not just complaining to anonymous chowderheads, normalizing his insanity on Reddit. If you actually believe this was his teacher's idea, to "ask your partners or family" if you can BRUSH THEIR FUCKING TEETH, I have a bridge to sell you in Arkansas. 

"Just a simple no would have sufficed", no, no it fucking wouldn't of. You wouldn't have gotten the damn message that you're a creep and a societal pariah who needs Jesus. I'm not a big "religion" guy but if you're one who believes brushing another beings teeth after the age of, say, 2 years old is "normal"? You need to be baptized, circumcised, sexually abused, and whatever else it is that churches are doing now days. 

Did he also offer to help spoon feed her some soup later that night? I mean he's going to be feeding people, surely he needs practice on that too! Or did he save that one to ask his mom? The circumstances don't matter, you never ask another adult if you can brush their teeth, it's just an unwritten rule of society. 

The people of Reddit giving him comments encouraging his demented behavior, are just as bad as he himself. To say she was being immature, is to completely disregard the fact that he asked someone, to BRUSH THEIR FUCKING TEETH. I hate Reddit but simultaneously love it for being a pure content factory, if I'm ever in need of a blog, I can just head over to Reddit, and within 5 minutes I've got a patently absurd person to bash. Never change you disturbed cunts, you truly never fail to astonish me. 


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