Thursday, September 10, 2020

In The Least Surprising News Of All Time, New Report Says TMZ Fosters An "Abusive And Misogynistic" Workplace...Uh No Duh

So, yeah, this is a big deal yadda yadda yadda. However are we actually considering calling people retarded and morons as abusive? Not to play my patented redneck persona, but holy shit is the world becoming soft as a roll of Charmin. I call myself retarded no less than 22 times a day, it's a part of my morning ritual actually. Brush teeth, wash face, berate myself with "abusive" words, drink some water. There's nothing that gets your day off on a better start than some words of motivation, what's it to ya?

I have a sneaky suspicion which I've yet to confirm with my entertainment sources, that Hollywood likely has some far more heinous shit going on...and we're gonna shine the spotlight on a 70 year old man who doesn't understand feminism? It's fucking TMZ, did you expect plush couches and an on-site therapist?

"I got screamed at so often, I felt like a dog"-- A real quote from the story, like someone actually got on the phone and cried over being yelled at in the workplace. Here's some words of wisdom from a 20 year old, you tend to get yelled at in the workplace, it's pretty fucking normal! You're not special because you deceived some freakshow Buzzfeed feminism crusader to whine online about how "men continue to get away with this!!!". Again, society needs to change the male-to-female dynamic a good bit before we're at healthy spot-- but holy shit shut the fuck up, you dumb cunt.
"The company hires people of color because they know that they need to, as opposed to appreciating and value them". I would like to know how a low level employee knows the value the company places on their people of color? Seems pretty fucking presumptive, in a time and place where so many places still discriminate in their hiring process simply because of skin color, crying wolf that your company ONLY DOES IT because of _____, is mind numbingly stupid. Maybe, just maybe, we should focus our efforts on the actual industries in which black people are shunned, rather than coming after the idiots running around LA with cameras like a YouTube vlogger. 

I have no doubt that Harvey Levin is an awful person, he's a 70 year old white shit he's bad, they're all bad! But, shocker, all of these pussies are staying anonymous claiming "fear of retribution"-- as if, if their claims weren't utter bullshit, TMZ would be able to do anything to them. The brave women who came out against Harvey Weinstein, an actual abusive person who did heinous things, what retribution did they face? Incels on the bird app telling them they were lying? They were proved correct, because when someone does enough bad things, there's gonna be a lot of people coming out-- and not anonymously. 

"Talking to you guys is like talking to a room full of special ed kids"-- I laughed for at least 5 minutes. Call me insensitive, say I'm retardphobic or whatever lame ass term you internet warriors use-- I've done more for those with mental disabilities than you'll ever dream of, and that's a fact you can take to the bank. Have you ever picked up your life at 19 to become an autistic person's full time caregiver? Then shut the fuck up.
Being called a "fucking retard", a "fucking piece of shit" and "fucking dummy" is not threatening you, it's not "nice" but holy shit, have some mental fortitude. TMZ didn't seek you out, you applied to work for a company who literally stalks people. Don't like being called some ":(mean names wahh"? Perhaps thinking a place which exploits woman's bodies for site clicks, and expecting a feminism friendly environment...WAS obstructed judgement and Harvey could have said it a little "nicer" but at the end of the day, he was more accurate than any of these anonymous cunts are.

There's so much more bad shit going on in the world, and anonymous wimps trying to expidite a workplace with some hurtful language to the top of the list is a futile fucking ask.  You're destroying the very same causes in which you think you're fighting for. 

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