Monday, September 7, 2020

Instead of Going To Reddit For Validation, Just Fuck Your Gay Friend Already. We Get It Dude.

Welcome to an assuredly new series I like to call 'Yes, You're The Asshole', starring the cretins who inhabit Reddit. 
AITA for telling my girlfriend she isn’t welcome at my house anymore unless she seriously fixes her attitude regarding my best friend? from r/AmItheAsshole
I mean, what a moronic, guilty looking, closeted gay idiot. This girl is fucking hilarious and I wish she was my girlfriend because she knows how to have a hoot of time. Is this blockhead the most un-self aware person in the history of humanity? You essentially share a life with a gay dude and split everything 50/50 like a married couple but have the gall to get your dick in a knot when she jokes about your friend wanting to fuck you? I gotta news flash dude! He probably does! 

"I have told Hannah multiple times to stop as this is Mark’s house too and I won’t have him feeling shitty."

I mean this might be the worst person alive, is your friend that fucking dense that he can't have a sense of humor regarding your guys' off the wall living circumstance? Do you have to shield him like a precious little angel because he's gay? Isn't that dehumanizing in a backhanded way? Your girlfriend didn't come out and call him a flaming f-g or discriminate against him? She made a fucking joke about you guys basically being a gay couple without the butt stuff! 

"She said she was joking and I said it didn’t feel like a joke. I told her “if you seriously can’t change your attitude and treat Mark like a person, then you’re not welcome here anymore. You’re 30, act like it. Get out.”"

Holy shit this guy is the worst. Does he want to fuck her or be her father? Over under 3.5 on the amount of times these two had sex in their year long relationship? She's not treating him like a person because she's joking around about her sexuality? Uhhh, can you see how fucking backwards that is? Uhh doy, he's gay, he's gonna get jokes made about it-- if neither of you can accept that then maybe you should just board yourselves in your home I Am Legend style.
Now for the worst, most dork sentence of all time. Brace yourselves. 

"Update: I have come to the conclusion Hannah and I are no more. Thank you for your comments."

Imagine letting Reddit, fucking REDDIT, decide your relationship? You're asking 28 year olds who just got home from their Wednesday night Dungeons and Dragons game to choose your future. You're letting the absolute softest group of people alive, without a bone in their body, who think any type of joke or comment is offensive....HAVE YOU BREAK UP WITH A GIRL WHO IS SOMEHOW WITH YOU! This guy is the fucking worst! I can't imagine he's got girls lining up to date him and his gay roommate who're seemingly a package deal, except you can't talk to Mark without pussyfooting around because he prefers dick. 

If you need a sad overview of the state of society currently, this is the most upvoted and awarded post on the AITA subreddit of the past week, chalk full of comments telling him that they did nothing wrong and how his girlfriend is homophobic because the bangbros can't take a joke. People are so damn soft, it's a damn shame where the internet and even society now has gone. 

On the bright side though, this dude can finally fuck his "friend" in peace without someone throwing pussy in his face. Probably all he's ever wanted. 

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