Monday, September 7, 2020

There's Just No Reason For Makeup To Be Legal

First things first, this is incredible, yes. That point is heard, acknowledged and checked...but we as a society need whoever is doing this to be institutionalized and to have their brains scrambled. We can't have people walking around here willy nilly with the ability to change someones gender appearance with just makeup, that's how wars get started. I mean, if this person walked into Chadwick Boseman's wife's home I think she'd have a fucking heart attack! She doesn't just look identical to him, she is him!

Without makeup, no one sees that chick and goes "she must be related to the Black Panther", so it's not even that she looks like him to begin with-- makeup is just fucking witchcraft. For every advantage that men have in this society, I thhiiiiinkkk I might just give it all up for women's sole advantage of makeup. It's just literally magic, like a genie granted them the wish to change their appearance to whatever they so feel like. I may never trust a woman again, yeah you might be a smoke right now but what happens when I wake up next to you tomorrow morning and you look like Alec Baldwin?? I mean fuck plastic surgery at this point, what's the reasoning when you can just turn into a fucking superhero with some Sephora and an hour of time? 

If the guy didn't die tragically, this chick could of legitimately just started a Cameo acting like she was him and made hundreds of thousands of dollars. We're at a slippery slope, who's who anymore? What if my mother just left me as a child and it's actually my father in makeup portraying my mother? Is my brother a real blood relative or is he simply just a midget in costume being paid to keep me company and provide a family atmosphere? Am I actually living in 'The Truman Show'? Were millions watching as I masturbated last night? Furiously laughing at the comically small penis hanging from my waist? What's what? 

I mean with this technological advancement, the 'Black Panther' series may never end! They just need another black actor and apparently this chick can turn them into Chadwick's biological identical twin! The world can rejoice! We will still get to see Michael B. Jordan's terrible acting! What a sigh of relief. 

Photoshop is just real life at this point, it won't surprise me one shred when women start applying makeup to their ass and suddenly it appears 10 inches bigger in circumference. This all hurts my head too much, I'm simply a man with a eensy-weensy brain whomst takes pleasure in the simple components of life. Please stop this, the pretzel my skull is harboring right now can not be good for it and a tumor is the last thing I need right now.

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