Saturday, May 9, 2020

Booger And Tess Getting Booted By Monday Night Football Is A Disservice To America

Sports fans want their announcers to be good, shocker. How many truly good commentators are there though? On top of that, how many truly good partnerships are there? Troy Aikman isn't a "good" commentator and he's been doing it since I was an infant. He like many others, says dumb shit all the time and there. lies. my. point. Who cares about the dumb shit they say, if it's entertaining

Aikman isn't entertaining, Joe Buck is carrying him like Dirk in 2011. Aikman is Tyson Chandler, he should be in a studio analyst role not co-staring on the biggest stage in Football. 

In fact, Booger and Tess were absolutely awful at their jobs and that's what made it so damn funny. The most random and unanticipated shit would come out of their mouths at the most inopportune of times.

You get the point, I won't keep you here all day. Watching someone be so wrong at such a high stage and never correct himself, that's incredible entertainment. 

Tess was never made to be a football commentator, he lends himself to Boxing and UFC where there's a ton of excitement in a short time span. He simply can not control the octave level of his voice. Hearing him scream after a gain of 3 or an incomplete pass was hysterical. 

That's why he and Booger worked so well together though, both were awful at their provided job and it was hilarious to watch them try and work through it together. 

Without them we never get one of the greatest tweets ever, so a moment in peace for the brave soldiers we lost today.

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