Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Modern Online Recipes

Whilst dining abroad over the years, I have come across some of the top delicacies and treats the world has to offer. All are unique and have their own special flare but none have ever hit that next tier of greatness quite like what I have since discovered. 

To fully establish the baseline for my newest creation I must take you back in time. The year was 1991, I was dining abroad in Germany with a young man by the name of Hans. Hans brought me to an exquisite establishment which specialized purely in something known as "pancakes", they're a bread type substance which are fluffy by nature, with a rather monotone taste profile which lends them to work as a carrier for toppings quite spectacularly. I have never since forgotten that bread like airiness the chef was able to capture in those pancakes. 

Fast forward to 2006 and Hans had passed away. Car crash, terrible, you should have seen the look on his wives face. However this very same year I met with Mark Cuban at Dallas's premiere steak house, I went in with the goal of chopping it up and talking shop with an old pal. The NBA Finals had just concluded and he was simply distraught, we ordered our food and I tried helping him through his hardships because as we all well know, being a wealthy white man is a very tough situation to navigate. The food was delightful and i'll never forget what the chef said to me, now bare with me he was a husky Slovenian fellow so the language barrier was a challenge. He said "get out of my kitchen before I feed you to my fish", I thought "wow, now that must be the secret to his Caesar dressing". I was promptly kicked out and received a restraining order from Mark Cuban demanding that I was to remain 100 yards away at all times. 

Now drug addiction isn't a unique thing, you never know who is dealing with those demons and getting help is a scary task. My mother was addicted to crack for 22 years, but no matter how much football I played I was never able to get her out of that pit. All we can ask of those around us, is to remain loving and pray for them every day. 

A Cheeseburger is an All-American classic! Be it the 4th of July, Memorial day, hell even Thanksgiving, there's never a bad day for a good old fashioned cheeseburger. Some like to find a new way to skin the cat and add all types of fancy flares but me, I think the best burger is the one you were raised on. So let's fire up the grills and pop those bad boys on! 


1 Pound 80/20 Ground Chuck 

4 Slices of KRAFT American Cheese

1 Tablespoon Salt

1 Tablespoon Pepper

4 Brioche Buns

Mustard (of your choice)

Ketchup (of your choice)


1. Preheat grill to 400ยบ

2. Cook burgers for 2-3 minutes on each side, flipping once.

3. Apply Salt & Pepper

4. After flipping apply Cheese 

5. Place on Bun and apply favorite toppings!

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