Thursday, May 21, 2020

Shut the FUCK UP About Dak Prescott

When you see shit like this? Remember who's the one leaking it. This is all coming from the Dallas Cowboys front office, very obviously. Why, you may ask?

What does the Cowboys camp have to gain vs. What does Dak's camp have to gain?

Dallas Camp 

- Makes Dak out to be unreasonable, despite not leaking the guaranteed money...Hmm, say the least.

- When they eventually keep him on the franchise tag for this year, they can point to this and say "look at this deal, we tried our hardest!!!". 

- They leaked a "45M" number because it looks eye-popping, even though, compared to Russ Wilson's in 2023 it's only 6M more. Not that outrageous! 

Dak's Camp

- Ab-so-lute-ly posi-tive-ly NOTHING. Scroll Twitter today, his public perception right now...not great! 
Owners continuing to cry poor, a tradition as old as time itself. 

There's also another chance that Chris Simms is and always has been a complete fraud who's able to skate by like he has real sources because he's friends with one NFL coach...that might be more realistic honestly. 

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