Monday, May 18, 2020

The NFL Trying to Implement Facemasks Is Fucking Hilarious

Roger Goodell is just so fucking stupid, the fact this is reality and not an Onion article...speaks to just how dumb he truly is. 
Yes, in a game where players are constantly tackling and huddling up, the face-masks will definitely prevent the Rona. Do you think Adam Silver would EVER come out and say "Players will be required to wear N-95 masks while playing."...If you've ever experienced wearing an N-95 mask that shit is uncomfortable, itchy and makes it harder to breath. Not to mention, no one can hear shit you say while wearing one. Perfect for football players!
"For a player like that, getting the helmet off, putting a mask on right afterwards, maintaining social distancing when not in the field as much as possible, using single-use hydration, whether water, Gatorade, whatever it might be -- I mean, just every little detail,"
This shit ain't gonna work. Accept the risk for what it is and if players decide against playing, go from there. These are just gimmicks at the end of the day.

"Good thing we got these masks fellas, don't wanna catch the big Rona!"
The future Roger Goodell wants.

Trying to take steps to ensure the players are safer whilst playing is good and well but if they're impractical and laugh out loud satirical...not sure that's a great use of time, Rodg! 

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