Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why Does Kyle Kuzma Think Anyone Gives A Shit What He Says?

Fucking finally, I was desperately searching for my moral compass on the crucial topic of mental health. Before these tweets I was debating tweeting towards Kanye bluntly telling him to kill himself, but since these tweets I've gone to the local library, rented the Bible, and become an ordained minister through the internet. 

Thanks Kyle Kuzma, I'm glad I can always count on the NBA's equivalent to Kenneth Parcell to lead me to the light.

Who in the fuck is gonna change their minds on ANYTHING because Kyle Kuzma said so? Did those 22 points against the Grizzlies in mid November really mean that much to you? 

If anyone's favorite athlete is Kyle Kuzma, having them in turn looking to him as the token for societal normalcy, they're the ones with the undoubtably twisted mental health. 
Again, you will never change someone's mind. In specific, the slightly more melanated Brian Cardinal should have the self awareness to realize no one is restless whilst wondering what he has to say on a given topic. 

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