Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I Finally Agree Just Cancel All White People

Oh technicalities, pish posh. Don't let the mans ambiguous ethnicity get in the way of a hilarrrrious headline. Haha, don't you get it, cancel all white people? Because a white person did something ridiculous? What an original thought and comment! 

Okay, now to not be a sarcastic dickhead. Of course this guy is wearing a fucking Superman shirt. He definitely won that at a carnival and it undoubtedly gets worn in 3 day increments and hasn't been washed since the financial collapse. The fact he even has someone within his life which will spend multiple days in the woods with him is the surprise of the year. I hope this bear comes in the middle of the night, siphons his gas, steals all his food and this guy starves to death. He's a threat to society, this is where we need a vigilante ruler in control of every city. Batman, Dexter, Denzel Washington, Django-- just someone who can kill all these idiots before they start a church on fire. 

What in a logical brain drives you to even try this in the first place? This freak eats raw chicken and uses coconut oil as lotion. Only those in a big time depressive episode even go camping in the middle of the summer anyways, so we know he's not in his right mind to begin with. I just fucking hate this guy, like with an unreasonable amount of disdain. I want him dead and if I ever saw him out and about, I'd take a scooter to his shins and run away like Scooby Doo. I know none of this is sane thinking ever, that a 30 second viral online clip shouldn't make me this enraged but I can't control my own emotions-- what am I? A fucking woman? Men need to be certifiably deranged, it's our role in society. So I guess in a roundabout way, this guy is just playing his role. Does it make me hate him any less? I think you know that answer. 


The name Dakota is also just so fucking beta, take a note from Deputy Dak Prescott, shorten the name if you wanna be taken seriously. Dakota Prescott is playing in Michael Vick's Flag Football league right now, but he was a MAN and took control of his own future so he's instead in line for a 200 million dollar contract. Names are everything. If I was named something like Jeramias rather than being named after an all white 70's sitcom, perhaps I'd have done something productive to society rather than spending 10 hours a day blogging! 

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