Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Golf Match Happened Today, Did You Hear About It?

4 rather wily up and comers in the sports scene partook in a golf match today. Just seeing a ball fly back and forth on the television reinvigorated my soul, it reminded me of a simpler time...a time when we were allowed to leave the house without tactical gear strapped to our heads. The good old days...But as the broadcast wore on throughout, we got a glimpse into the personalities of these 4 wacky men and were treated to some slapknee worthy moments from the announcers.

"Tigers been kinda eatin' my butt" - Peyton Manning, of Buick Fame.

It used to be that talking about male-to-male oral sex wasn't allowed on television, but times, they are a changin'...Peyton opened the door and let the world in, in on he and Tiger's relationship...on a very personal level and for that I applaud his courage and bravery. 

Charles Barkley was there too, you may know him from his cameo appearance on the latest season of ABC's "The Bachelor". Chuck, as is urban folklore, enjoys gambling from time to time and wanted to put some money up for a good cause. Not once, not twice, but three times he wagered former Expo's catcher Tom Brady...the wager was as follows, if Brady can hit the green on a particular shot then Barkley would donate 50K to charity...Barkley was practically begging to give away money, just to feel something, even the dopamine hit of losing your yearly salary is worth it for him at this point. Brady simply wouldn't oblige, he refused to land that spherical white thing onto the green grass with a pole. You have to stop and ask yourself, is Brady Anti-Charity? Perhaps Pro-COVID?

Peruvian Drug Lord Russell Wilson stopped by and lost oodles of money whilst feeding the homeless. How much does 300K meals cost? It can't possibly be cheap. I hope the Yankees are payin' him well. 

Also, I don't know if you guys heard but Brady is now 0-1 without Belichick. It's my favorite hilarious little gag to spawn out of this match. Loads of chuckles. 

El-Oh-El Amirite folks?

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