Sunday, May 24, 2020

Did Pizza Begin As A Mussolini War Tactic?

As someone who believes in equality and rights for all (not to brag), I admit Mussolini was a terrible person...however Skip Bayless, the fact that Pizza was created during Mussolini's rise to prominence...leads me to believe he played a hand, and not with the most pure intentions. 

Being a ruthless evil killing machine seems like hard work and i'm sure any shortcut available would have been of great assistance. Luring in his competition with a delicious, tantalizing cuisine which is unique to his region would be the perfect bait. Baby Benito went to his mother as a wee toddler and this was the beginning of Mussolini's plot for world dominance...he told her "mother, I emplore you to commission the finest baker in all the land to create a dish so irresistible, so addicting, SO TANTALIZING that it will draw crowds from acrost the globe.". The pushover she was, she asked no further questions of her 5 year old sons' demands and happily obliged. The baker began to search for a savory delight in which no sane person could turn down.

As he grew older and realized the powers of what he had the Pizza, he felt remorse growing fatter and fatter, as the cheese coated his blubbery soft sides. He decided that he never wanted to be held responsible for the monstrosity he had created... he decided he would allow the baker to be credited for his works in history books.

The Pizza Maker in Italy was delighted and wanted his creation to expand into regions beyond just Italy. He decided to send the recipe to his Grandfather in the states by the name of John Schnatter and thus began the prominence of Pizza in the United States...and soon worldwide. It has taken the globe by storm and hooked many, on its addictive qualities designed by the ruthless dictator himself. 

So the next time you're at a bar with friends or a football game and someone asks why pizza is so damn good? You tell them it was Mussolini and his damned mother. 

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