Saturday, July 18, 2020

If Gio Urshela Is Done For The Season, It's Time For The Yankees To Delve Into Witchcraft To Break this Injury Curse

It was just going far too well, much too harmoniously for the powers that be. They needed to make sure we as communal Yankee fan remembered that there's no chance injuries won't be fucking us reverse cowgirl throughout the sixty game scamper. 

Aaron Judge was actually able to participate at the jump of camp and his neck stiffness was actually just the knot in your neck you might receive after a night of snooze whilst camping. Miguel Andújar looks better in left field than he ever did at the corner allowing the chance that he may get some playing time. Wow, imagine that, things going good without crippling large gashes or traumas. 

At this point, Gio definitely has a torn achilles, i've prepared myself for the worst because i've become a callous grudge filled man. Gio's cosmic grin will be the only thing that can cure this hurt in my heart. His smile could cure chronic diseases and end world hunger, this year will feel partially empty without him. 

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