Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Do I Find MLB Player Jameis' Workout Routine?

The internet is jumping all over Jameis for this unique workout. Saying things like "why?" "this makes no sense" "it's no wonder his career has failed so tragically" defense of Jameis, the MLB will be back before the NFL and as a 2014 Baseball America Preseason All-American he's obviously just keeping all of his options open.

In the 2020 NFL Season, Jameis will only be making a meager $1M...ask Sofia Franklyn, that's dirt poor. Did you see the contract Gerrit Cole got? Could Jameis be trying to come back to the MLB as the latest two way phenom? He's a young 26, he could still have time for one big contract, it'd explain the video...crazier things have happened, don't say I wasn't first. 

He could also simply just be testing the MLB's safety protocols with a new style of helmet. Manfred, the genius he is, couldn't have any old person testing this, no that'd just be crazy talk. He needed someone with PR worse than his to do his dirty work. Fredo you sly dog you!  

I still am in disbelief they made some poor woman write 70 pages of safety protocols for no reason whatsoever. 

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