Friday, May 15, 2020

A Good 'Ol Top 5 WR's Ever (hint: Jerry Rice Was Not Involved)

A Classic Top 5 To Start Off The Weekend. 

AHHHHHHHH shit here we go. It's the age old'll lose you limbs in some towns and gain you a free drink or two in others. Here. We. Go.

#5- Julio Jones

Just a brriiiieeeeef fyi, if you're over the age of 40 and are unable to accept change.....just exit out of this. If Julio isn't in your top 8-10, you're simply just wrong. Moving on.....If Julio had a higher TD% he might be in my top 3, for now he's at 5 and i'm sure he's just devastated. 

Believe what you want about PFF, but as someone with no NFL team I find them very reliable and accurate on most things. With that being said, to essentially have the best career of any reciever they've ever graded...pretty telling, Jim! 

Outside of a lil ol' fella they called Mr. Moss (no one called him that but alas), what other receiver at his height and weight can or could do this? An answer to that question may be answered later, maybe not though. Who knows?

So answer me this pal, how the fuck is this possible? 

This is the best catch in Super Bowl history, i've said it before and I will continue until I am proven incorrect. Tyree was incredible, Edelman's was nuts, Santonio Holmes has an argument....Julio just had a better catch...Game, set, match.

#4- Antonio Brown

One of my biggest worries with how the past year has gone for Antonio Brown, is people will forget how good a receiver he was. He doesn't have that one play which immediately pops when you hear his name and he doesn't have the physically imposing stature that reminds you of his dominance a la the others on this list. His route running, hands, consistency and durability and pure dominance were top tier and shouldn't be lost to time. 

#3- Calvin Johnson

Can I just take a minute to say, FUUUUUCKK, the Detroit Lions for wasting this guys career. In 10-20, years no kid is gonna know about just how unreal Megatron was, because he wasted away under incompetence from the top down. To put it simply there was nothing Calvin couldn't do, the fact he retired early ain't none of my business. You would of done the exact same thing, don't lie.

If you haven't already, plan your evening around this video and the rabbit hole it takes you down. Order a pizza, get a cigar, light a blunt...whichever you choose to partake in and enjoy your night. No chance you regret it, and if you do...well, thats your fault and your fault only.

#2- Terrell Owens

The way the media portrays T.O is the way it should portray Sir. Stickum, is quite simply a crime. You'd never guess he retired top 2 in Receiving Yards and Receiving Touchdowns. He was Antonio Brown before Antonio Brown but with worse QB play, and oh yeah, he was 6'3 230. 

You can love 'em or hate 'em, doesn't affect me. Fact is he belongs on this list. 

Oh yeah, and the fact that he wasn't a first ballot Hall of Famer, is a crime and there needs to be a serious investigation into the decrepit old men who do the voting.

#1- Randy Moss

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha if you expected an explanation on this one you're sorely mistaken. I got 4 letters for ya...G-O-A-T. 'Nuff Said.

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